Yee Gods - was that you??Hi cris
Whilst we agree on a lot of things cris - we will have to agree to differ on the picture thing if the one above is anything to go by.
I am certainly no prude and whilst there are two crosses masking the indicators of how cold it was that day, I do not think this picture appropriate for a caravan forum.
It is the sort of thing that gets sent round as an email attachment joke or whatever and that is ok.
But I have just cancelled my subscription to Land Rover World magazine because they have for some reason sudenly started placing female models that I have to say are the wrong side of young, showing suspenders/knickers etc., in the shots of Land Rover vehicles.
I find this odd in the extreme for some reason and have swapped my subscription to Land Rover monthly.
After all if I am going to be an "Anorak" I want to be one for the right reasons.
You must have had a shave!!
But your beard still suits you.