Thought Police / Mod Madness

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Dec 16, 2003
Lord B.

I think you have got the images I have referred to mixed up, it is difficult as all removed now.

Other image that still remained a short while ago (stil there I think} could offend,confuse or upset some according to the reasons to remove!

And Lord B I am ALWAYS WRONG, that is why I work for myself. It is only me that blames me ;-)

Sorry !

Of course I'm SORRY.

But not as sorry as some should be on here ;-0

;-0 cris :)
Jan 19, 2008
Lord B.

I think you have got the images I have referred to mixed up, it is difficult as all removed now.

Other image that still remained a short while ago (stil there I think} could offend,confuse or upset some according to the reasons to remove!

And Lord B I am ALWAYS WRONG, that is why I work for myself. It is only me that blames me ;-)

Sorry !

Of course I'm SORRY.

But not as sorry as some should be on here ;-0

;-0 cris :)
oh - I thought you was referring to the Lord B lookalike sat at a 'puter. :O)
Mar 14, 2005
Loads of loose change in my pocket, so here's my pennies worth.

I think pictures would be an asset to the forum. A picture paints a thousand words, as they say. However, such a privilege is open to abuse, as we have seen. I would also like everyone to re-read the forum etiquette and please explain to me why these rules haven't been breached.

Some people cannot recognise a good thing when the see it, we have here a forum that is moderated particularly well and quite fairly. We now know the boundaries so let's stick to them.

While were at it, stop badgering the moderator for doing his/her job, we are lucky to have someone so laid back as it is.
Agreed! Once again Lol is the voice of balance and reason.

Well done that man!
Mar 14, 2005
cris - as for my "throwing in the childish bit and then admitting that I had not seen the pictures - I was (clearly I thought) refering specifically to the picture that is still on the thread - albeit blanked out a fair bit.

I do think posting a picture of semi naked people on a caravan forum a bit childish.

Sorry! - but I do.
Aug 28, 2005
Clearly I missed something - in fact a couple of things

Actually NO. I haven't missed a couple of things because I don't on a caravan site to look at the fairer sex. To me this post which like Clive I missed, is too much for a section of Chit Chat.

Inappropriate is putting it politely

Monkeys Husband
Mar 14, 2005
Hi Monkey's husband - personaly I think the whole posting is inappropriate for the caravan forum as it has already been abused - think what K***a and co. could now do with it. A;; photos should be deleted and no further photos accepted.
Mar 14, 2005
Hi Monkey's husband - personaly I think the whole posting is inappropriate for the caravan forum as it has already been abused - think what K***a and co. could now do with it. A;; photos should be deleted and no further photos accepted.
should have read "All photos ..."
Mar 14, 2005
Loads of loose change in my pocket, so here's my pennies worth.

I think pictures would be an asset to the forum. A picture paints a thousand words, as they say. However, such a privilege is open to abuse, as we have seen. I would also like everyone to re-read the forum etiquette and please explain to me why these rules haven't been breached.

Some people cannot recognise a good thing when the see it, we have here a forum that is moderated particularly well and quite fairly. We now know the boundaries so let's stick to them.

While were at it, stop badgering the moderator for doing his/her job, we are lucky to have someone so laid back as it is.
Always was good at stating the obvious!

It's the rest I'm crap at!
Nov 1, 2005
The problem is there is always someone who will take offence to almost anything. People need to realize sometimes someone causes you offence, similarly sometimes you cause someone else offence. You can't live your life by it.
Jan 19, 2008
Colin, that is why we have moderators, to moderate. If we all lived in fear of doing anything incase as you put it, the likes of Kanga showed up, what a sad world we would live in. The web would be just text, but then again the politically correct amongst us would like that, it would make their job a lot easier. If the BBC showed a blasphemous or pornographic image during childrens viewing time should the BBC be closed down? I find it sad that you persist in trying to drum up support to get pics banned even after you posted before knowing your facts and you were shown that you were wrong in your assumptions.
Jul 12, 2005
following the points outlined by LOL, Gooner, Lisa and many others I have re-enabled the form that gives the code for posting pictures. Please note that all access to this sever is logged just in case there is an issue later.
As for pictures being abused, I do not believe Kanga ever left so we have to live with it just like we do with posts.

I will now leave it up to the Mod to decide what happens, if I get a mail asking for it to be disabled from the mod then I will do so. Also please remember that people can add images without this tool, so what is posted is nothing to do with me unless I post it

Mar 14, 2005
following the points outlined by LOL, Gooner, Lisa and many others I have re-enabled the form that gives the code for posting pictures. Please note that all access to this sever is logged just in case there is an issue later.
As for pictures being abused, I do not believe Kanga ever left so we have to live with it just like we do with posts.

I will now leave it up to the Mod to decide what happens, if I get a mail asking for it to be disabled from the mod then I will do so. Also please remember that people can add images without this tool, so what is posted is nothing to do with me unless I post it

Thanks Steve, I was struggling to get pictures onto the forum via FrontPage with the HTML coding, this makes it much easier.

Can I be your adopted son, Dad?
Dec 16, 2003
I would just point out, that I would rather see something Childish if CliveV terms it that, than something as offensive as the other photo's that were removed.
Mar 14, 2005
Mar 14, 2005
Lord B. we have on many instances agreed to disagree on this forum. We have also had many a friendly banter and (hopefully) no offence given or received - all good clean fun with a few inuendos thrown in.

However I do not understand your latest posting whereby you state that "I persist in trying to drum up support to get pics banned even after you posted before knowing your facts and you were shown that you are wrong in tour assumptions" I have not attempted to provide any phoyos and. like you, I have the red cross on all postings you have made (appropriate for your medical background though - perhaps you were showing too much genuine blood and not enough tomato sauce).

I will admit that I did not see Chris's original photos which were removed but from the other photos and postings on the topic I have put two and two together and made four. In other words I am of the opinion that this route will lead the forum open to all sorts of abuse and will cause a lot more annomosity than it will please. The so called photo of an obese person lying face down is also in bad taste.

Why spoil what in my opinion was a well run forum with valid thoughts, humour etc. from nearly all contributers and where serious postings were made whether it was a technical question, a person's health etc. a serious or sympathetic answer was given. In other words the response was always made in a more than helpfukl and tasteful manner.
Jul 12, 2005

Why does this change just because picture are able to be posted? I must also point out that it has always been possible to post pictures on this forum

Mar 28, 2005
Just got in from work and seen this so here's my opinion for what it's worth.

You are right cris you can walk onto a beach or a campsite and see this sort of thing but it is the kind of thing that you expect to see and are prepared for it, not something you stumble across on a caravan forum.

I personally found the pictures pretty inoffensive but what you have got to remember cris is that there are people out there just looking to be offended.

I would not be to worried about children seeing the photos, as kids see things like that all the time, in fact my little one finds it highly amusing if any thing like that inadvertently crops up on the TV but a little thought for the women that use the site would not have gone amiss


Mar 14, 2005
following the points outlined by LOL, Gooner, Lisa and many others I have re-enabled the form that gives the code for posting pictures. Please note that all access to this sever is logged just in case there is an issue later.
As for pictures being abused, I do not believe Kanga ever left so we have to live with it just like we do with posts.

I will now leave it up to the Mod to decide what happens, if I get a mail asking for it to be disabled from the mod then I will do so. Also please remember that people can add images without this tool, so what is posted is nothing to do with me unless I post it

Thanks Steve.

Dec 16, 2003
Roy, you are more on track.

But if a woman is offended by another who chooses to display herself, well I guess that they have some other issue that they may need help with ;-)
Apr 11, 2005
Ok I know I am going to lose some friends but i found ALL the pictures a bit shocking ! Yes I had a look and thought " uurggh wierd" and " *****" for havin a pair like that but I think it was all equal, if I had to pick a picture for my daugther to look at (4yold) it would be the boobies !!! SORRY !

Tina x
Jan 19, 2008
Colin my old mate, you have put 2 and 2 together and come up with 5. It wasnt an obese person lay face down, the pic was supposed to be of someone who had jumped out of a high building and landed on the pavement. It wasn't even a true pic, it was a pic made in a graphics programme like Photoshop. Actually its been around the net for years.
Mar 14, 2005
Whether it was an obese person or someone who had commited suicide I will not argue but it was still in my opinion offensive and although it may have been on the internet for years there is a place for this type of material and it is not on this site. Best place would be in the bin. Whoever concockted the picture, if it was a made up one must be of a twisted mind.

This discussion could go on for ever and my mind is made up and I cannot be made to think otherwise. Therefore I am now going to sign off on this topic but not throw the towel in. In a short period of time I will be able to say those immotral words "Told you so ...."


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