Thought Police / Mod Madness

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Jan 19, 2008
Can I just say to Colin and Clive ... if pics are allowed there is nobody forcing either of you to post your personal pic so in truth theres no need for you to worry. I've posted my pic, so if anyone out in cyberspace wants to put a monkey's head on it and improve it let them go ahead, thats my worry and nobody elses but thank you for your concern anyway heheheh!.
Jan 19, 2008
Is there a caravan park close to the marina where those two attractive blonde ladies pictures were taken?

Just jesting lets all lighten up, step back from the brink and start again. Keep it sensible and keep the pictures caravan based. Can it really cause a problem if we are responsible.
Totally agree Brian - 100%
Jul 12, 2005
Can I just say to Colin and Clive ... if pics are allowed there is nobody forcing either of you to post your personal pic so in truth theres no need for you to worry. I've posted my pic, so if anyone out in cyberspace wants to put a monkey's head on it and improve it let them go ahead, thats my worry and nobody elses but thank you for your concern anyway heheheh!.
Where was that image again?? :)
Dec 16, 2003
Is there a caravan park close to the marina where those two attractive blonde ladies pictures were taken?

Just jesting lets all lighten up, step back from the brink and start again. Keep it sensible and keep the pictures caravan based. Can it really cause a problem if we are responsible.
The photo was taken in Monaco during the Grand Prix !
Mar 14, 2005
Ok - so I may be a tad sensitive having been on the recieving end of a vicious and vindictive campain by Kanga, Daventurer and Stinky Pete (now all banned but able to "drop in" whenever they want) to lable me a paedophile due to my telling a joke on chit chat but in reality really upsetting them by making them look stupid in the "Great 4x4 Debate".

I have no problem with pictures of caravans, towcars etc. But if I want to see tats I will buy the Sun or Mirror. Papers that I consider to be comics rather than NEWSpapers. However, I do feel that the lack of security on this site plus the recent history of Kanga, Stinky Pete and the other "extremists" is such that I would hate to give them anything else to use as a stick to beat us.

I do not want to see such tat(s) in my reading material for my hobby, be it Land Rover or caravan based.

Sorry cris but in my view anyone who brings along such a picture as was posted above to "the party" is a bit like the lad at school who thinks it funny or bib to have a copy of Parade or Playboy in his satchel.

It's ok at the time - even a normal part of growing up - with the emphasis on growing up.

But like Lutz and Colin - just do not see the need for it here and fear for how some may use the facility.
Mar 14, 2005
ummmmm ... I mean my Spades partner Maureen, its a card game where you have a partner and play against others, either in friendlies or competitions. heheheheh! :OP
Lord B.

Iconfused you the other day,and now you are trying to confuse me!!! :)
Dec 16, 2003
Clive your views are of course fine.

But what I posted was just a reasonble healthy natural form, in response to some worrying pictures of deformed and obese forms!

Nothing childish, but as soon as some young women appeared it seems people were up in arms.

I commented on one photo and then sat back and reflected on what it was I had seen.

I regret my comment and pthen osted the young ladies, and I sure hit the mark it seems.

People here can poke fun at those less fortunate than them selves but when something natural and healthy and titilating to some appears. Seems like we have a bunch of saints on board that forgat what else was posted.

I expected the photo's I posted to be removed but was not ammused by the way the Mod acted again, but was pleased to see that the other photo's were removed.

No doubt in future we should all warn people that they may see naked or semi naked forms when camping, I have reccomended sites in France on here recently yet I'm now worried that some may be upset as they are likely to see even more of naked bodies than posted here.

People may also see people with dissability or deformity at some of the sites as I and my family have done. I'm not sure how my fellow members here will react after todays reaction, will they laugh, ignore, turn away or pretend these people are not there and only speak to a carer.

It's a strange old life ;-0

No doubt all at the Easter meet will be in Burqa's and I hope the camp shop sells no tabloids for the kiddies to see and God forbid there is a pool, warm weather and Bikini clad women :-(

;-0 cris :)


Mar 14, 2005

I wonder if comment is based on what many feel to be un achieveable physical fitness and beauty if your mind works that way compared to viewing those that are less fortunate than the majority with their looks or physical bulk.


B******* cris.

Mar 14, 2005
I hate this time of year - we are so busy at the end of the tax year that i cannot do the important stuff like check out the Forums!

So I missed the pictures!

And therefore make no comment on suitability, but I am a bit miffed that SWMBO apparently forwarded my picture.

Seriously tho', I do like the idea of pictures as seen on other websites but do get annoyed at some being bigger in size (I am talking about the picture size guys!!!) than the comment posted. Whilst some are amusing, a whacking great cartoon or picture that appears every time someone posts even a short reply does rather get on my tats.

This has the effect of having to trawl down through lots of pictures/space to pick up the jist of what is being said.

Have to say I prefer the simpler nature of this Forum where jokes, techy stuff, and general info can be exchanged almost with the simplicity and efficiency of an email.

So what about a Topic for pictures only? If someone had a stunning view/picture from a site it could be posted there and "advertised" on the site topic or whatever.

This would be a usefull addition to the Forum as well as making it easier for the moddy's to police.

After all a picture of me in my birthday suit may be "Art" but it sure isn't pretty.
I asked for a separate forum along the lines of a gallery Clive.

But that baddass L.B shot me down in flames, saying that I was an idiot just for suggesting such a heinous idea. He really went to town on me and I was quite shocked from it. I think he's a ring leader of some sort, out to conquer the forum for his own ev..........

Oh Hi Lord B, didn't see you standing there, so quietly.....with a large knife.......and a's things going? I was just saying to Clive how we all love your pranks..........

So, how long have you been standing there?
Mar 14, 2005
Cris - You have recently stated in your last posting that you expected the photos you posted to be removed - the question then is why did you post them? was it to annoy or lack of coordination between brain and computer. I cannot see for the life of me why bother to post something on any forum if one expects it to be removed, what is there to gain apart to annoy?

As far as seeing semi or naked people it is a free world and if the individual wishes to go down this route so be it. I have been with my family on Studland beach in Dorset and although not nude ourselves we did see, with no offence to us, naked people. We choose to visit the area and we knew what could be seen. However as stated by Lutz this is a caravan forum and subjects related to caravanning - if you wish to mix naturism and caravanning there are many naturist caravan sites. I am not interested in seeing this type of thing on a forum of this type. There are many sites on the internet where full pornography is available if I so wished.

I am not a prude by any means and have entered into many a banter with Lord B. etc and as far as not understanding the full implications regarding the postings of photos on a site such as this I am of the opinion that as a College Lecturer and a professional in the construction industry I have been involved in and taught both contract and civil law at various stages of society and have a pretty good idea of what is right and wrong.
Mar 14, 2005
Like I said earlier cris - I never saw the original pictures. So cannot comment on them. But did think the last picture as innopropriate to this forum as the pictures that appeared in Land Rover World were to a Land Rover entusiast.

Now if this forum was "Practical Breast Enargment" then ok - a) I would not be looking at it (I have two at home on SWMBO that are quite a handful as it is) and b) such a picture them would be a good advertisment as a "before and after".

When I am on a beach, when I am on a caravan sight, you see all sorts, and again as I said earlier - to most I accept I am not a pretty sight in my trunks!

But on holiday that is OK - we all abide by the "when in Rome" concept.

When I am at my Laptop, at work or at home - I am not on holiday so the "when in Rome" concept does not apply in my opinion, because if it did, just because someone somewhere is doing something (that may or may not be tasteful or acceptable) does not mean that pictures of said deed should be published on a caravan forum.

I am all for freedom and you and I agree on most things cris but not this time my friend - No hard feelings!
Dec 16, 2003

I wonder if comment is based on what many feel to be un achieveable physical fitness and beauty if your mind works that way compared to viewing those that are less fortunate than the majority with their looks or physical bulk.


B******* cris.

Awe cumon Lisa.

We all know that the photo I posted was of what many would term "glamour" photo.

If it had been of Ms's Average Everyday so to speak, would there have been all the fuss! If you think not, your kidding yourself.

You jumped in with Comment on "topless ladies" no comment on the physically challenged or deformed shots that were posted or of the distorted picture Brian (St Albans) still has on view in snapshots!

What image is being put to visitors to the site or the children all are so concerned about.

As a matter of FACT my idea of beauty and what some would think it to be probably differs by miles.

Before levelling the B******* insults, apply a little lateral thought and reflection.

:) cris :)
May 4, 2005
Cris as I said I did not see the deleted pics and it would appear that what I assumed to be their content was wrong so for that I apologise.

I do however think that if you have a grievance with how this site is Moderated there are better ways of dealing with it than posting more of the same material.

I had a pic deleted which to me was not offensive but was happy to abide by the Mods decision to take it off.

Your problem seems to be with the Moderator so I would ask you to sort it out via email with him rather than though the Forum.

Mar 14, 2005
Physical deformities and beauty are things that generally have to be accepted whether we are born with them or attain them in life by accident or otherwise. Why should this forum go down the route of portraying such images which are either there to "titilate" or embaress a person. We accept these features whether the person is a Dolly Parson look-a-like or the Hunchback of Notre Dame look-a-like. The average person would probably gloat at the female but express sorrow for the male as quoted above. Why introduce this feature to a totally unrelated forum?


Mar 14, 2005

I wonder if comment is based on what many feel to be un achieveable physical fitness and beauty if your mind works that way compared to viewing those that are less fortunate than the majority with their looks or physical bulk.


B******* cris.


There is no place on this forum for pictures of topless women nor pictures of men without anything covering their nether regions, no matter what age they are.

I didnt see any photos of 'the physically challenged or deformed' - so I cannot comment on those pictures. I think you might mean disabled people perhaps? I don't know.

Mar 14, 2005
Loads of loose change in my pocket, so here's my pennies worth.

I think pictures would be an asset to the forum. A picture paints a thousand words, as they say. However, such a privilege is open to abuse, as we have seen. I would also like everyone to re-read the forum etiquette and please explain to me why these rules haven't been breached.

Some people cannot recognise a good thing when the see it, we have here a forum that is moderated particularly well and quite fairly. We now know the boundaries so let's stick to them.

While were at it, stop badgering the moderator for doing his/her job, we are lucky to have someone so laid back as it is.
Dec 16, 2003

So it was WRONG for me to make MY POST but acceptable to post photo's of naked obese and disfigured men and for the sad picture in "snapshots" posted by Brian (StA) to remain to be viewed by all in sundrie and children!

Colin you make comment, but seem to ignore the upsetting effect and misunderstanding Brians picture could still cause.

I would still question your comments re the law even with your profession. Civil and Contract law re your field probably has little to do with what we are dealing with here!

A little pro knowlege from someone in your position can be very dangerous and misleading as my daughter studying law had the misfortune to find out!

The law is very complicated as you know, I would be concerned at someone who teaches it commenting rather than someone who practices law!

Clive managed to throw in the "childish" put down but then admits to not being aware of all that was posted !

The mods opperate on a public forum Brian (St A) and I believe they should answer in public not make conflicting comment in emails after they decide to act!

I have no "greivance" with the Mod but feel they need to alter there approach and how they handle editing posts!
Dec 16, 2003
Colin. You have again missed the point it seems. Until I posted X, the other pictures seemed acceptable!

Our mod who pops up when Kanga strikes. As I predicted, my post seemed to set the fire going.

The mod has the time to email me, and make comment of a nature which I did not appreciate but the posts just go poof and are gone with no comment or guidance once again!

All the photo's posted were supposedly removed on a "taste" basis and what might "offend" some visitors.

I expected a little guidance to all,not the one sided puritanical type attacks I've received whilst other actions have gone ignored and seemed acceptable until my actions.
May 4, 2005

So it was WRONG for me to make MY POST but acceptable to post photo's of naked obese and disfigured men and for the sad picture in "snapshots" posted by Brian (StA) to remain to be viewed by all in sundrie and children!

Colin you make comment, but seem to ignore the upsetting effect and misunderstanding Brians picture could still cause.

I would still question your comments re the law even with your profession. Civil and Contract law re your field probably has little to do with what we are dealing with here!

A little pro knowlege from someone in your position can be very dangerous and misleading as my daughter studying law had the misfortune to find out!

The law is very complicated as you know, I would be concerned at someone who teaches it commenting rather than someone who practices law!

Clive managed to throw in the "childish" put down but then admits to not being aware of all that was posted !

The mods opperate on a public forum Brian (St A) and I believe they should answer in public not make conflicting comment in emails after they decide to act!

I have no "greivance" with the Mod but feel they need to alter there approach and how they handle editing posts!
The picture is computer generated and not of a real person. If you look at it you will see that I have already asked the Mod to delete as it is offending one person on this forum .Now Cris I have had enough of you personal crusade against anything and everything and hope nothing else that I post offends you.

Mar 14, 2005
The picture is computer generated and not of a real person. If you look at it you will see that I have already asked the Mod to delete as it is offending one person on this forum .Now Cris I have had enough of you personal crusade against anything and everything and hope nothing else that I post offends you.

Computer generated? Man, I was sweating for a while, thought someone had got hold of the family album. I had more hair back then.

Jan 19, 2008
cris you keep harping on about Brian and the deformed image he posted, it wasn't deformed but Brian put his hand up and said he was wrong and it was out of place in this forum. More than once he has apologised about it. Isn't it time you put your hand up mate and admitted you were wrong. Do it just this once so we can put this to bed once and for all. You're like a puppy with a slipper, you wont let go mate heheheh! You dont have to apologise, just say "ok I was wrong" without any but's or if's ;O)
Mar 14, 2005
I have previously responded that I object to all photos on this forum whether they are decent or offensive - either pornographic or disfiguring. I have nothing against any individual regarding their views on this matter. Regarding my understanding of the law I am of the opinion that I am knowledgable enough to know what is right and what is wrong. I do not profess to have a full understanding of the law as there are so many avenues in law and it is impossible to have a thorough knowledge of all aspects. Law can be a minefield and it is for this reason many in the legal profession specialise and not cover all aspects of the profession. I admire your daughter as she must be a very determined person to succeed in this profession and be able to keep up to date with new rulings and interpretations as well as previous case studies over many years which have created a presidence. Good luck to her I hope she succeeds and qualifies.
Mar 14, 2005
cris you keep harping on about Brian and the deformed image he posted, it wasn't deformed but Brian put his hand up and said he was wrong and it was out of place in this forum. More than once he has apologised about it. Isn't it time you put your hand up mate and admitted you were wrong. Do it just this once so we can put this to bed once and for all. You're like a puppy with a slipper, you wont let go mate heheheh! You dont have to apologise, just say "ok I was wrong" without any but's or if's ;O)
L B; you have email...


Mar 14, 2005
Computer generated? Man, I was sweating for a while, thought someone had got hold of the family album. I had more hair back then.

I thought it was my husbands mother.

Mar 14, 2005
Loads of loose change in my pocket, so here's my pennies worth.

I think pictures would be an asset to the forum. A picture paints a thousand words, as they say. However, such a privilege is open to abuse, as we have seen. I would also like everyone to re-read the forum etiquette and please explain to me why these rules haven't been breached.

Some people cannot recognise a good thing when the see it, we have here a forum that is moderated particularly well and quite fairly. We now know the boundaries so let's stick to them.

While were at it, stop badgering the moderator for doing his/her job, we are lucky to have someone so laid back as it is.
Hi Lol, Thank Goodness for some sanity amongst all the hysteria that has been posted here so far!!!!

I just wish I had written your piece before you did, it sums up exactly how I feel about the issue.

Regards Gooner.


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