Toilet Seat Height

Mar 3, 2022
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I'm in the position of needing to raise the height of the seat on our Thetford C250 toilet.
I note they do a raiser for some models but not the C250.
I can't be the only one needing this modification so if anyone else has achieved this can they please advise how?
Nov 6, 2005
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Mar 3, 2022
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Been looking at a selection of these but can't find out if any of them will actually fit onto a Thetford toilet.
All Thetford say is that their riser doesn't fit. Very useful I must say!
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Roger thanks for the information i have been looking for one for our toilet at home (y)
If you have a proven mobility disability, your local council should have an Occupational Therapist service that can assess your needs and provide guidance or in some cases actually provide some mobility aids such as toilet seat risers, through to more complex manual handling schemes. Whether they would also consider adaptations for touring caravans or motor homes I'm not sure, unless it was your primary accomodation.

No harm in contacting your Local Council.
Jan 3, 2012
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If you have a proven mobility disability, your local council should have an Occupational Therapist service that can assess your needs and provide guidance or in some cases actually provide some mobility aids such as toilet seat risers, through to more complex manual handling schemes. Whether they would also consider adaptations for touring caravans or motor homes I'm not sure, unless it was your primary accomodation.

No harm in contacting your Local Council.
Hi Prof at present the bathroom is been sorted better access to the shower and a seat fitted the toilet will have either a seat riser , or a high rise one that suit us both .
Nov 11, 2009
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I was advised by physio person that having a raised toilet or even a raising recliner is not good for you. Unfortunately we now have a raised toilet seat as we were not given the option.
The physio clearly hadn’t come across anyone who hasn’t the muscular strength or mobility to get themselves out of a chair.
Mar 14, 2005
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Other peoples disability assessment's are irrelevant to the OP of this thread as each a ssessmsnt has to be conducted on a case bay case basis.
Nov 11, 2009
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We bought one for when my BIL comes to our house, or if we take him out from his care home. It’s adjustable and we just carry it in the car boot. It’s similar to the one shown in this link but a different company. Seems to work for him as he has Parkinson’s affecting his ability to use his legs which can lock up.

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Mar 3, 2022
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We bought one for when my BIL comes to our house, or if we take him out from his care home. It’s adjustable and we just carry it in the car boot. It’s similar to the one shown in this link but a different company. Seems to work for him as he has Parkinson’s affecting his ability to use his legs which can lock up.

Thanks Clive
Been looking at a "soft" raiser that is simply attached to the toilet seat via velcro.
Looks like it may do the trick 🤞
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