Tolerance towards forum members

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If someone's contributions are written under the negative effort of an affliction, then sympathy and understanding is required and proffered. If however, the contributions are the result of ignorance of the basic nuances of the English language due to a lack of application at an earlier age, then I feel neither understanding nor tolerance is necessary. Adult education classes are freely available so the ability to converse in our native language is not only easily achievable, but to my mind essential if one wishes to be an integral part of our society. The children in the cellar in Austria conversed in grunts and sqeaks because they did not know any better, and were deprived of the opportunity to learn normal spoken language. That is certainly not the case in our society. Ignorance should never be condoned as an excuse.


Mar 26, 2008
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Apologies Scotch Lad, but we are so far off the original topic that I couldn't resist !

1. How can you tell from a post whether the author is genuinely afflicted, genuinely in a hurry or was simply lazy at school ?

2. In a world where we strive for equality, would such an afflicted person look for your sympathy or would they prefer to be treat as an equal and just be understood.

3. Having left school at 16 and perhaps not being as eloquent in the use of our fair language as yourself, I am more than happy to be corrected, but should "sympathy and understanding" not equate to a plural and therefore be followed by "are" and not by your use of "is" ?

Just another thought !


Aug 16, 2006
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I've watched this topic grow and I've been fascinated by the way a topic on tolerance has brought out the intolerant.

For some, language and the use of written language is a hobby in itself. But I always remind myself of the main point of language - to enable us to communicate. My view is that we should look to understand the message in the text rather than trying to pick faults in the spelling and grammar.

There are something like 400,000 words in the English language but only 20,000 in common usage. I know people who take great pleasure in using the 380,000 words that few people recognise just so they can feel superior. In my view they are the fools for failing to communicate.

If you are intelligent enough to correct the grammar of others, perhaps you should use your intelligence to identify the meaning of the text.
Jul 21, 2007
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Can I just comment on the advice about pulling nearer the offside white line when you see a bus or lorry coming up behind.

We have had various tourers since 1976. Hubby always did the towing until 1997 when due to ill health I had to take over. My first experience was when his angina kicked in near Dumphries and he pulled into a layby and said that I would have to drive. It was not a happy experience and I resolved when we got home to take a full day's towing course (?spelling?).

One of the first things the instructor told us was never to pull nearer the white line to force a bus or wagon to move away before moving to the left to create a bigger gap. His advice was that I would be asking to have the back of my caravan crumpled - they are bigger than you, so dont mess with them. If necessary move over to the left, but at the end of the day you simply have to be aware that they are coming past.

Thank you for the information about car transporters - didnt know about that one.

As for snaking, my husband and I have been there done that and had a written off Viking Fiberline to prove it. Its all down to correct loading and nose weights. When I started towing, I bought a nose weight guage. A friend who had been towing for years said nah you dont need one of those. I insisted on using it and found to my horror that my nose weight was far too high. The spare wheel from the front locker was then transferred to the floor of the caravan, over the axle.

Another bit of advice I would like to offer is about tyres. Our van is seven years old this year and although the tyres have very little loss of tread we have been and purchased new tyres before setting off on our annual excursion next week. Tyres deteriorate with age so please dont think that just because they look OK they are.

For lady caravanners, dont let hubby do all the towing - get some experience yourself. You never know when you might have to take over and dont want a white knuckle drive when you have too.

Happy towing.

Jan 19, 2008
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Linda, I don't know why you posted, quote ... " (?spelling?).


I read your post and fully understood it which MAM in the post above yours was saying. The vast majority of members aren't here checking over peoples posts with a magnifying glass, only the Geeks do that. Now there's no steam locomotives people like Mac have taken over and become Apostrophe spotters, sat in front of their computers, wearing anoraks with duffle bag by their side .... heh! heh!

The only problem I have regarding posts are the ones that use no upper-case letters or full stops making their post look like one long sentence. I try to read it but usually give up but it's not my position to publicly criticise the poster in the forum.
Mar 14, 2005
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As a retired college lecturer I found that both my spelling and English deteriorated as a result of marking student's work. We had instructions from our external verifiers to ignore spelling and grammar errors but only to assess the work on technical content. Working along these lines of instructions I found that my own capabilities of spelling, etc. went pear shape and now I use the dictionary far more than I should be. Therefore don't blame me when reading one of my postings - blame Edexcel external verifiers. There that is my excuse over and done with - what is your reasons for misspelling, etc.?
Mar 14, 2005
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As a retired college lecturer I found that both my spelling and English deteriorated as a result of marking student's work. We had instructions from our external verifiers to ignore spelling and grammar errors but only to assess the work on technical content. Working along these lines of instructions I found that my own capabilities of spelling, etc. went pear shape and now I use the dictionary far more than I should be. Therefore don't blame me when reading one of my postings - blame Edexcel external verifiers. There that is my excuse over and done with - what is your reasons for misspelling, etc.?
Just noticed last line is incorrect as I have a made single use of the word "is" and then used "reasons" in the plural - should be either "are" and "reasons" or "is" and "reason". SILLY ME.
Jul 15, 2005
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Hi Colin,

Sorry but if you are in the process of performing a critique of your own postings - then it's much worse than you think :) :)

But I know what you mean, in my professional career - simple spelling mistakes such as "1,2-diethylcyclohexene" instead of "1,2-diethylcyclohexane" can have absolutely devastating consequences - so for us, absolute accuracy and precision is an essential daily requirement.

Have fun, Robert
Jul 31, 2010
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Just noticed last line is incorrect as I have a made single use of the word "is" and then used "reasons" in the plural - should be either "are" and "reasons" or "is" and "reason". SILLY ME.
My excuse! I am a poor typist and the lack of an editing facility.

Steve W
Mar 26, 2008
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At school I won all the spelling tests and was top for English. I still have the books I won yearly and my children read them when they were young and my young nieces and friends children still enjoy them nearly fifty years on.

Every day working life took me away from daily reading and writing for some time. Work related reading often contained bad spelling and grammar from all levels of people, along with slang terminology. I suddenly found myself doubting my own spelling, most of the time a secretary would take dictation or type up letters and reports.

Not needing to do the job myself my spelling and use of punctuation got quite poor.

As I've used the internet more and more, especially using email and online messaging I've actually got quite a bit better again.

Not as perfect as some here, but "am I Bovvered" ;
May 5, 2008
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Ken [Durham]

You made so many valid points,so did others, MAM comes to mind.

But as you can see human nature being what it is, there will always be somebody who feels they need to make their point just that little bit more forcefully. They forget what the topic was actually about and forget how the majority of users,fall into the nice, understanding and tolerant group.

please Carry on posting
Jan 19, 2008
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Hi Shady Sadie,

Obviously Mark Mac hasn't got anyting better to do than wind you up,ignore people like that they are not worth a light.Jim
Sorry Jim, I have to disagree with you. He is worth a light but that's after I've shoved the blue touch paper up his jacksy ;O)

Heh! heh! heh!
Jan 11, 2007
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I've watched this topic grow and I've been fascinated by the way a topic on tolerance has brought out the intolerant.

For some, language and the use of written language is a hobby in itself. But I always remind myself of the main point of language - to enable us to communicate. My view is that we should look to understand the message in the text rather than trying to pick faults in the spelling and grammar.

There are something like 400,000 words in the English language but only 20,000 in common usage. I know people who take great pleasure in using the 380,000 words that few people recognise just so they can feel superior. In my view they are the fools for failing to communicate.

If you are intelligent enough to correct the grammar of others, perhaps you should use your intelligence to identify the meaning of the text.
Well said. How far can people veer away from the theme of the original post. It seems to me as though some on here are just the sort that cannot or will not tolerate others. By the way, a close family member suffers from dyslexia, and I cannot see why some individuals seem to derive some sort of pleasure from apparently mocking such a condition
May 9, 2008
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As a newbie to this forum and caravaning I can't wait for next week as its our first trip away. Left it up to the wife to book something local....173 miles away!!

Can't wait to meet some friendly people on caravan sites, sounds like everyone gets on great!!


ps Can you please avoid the A1(M) on Monday you think I could blag a police escort???


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