Thought Police / Mod Madness

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Mar 14, 2005
Hi cris

Whilst we agree on a lot of things cris - we will have to agree to differ on the picture thing if the one above is anything to go by.

I am certainly no prude and whilst there are two crosses masking the indicators of how cold it was that day, I do not think this picture appropriate for a caravan forum.

It is the sort of thing that gets sent round as an email attachment joke or whatever and that is ok.

But I have just cancelled my subscription to Land Rover World magazine because they have for some reason sudenly started placing female models that I have to say are the wrong side of young, showing suspenders/knickers etc., in the shots of Land Rover vehicles.

I find this odd in the extreme for some reason and have swapped my subscription to Land Rover monthly.

After all if I am going to be an "Anorak" I want to be one for the right reasons.
Yee Gods - was that you??

You must have had a shave!!

But your beard still suits you.
Jan 19, 2008
cris you baffle me at times with some of your posts, which isn't to hard to do, due to my senility. I've just reread my posts to see how you come to the conclusion that I'm claiming to be the Mod but it beats me. Can I ask you a question please cris , what was your point (or two in the case of the pic)of posting that pic, what was it in relation to, what was the topic being discussed that you needed that pic to get your points across? I have forgot what caption you put to the pics, probably because by the time I'd found my glasses to have a better look at the pics they'd been deleted.
Dec 16, 2003
Do I take it that you were happy with the deformed and physically challenged pictures that some posted Brian?

I think you should question those kind of pictures before leveling your anger at me.

And question the way the Mod went about tackling his/hers concerns!

A little clearer direction and thought and there wouldn't be a problem.

If a lame brain like me and still post a picture, I'm sure others can to.

If the PC forum wants a nice sweety pie Image with carefuly picked PC posts and pictues setting a twin set and pearls and flat hat and tie image of Caravanners the Mods need to moderate in that way and shift their act up a gear!
Mar 14, 2005
I've got nothing in principle against the pics that were posted but it seems to me to be a little pointless in a caravan forum. There are enough other joke forums in the internet where that sort of thing can be found. Why then clutter up our forum with so much stuff which has absolutely nothing to do with the caravanning?


Mar 14, 2005
Well, I'm going to put my pennies worth in now.

The photo in question (two topless women) should not have appeared on this site.

Jan 19, 2008
Do I take it that you were happy with the deformed and physically challenged pictures that some posted Brian?

I think you should question those kind of pictures before leveling your anger at me.

And question the way the Mod went about tackling his/hers concerns!

A little clearer direction and thought and there wouldn't be a problem.

If a lame brain like me and still post a picture, I'm sure others can to.

If the PC forum wants a nice sweety pie Image with carefuly picked PC posts and pictues setting a twin set and pearls and flat hat and tie image of Caravanners the Mods need to moderate in that way and shift their act up a gear!
..... but the picture you posted was of twin sets cris, although they were bereft of pearls or any other accoutrements to cover their blushes ;O)
Jan 19, 2008
I disagree with Lutz to a certain extent because Chit Chat is a place for jokes etc. Not everyone wants to talk technical matters all the time. What shouldn't happen though is posting pics with no relevance and His Moddyship should be able to delete offensive posts without having to justify it although it would be good manners to explain why, which I'm sure His Moddyship does by e-mail to save embarrassment to the poster.
May 4, 2005
Cris, I didn't object to any of the photos as I didn't find them offensive. If I had have done I would have posted to that effect. One thing I wouldn't have done is post equally/more offensive pics to prove a point. I didn't see your deleted pics but if they were of children Im not supprised they were deleted and I'm shocked that you thought it appropriate to post them

Cris in proving your point you have taken away a useful addition to this Forum something that I feared at the begin

brian (st albans) 

 12 Mar 2006 11:11 PM I fear if the Trolls start sending photos it will be the end of the Forum. :-(

It would seem that your mission is more important than the Forum and the views of those on it. Brian
Dec 16, 2003
In Response to LordB. I made a JOKE that the lady on the left is rumoured to be the mod!

So my comment was linked in that way !

My Comment re Brian was linked to what Brian- Bear wrote about about posting the Banner Heading! So Brian (St Albans) I can read quite well, and will not take it as an insult as I would not want to offend any children or potemtial new memebers.

As for Lisa's comment, I believe that other pictures posted previously that showed naked obese and disfigured people were in very poor taste when I reflected on what I'd seen.

The email I received from the Mod and the way he/she approached the problems was very poorly thought out in my view.

The use of suggestive comment and double entendre here goes un challenged a lot of the time !

Who or what is being protected ?

What is and can be in front of you every day, be you looking for it or not seems to have caused feathers to fly!

Physically challenged and deformed get no comment!

I wonder if comment is based on what many feel to be un achieveable physical fitness and beauty if your mind works that way compared to viewing those that are less fortunate than the majority with their looks or physical bulk.
Mar 14, 2005
Don't get me wrong. I'm not against jokes but in a forum such as this, I'd expect to find something to laugh about that at least vaguely has something to do with caravanning, holidaying or travel. If I want to read other jokes or see other pics, I go elsewhere in the internet. There are so many other locations for that sort of thing, I just don't see the need here as well.
Mar 16, 2005
In Response to LordB. I made a JOKE that the lady on the left is rumoured to be the mod!

So my comment was linked in that way !

My Comment re Brian was linked to what Brian- Bear wrote about about posting the Banner Heading! So Brian (St Albans) I can read quite well, and will not take it as an insult as I would not want to offend any children or potemtial new memebers.

As for Lisa's comment, I believe that other pictures posted previously that showed naked obese and disfigured people were in very poor taste when I reflected on what I'd seen.

The email I received from the Mod and the way he/she approached the problems was very poorly thought out in my view.

The use of suggestive comment and double entendre here goes un challenged a lot of the time !

Who or what is being protected ?

What is and can be in front of you every day, be you looking for it or not seems to have caused feathers to fly!

Physically challenged and deformed get no comment!

I wonder if comment is based on what many feel to be un achieveable physical fitness and beauty if your mind works that way compared to viewing those that are less fortunate than the majority with their looks or physical bulk.
"As ever the mod's job is to decide what is appropriate to a forum like ours, and what crosses the line of propriety.

We are all different and have different ideas on what is acceptable, so a mod can never please everyone when deciding such an issue. He/she just has to apply his/her best judgement in good faith."
Mar 14, 2005
On reflection, although I initially did not see any harm in photos being posted, I now think that all forms of photos should be taken off the forum and that no further photos be accepted. Although the contributer might say eg. the photo is his outfit, his wife and family, etc. we only have their word. Under the Data Protection Act there is a concern for the right of privicy and peodophiles could also be scouring the site and using the photos and transposing other images to the child's head. I therefore request that ALL photos be banned from the forum with immeadiate effect.
Dec 16, 2003
Cris, I didn't object to any of the photos as I didn't find them offensive. If I had have done I would have posted to that effect. One thing I wouldn't have done is post equally/more offensive pics to prove a point. I didn't see your deleted pics but if they were of children Im not supprised they were deleted and I'm shocked that you thought it appropriate to post them

Cris in proving your point you have taken away a useful addition to this Forum something that I feared at the begin

brian (st albans) 

 12 Mar 2006 11:11 PM I fear if the Trolls start sending photos it will be the end of the Forum. :-(

It would seem that your mission is more important than the Forum and the views of those on it. Brian
I really think you have lost the plot Brian.

Read what has been posted and you will see NO pictures of Children were posted.

The pictures one of which is here (edited, so it does not offend!) to show that you can still post pictures are available on family and sport orientated web sites with male, female and children members of the sites and thier forums.

These are not "seedy" web sites or anything dodgy !!!!!
Mar 14, 2005
Sadly (as it reflects the society we now live in) I agree totally with Colin.

Too much potential for abuse.

I suggest that no pictures be accepted
Jan 19, 2008
On reflection, although I initially did not see any harm in photos being posted, I now think that all forms of photos should be taken off the forum and that no further photos be accepted. Although the contributer might say eg. the photo is his outfit, his wife and family, etc. we only have their word. Under the Data Protection Act there is a concern for the right of privicy and peodophiles could also be scouring the site and using the photos and transposing other images to the child's head. I therefore request that ALL photos be banned from the forum with immeadiate effect.
Gawd Colin - dont be a killjoy :O(
Dec 16, 2003
In Response to LordB. I made a JOKE that the lady on the left is rumoured to be the mod!

So my comment was linked in that way !

My Comment re Brian was linked to what Brian- Bear wrote about about posting the Banner Heading! So Brian (St Albans) I can read quite well, and will not take it as an insult as I would not want to offend any children or potemtial new memebers.

As for Lisa's comment, I believe that other pictures posted previously that showed naked obese and disfigured people were in very poor taste when I reflected on what I'd seen.

The email I received from the Mod and the way he/she approached the problems was very poorly thought out in my view.

The use of suggestive comment and double entendre here goes un challenged a lot of the time !

Who or what is being protected ?

What is and can be in front of you every day, be you looking for it or not seems to have caused feathers to fly!

Physically challenged and deformed get no comment!

I wonder if comment is based on what many feel to be un achieveable physical fitness and beauty if your mind works that way compared to viewing those that are less fortunate than the majority with their looks or physical bulk.
Fine sentimant, but you need to put a little more thought into the way you act and comment and the order and way you perform your editing.

It seems that you worry about what world wide viewers of the site might think or potential new memebers but jump in with both feet to those that contribute!

I feel you should question the way you respond, and may be you are not suited to your roll!

No offense meant!
Jan 19, 2008
Theres nothing wrong with pictures as long as they are used responsibily and His Moddyship is allowed to do his job without question. We are supposed to be adults so surely we can judge what is an acceptable pic. Lets live in the 21st century. If you are talking of personal pics nobody is forcing you to post them. Theres enough paronoia in the world without worrying if someones going to paste a face on the head of someone else. That reminds me, I must get into the habit of looking under my bed each night before I go to sleep :O)
Feb 13, 2006
Is there a caravan park close to the marina where those two attractive blonde ladies pictures were taken?

Just jesting lets all lighten up, step back from the brink and start again. Keep it sensible and keep the pictures caravan based. Can it really cause a problem if we are responsible.
Jul 12, 2005

How would you or PC be a party to a lawsuit when it relates to images not even stored on the forum. No image is stored on or accessed through a PC server in any way. the images just appear in your browser thanks to the way the link is posted.

If you think the images should be banned then all links would be un-acceptable as that is all they are.

Dec 16, 2003
Colin and Clive, with the recent abhorent news on a faded pop star and having some persomnal contact with people doing work against such sick people I am somewhat shocked by your ideas.

Images can be drawn from retailers web sites of children etc if some sad sick person is so inclined!

To bring a link of Peadophilia and pictures here beggars belief!


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