- Jan 13, 2006
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p.s. please tell me you took those pics at Old Kerrow Farm, St. Austell cos I'm going there in just over a weeks time :O)No offence taken cris and in my opinion it's a good thing we have different views. It would be a boring site if we were all yes men and agreed with everything each said, like some forums. Who wants to post about sink drainers, door catches, steadies etc. 100% of the time - yawwnnnnnnnnnn.
p.s. I'm still waiting for the names of the sites where you can see this tittilation ;OP
I take offence at your remark Clive, ok, I might not be young, but I was one of the models :O(Hi cris
Whilst we agree on a lot of things cris - we will have to agree to differ on the picture thing if the one above is anything to go by.
I am certainly no prude and whilst there are two crosses masking the indicators of how cold it was that day, I do not think this picture appropriate for a caravan forum.
It is the sort of thing that gets sent round as an email attachment joke or whatever and that is ok.
But I have just cancelled my subscription to Land Rover World magazine because they have for some reason sudenly started placing female models that I have to say are the wrong side of young, showing suspenders/knickers etc., in the shots of Land Rover vehicles.
I find this odd in the extreme for some reason and have swapped my subscription to Land Rover monthly.
After all if I am going to be an "Anorak" I want to be one for the right reasons.
.....but what you cant seem to understand cris is by posting those pics on here its causing some of us to oggul n drewlllll. i cnt elhp it if iot as an ffaetc un mi.Emmo, nothing voyeuristic about what I've posted.
I have no desire to run around naked, what is on show for all to see in the news stand at my local BP station and what happens to be on show on camp sites and beaches is not there by my choice.
Nor is it to be "Ogled" or "Drooled" over, it is a fact of life and reality and I go about whatever my agenda is whatever I see!
A few times I have had to work around naked or near naked people, job to to Pal.
Seen "one" you've seen em all so to speak! ;-)
Nothing to worry about ;-( Or get all political about!
As ever the mod's job is to decide what is appropriate to a forum like ours, and what crosses the line of propriety.Have to say Clive that I should come clean, some of the photo's placed were far from what I would call tasteful.
The photo, I lodged before I censored it was done for a reason and a little experiment.
I realise that the Mods volunteer their services, but I do think they need to question their actions re what is acceptable on this site and how what we post may offend or scare away others!
Where the photo's are available is family used web sites! But the mod was quick to remove the healthy looking normal young ladies before those of the Obese and Physically Challenged it appeared!
... me the Mod?? lolol I have a job moderating myself without others cris.Now it seems that LordB may be claiming to be the Mod ;-)
Well that explains a lot
And Brian says it's all his fault, very good of you Brian ;-0
So all we need now is a debate on who is bickering and snipeing, I reckon it's Mod1 ;-0 ;-0 ;-0![]()