The Panic has started,

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Oct 17, 2010
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Left St Agnes Head at 7.00 am today. The main Esso services on the A30 was open. No queues just one waiting for pumps. All grades available.
Over Nearly 250 miles on A30/M5&M4/ A419. No queues, no closures other than Michaelwood services that had no petrol only diesel.
Hopefully the BBC and Daily Mail Fake news has been recognised as total scare mongering. There should be a Law to stop this ridiculous behaviour!
Hope you all bought your Bog Rolls😜😜
As I said in earlier post, they should be made to account for thire stile of reporting , at least, and the misleading language they use.
Good journey home, then.
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Jul 18, 2017
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Apparently according to Haulier Association there is a lack of people holding appropriate HGV driving licences. Strangely in South Africa there are many qualified HGV drivers who are looking for work and are desperate. I have passed this info onto a friend who operates her own recruitment business in South Africa as it may be a new business opportunity for her. Currently she only deals with finding medical staff in SA for the NHS.
Jan 3, 2012
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Reality check!
Left St Agnes Head at 7.00 am today. The main Esso services on the A30 was open. No queues just one waiting for pumps. All grades available.
Over Nearly 250 miles on A30/M5&M4/ A419. No queues, no closures other than Michaelwood services that had no petrol only diesel.
Hopefully the BBC and Daily Mail Fake news has been recognised as total scare mongering. There should be a Law to stop this ridiculous behaviour!
Hope you all bought your Bog Rolls😜😜
DD i am pleased you had a safe journey home well done :)
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Jan 31, 2018
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I think given the experiences we've had over lockdown etc with loo rolls etc the shops and supermarkets and now petrol stations could be much more canny-not beyond the realms to limit people-and the pics I've seen of cans being filled ad infinitum go against everything on petrol station rules and must be stopped. Surely retailers-as soon as they see the rumour-thanks esp to BBC and the press in general-they should introduced rationing instantly? Might help.
Jul 19, 2021
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My wife needed to top up this morning on her way to work. Massive queues at Tesco, Esso had no fuel , Asda had petrol but £30 limit per customer, of course that doesn't stop you from just driving around again to fill the other half of the tank
Nov 11, 2009
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My wife needed to top up this morning on her way to work. Massive queues at Tesco, Esso had no fuel , Asda had petrol but £30 limit per customer, of course that doesn't stop you from just driving around again to fill the other half of the tank
They could do that but once people see that fuel is available their sense of anxiety reduces and they are more likely to leave it a bit longer before they visit again. The ones who do find it difficult are those who do have to use more fuel for their jobs.
I remember in the early 2000s with the picketing if refineries I had to leave my car in Derby and caught the train back to Bath. I wasn’t going to risk being caught out with an empty tank.

Sam Vimes

Sep 7, 2020
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I'm intrigue to know why this is happening now. Brexit started a long while back and Covid also, both of which supposedly meant many overseas workers went home. But travel restrictions eased some months back so demands on fuel increased then, so why is it only now we see problems?

Is this because most politicians are more interested in vanity projects than looking at the here and now demands of every day life?
Oct 17, 2010
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I'm intrigue to know why this is happening now. Brexit started a long while back and Covid also, both of which supposedly meant many overseas workers went home. But travel restrictions eased some months back so demands on fuel increased then, so why is it only now we see problems?

Is this because most politicians are more interested in vanity projects than looking at the here and now demands of every day life?
Look to the BBC /ITV and thire stile of reporting. We didn't suddenly run low on HG drivers last weekend, it's been a problem for some time. Until they started reporting that stations were running short of fuel and they were closing, using sensational reporting when it wasn't necessary .
Why are politicians being expected to supply drivers for private companies, it is they who should have been training drivers for thire needs, also look to them.
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Nov 11, 2009
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I'm intrigue to know why this is happening now. Brexit started a long while back and Covid also, both of which supposedly meant many overseas workers went home. But travel restrictions eased some months back so demands on fuel increased then, so why is it only now we see problems?

Is this because most politicians are more interested in vanity projects than looking at the here and now demands of every day life?
There really wasn’t a problem with fuel availability only a very small insignificant number of petrol stations were affected. It was when it hit the news. Firstly the PRA spokesperson saying keep your tanks at 25% which went out on the late evening news programmes, followed by next days papers and news.

But as far as HGV are concerned it has been a developing problem as drivers aged and retired and haven’t been replaced by younger ones. But the fact we have at least one million job vacancies and 1.3 million have left the country due to Brexit and the pandemic shows the depth of the problem overall not just in HGV drivers. Many sectors of the economy are affected and range from high skill, to lower skilled jobs.


May 23, 2021
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The drivers of Fuel Tankers are not simply HGV drivers. They are HGV drivers who have had much more training and are a quite special group. There is always a waiting list of HGV drivers who would love the job because it is well paid, and rarely involves overnight stops, or long trips away from home. Their working conditions are good. I would not expect many are foreigners, and doubt whether Brexit has any bearing on the situation at all. As far as I know, there is no shortage of tanker drivers.
Jan 3, 2012
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My wife needed to top up this morning on her way to work. Massive queues at Tesco, Esso had no fuel , Asda had petrol but £30 limit per customer, of course that doesn't stop you from just driving around again to fill the other half of the tank
i hope your wife manage to top up her car with fuel well done
Nov 11, 2009
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The drivers of Fuel Tankers are not simply HGV drivers. They are HGV drivers who have had much more training and are a quite special group. There is always a waiting list of HGV drivers who would love the job because it is well paid, and rarely involves overnight stops, or long trips away from home. Their working conditions are good. I would not expect many are foreigners, and doubt whether Brexit has any bearing on the situation at all. As far as I know, there is no shortage of tanker drivers.
Your right the problem only affected a minuscule number of service stations. It was all hype on the back of the general shortage of HGV drivers.
No one took any notice a while back when Taunton Deane motorway services had no fuel. Hardly merited a couple of inches of newsprint.
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Jun 20, 2005
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Thanks to the RHA , BBC and D Mail we are in this totally unnecessary mess.
The good news is panic buyers have now filled their tanks, probably for the 3rd or 4 th time this year. They won’t use their cars for fear of burning up their hard one juice🤬 I predict normal service will be resumed by this time next week🤞🤞🤞🤞
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Nov 11, 2009
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Thanks to the RHA , BBC and D Mail we are in this totally unnecessary mess.
The good news is panic buyers have now filled their tanks, probably for the 3rd or 4 th time this year. They won’t use their cars for fear of burning up their hard one juice🤬 I predict normal service will be resumed by this time next week🤞🤞🤞🤞
On Friday 24 th all mainstream papers and regional ones too were reporting the problem so it’s not just a limited selection. It was news and it sells papers and adverts on websites.
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Jan 3, 2012
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I suspect so, as bad news travels very quickly in this connected age; I am just banking on there soon being no more car fuel tanks left to fill, other than our two.

Just back from a day out and every fuel station (passed 5) was closed, coned or barriered off, and car fuel now getting horribly low; only saving grace did 64.5 to the gallon so eking out what little we have. Driving at about 45 mph on the rural roads though must have caused a few misunderstanding comments.
i hope you can top up your car asap :)
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Mar 27, 2011
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I’ve no good thoughts on news output whether online, paper radio or whatever, if the tv stations or anyone had not reported it then they would get slaughtered for not reporting things as they are, it’s not made up stories regarding lots of places running out before the media reported it, the forecourts in certain places ran out so it was fact not fiction, it’s the idiots in our lemming society we live in that causes everyone to react the way they do, there will be idiots who would normally have a 1/4 of a tank and never more who now will have a full tank that will last them to christmas, as soon as fuel started to get short all stations could have limited every customer to a sensible amount and there wouldn’t be the problem we have now
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Jun 20, 2005
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On Friday 24 th all mainstream papers and regional ones too were reporting the problem so it’s not just a limited selection. It was news and it sells papers and adverts on websites.
Yes, but that was Friday. Check out DM headlines for Thursday! They and BBC really set the Hares racing and then the rest of the Lemmings followed in to take their turn at putting the boot in!
That aside you can see if the panic doesn’t subside , which I think it will, we Amy we’ll be forced into another Lockdown , but for different reasons 😥😥😥
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May 23, 2021
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I normally fill our tank to the brim, and don't refill it until we are down to 100 miles or so showing on the lye-ometer. The exception is when we are caravanning, I always start the longer journeys with a full tank. To be told that you can only have 10L or £10 worth is a pain in the.
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