I have now looked up the Government's web page about the act. It's not clear how far reaching it will be. The information on the .Gov page seems firmly aimed at social media sites, but the title of the act does include the word "Online" which could include anything on the www.
Whilst this thread seems to have focused on the scam side of things, the act has a much wider target, arguably the safety of vulnerable people.
In response to some other comments in this thread, I agree with the notion that individuals should take care to avoid being taken in by scams and other criminal activities and education from an early age can help, but there are vulnerable people who are less able to spot and avoid some of the very cleverly designed scams.
What the act is doing is to make the companies that make platforms available on the internet to take responsibility for what is actually on their platform. This should encourage a more thorough vetting process to prevent unsafe or illegal material from being made available.