The issue is surely how appropriate the pictures are? As I psoted earlier - a picture of a site, a view, your dog, your caravan - no problem.
But I do not like the Forums that allow a large picture to be used as a sign off on peoples names - I have seen some where a one line comment is followed be the equivelent of several paragraphs of script. This just makes reading the thread more problamatic than it needs be.
I have always valued the simple style of the PCV Forum.
As regards the type of pictures are were seriously saying as has been suggested that some people go arround looking to be offended?
What a crass suggestion!
If I buy the Sun, the Mirror or one of the other neanderthal comics - I EXPECT to see tat.
But forgive me PLEASE!!! - if I buy or log onto a Caravan Forum and expect to see caravans.
Looking to be offended ? - No
Expect certain standards ? - Yes indeed!