Tow Car - with Diesel demise

Jun 11, 2016
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Just a thought, but with Diesel l, and petrol actually, days now numbered, what will be the caravan tow car of the, very near, future...... Especially for a heavy, 2tonne or so Caravan?

I'd like a Mercedes GLS 350 Next, but it looks like buying Diesel will be like burning money with extra taxes, restricted areas to go (not that I want to go to London anyway) and Diesel to be gone soon..... Depreciation seems to be a heightened inevitable.

There's always the Volvo XC90 Hybrid, but again, it's still internal combustion.

Dilemma....... Any thoughts....
Mar 8, 2017
Stop worrying and get on with living. Diesels will be around for many years to come. When real world testing is carried out many diesels cars were found to be far less polluting than petrol or hybrid so there is hope for us tuggers yet. ;)

An interesting article HERE that may make you smile.
Jun 11, 2016
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I agree. I hear the air quality of the emissions coming out the back of a Euro 6 engine in London is cleaner than the air going in...... So, in essence, we are doing the place a favour...... Taxed, we should be paid to clean the place up!!!!

Ha Ha.

Sadly, I'm not sure the toff tory MP's will see it this way. They know nothing other than what is fed them and the ability to tax everyone to death with the exception of their super rich friends.......... Grrrrr, Where's Guy Fawkes when you need him ha ha
Jul 11, 2015
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Buy the GLS 350 with a Euro 6 compliant engine if that is what you want to tow with.

What extra taxes are applicable to it? Look in your crystal ball and let us all know what you know beyond last week's budget that had no impact on such a vehicle.

Where is it restricted to go to? You may be unfortunate to have the wrong number in your registration to enter Paris on a particularly smoggy day.

Looking pragmatically, how long do you keep a tow car for? You have 23 years before the singular IC tow car is due to be outlawed? Will you still be towing then?

Look after the GLS with regular servicing, it'll probably still be in use at that time.
Aug 23, 2009
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Just had my new diesel delivered, planning to keep it for many many years to come and just not going to worry about what may or may not happen in the future.
Oct 12, 2013
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Exactly !! Enjoy it whilst we can and when that day off no more diesel arrives , worry bout it then !! Lifes to short to be worrying !
Enjoy your new diesel !! :p
Jun 11, 2016
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Thanks for the advice. I wish I still had the crystal ball, traded it in for my latest caravan!

Why such aggression in your responses?

To be honest, I thought it was sooner that combustion engines were to be outlawed in the UK. But I see it is 2040 now.

I understood the government were increasing the tax bands to the next level up for diesels. As well as an additional charge entering the big smoke..... (ironically the reason for the name) with Oxford to follow and no doubt other large cities..... "even in the forgotten North".

I accept your point on the date of outlawing. I shall stop worrying, ha ha, anymore.

Please don't feel obliged to respond at all...... Especially if you feel the need to be so aggressive.

I can only assume I touched a nerve with the anti-tory comments.

Have a pleasant evening.
Jun 11, 2016
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I agree Craig.

I thought it was closer to be fair ha ha. Not worried really, just looking ahead. Not be swapping for a year or two. I have a Kuga at the moment that looks very much like yours..... But thinking want bigger next time. I like the Edge but fallen out with Ford now and it's principle ha ha, and fancy the Mercedes next time.

Thanks again


Nov 12, 2009
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SterlingWhiteRose said:
Thanks for the advice. I wish I still had the crystal ball, traded it in for my latest caravan!

Why such aggression in your responses?

To be honest, I thought it was sooner that combustion engines were to be outlawed in the UK. But I see it is 2040 now.

I understood the government were increasing the tax bands to the next level up for diesels. As well as an additional charge entering the big smoke..... (ironically the reason for the name) with Oxford to follow and no doubt other large cities..... "even in the forgotten North".

I accept your point on the date of outlawing. I shall stop worrying, ha ha, anymore.

Please don't feel obliged to respond at all...... Especially if you feel the need to be so aggressive.

I can only assume I touched a nerve with the anti-tory comments.

Have a pleasant evening.

Have I missed something?

I haven't seen any sign of aggression, only supportive comments which encouraged you to enjoy caravanning and not to worry too much about something that none of us have any detailed information on at this stage.
I had however noticed your politically related comment earlier, as a forum moderator I allowed it to remain because I didn't want to appear too heavy handed toward a relative newcomer to this forum.
I'm not being aggressive, but it's only fair that I point out that we keep political comments away from this non partisan apolitical caravan forum, so please don't try to provoke other users with such comments in the future.
Thank You
Jun 11, 2016
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Apologies for the political slant, I can appreciate that.

Aggressive responses, I appreciate you didn't see this but, as with all offense, I guess it is all in the receiver's view. I think it was the comments such as:

"Look in your crystal ball and let us all know what you know beyond last week's budget that had no impact on such a vehicle."

That I found a little aggressive and provocative...... But I'll accept maybe I read it a little sensitively! Additionally, I guess this could be construed as a political slant, potentially to.

I will, however, accept the reprimand.

I'll abandon this post now, maybe come back in a few months again and just read and not post ha ha.

Thanks again
Aug 23, 2009
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I'm sorry that you feel there was any aggression as Parksy says I didn't see any either. This is and always has been a very friendly and supportive group to one and all. In times of trouble forumites have always been there for me and others.

Yes the base vehicle for my DFW WAV conversion is a Mercedes Sprinter.
Oct 12, 2013
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Sterlingwhiterose ,
Don't take it to heart , take it with a pinch of salt sometimes you will ask a question & get lots of answers, some you may disagree with some may annoy you with things and get personal just ignore it and crack on with the conversation topic . Just dont mention the nose weight question !! :p
P.s , we got our kuga just b4 the ford edge was out . Happy with what we have though .

Happy caravaning .


Nov 12, 2009
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SterlingWhiteRose said:
Apologies for the political slant, I can appreciate that.

Aggressive responses, I appreciate you didn't see this but, as with all offense, I guess it is all in the receiver's view. I think it was the comments such as:

"Look in your crystal ball and let us all know what you know beyond last week's budget that had no impact on such a vehicle."

That I found a little aggressive and provocative...... But I'll accept maybe I read it a little sensitively! Additionally, I guess this could be construed as a political slant, potentially to.

I will, however, accept the reprimand.

I'll abandon this post now, maybe come back in a few months again and just read and not post ha ha.

Thanks again

I could, at a push, accept that the crystal ball comment was mildly sarcastic, but the main problem with script media is that tone of voice or facial expression is impossible to convey and this forum and it's members are usually good humoured and genuine in my experience.
My 'reprimand' wasn't meant as such, you were the one who stated that your political slant regarding 'anti-Tory comments' might have 'touched a nerve' which then provoked the perceived aggression that you mentioned.
My response was merely meant to calm potentially stormy waters.
Whenever any political element has been introduced to these message boards, however innocently meant, trouble and discord almost invariably follow for various reasons.
I didn't notice any overt political riposte to your own comment, although you could have been perceived to be adding fuel to a potential fire by continuing with the politics when you stated that what you thought of as aggression may have been caused by your own earlier political comment.
I saw nothing whatsoever which would provide any evidence of this, so I could only assume that having received no political response at all you may have tried to provoke one to see what happened or to add a bit of spice to what can seem like a dull technical topic.
Your politics are your own business, we don't want to know, and we have no interest in political, religious or cultural debate on this caravan forum.
As far as I'm concerned this is a storm in a teacup, the main points about future tow vehicles have been made.
We value forum members, we value the input that appears on the message boards and we hope that our genuine members continue to submit comments.
If any comment falls outside the remit of this forum it is addressed without rancour or hard feelings from us, as fairly and openly as possible Swift White Rose.
Don't feel that you've somehow lost face because of a gentle moderator intervention, it can happen to anybody and at least you know what the issue is about without having stuff deleted or altered with no explanation.
Jul 11, 2015
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Whale oil beef hooked :eek:hmy: :eek:hmy:

I'm used to being called aggressive and ignorant in the real world as I'm deaf and tend to raise my voice so in my head I can hear myself, thereby the 'listener' can hear me. Or I don't respond when people talk and then shout at me as I've not heard them, or noticed they are speaking to me if out of sightline. I also speak very monotonal most of the time as I can't hear the tone I make. When people finally cotton on that they have not considered why they are perceiving me such, they are almost always embarrassed. I've got used to this over many years, morseo as my deafness has increased. This has helped me understand others who have 'differences', most notably in my voluntary work with SEN youngsters who may be 'different', but talented in so many ways that 'normal' people often don't bother to take the time to understand.

I often expand on the assume word, be it written or spoken, to assume is to make an ass out of you and me .

My writing style may be impersonal or robust, but almost always factual unless emojis or text are used to indicate humour.

So factually the VED on Euro 6 diesels did not increase in last weeks budget, hence my advice to go for the GLS350 if it has a Euro 6 engine. If it is badged as BluTec it will use urea (Ad Blu) injection in the exhaust system to meet Euro 6 and the current future standard to be implemented, hence my crystal ball analogy as we currently do not know what is beyond that requirement. This information is readily available to prospective purchasers of diesel engined cars.

Further factually, Paris operates a scheme that bans vehicles based on odd or even numbers in their registrations on smoggy days.

This is the only caravan forum I contribute to as it populated by knowledgeable, helpful, friendly folk with a common interest and general understanding of lack of context in the written word in 2 dimensions. I did get banned from another caravan forum for daring to point out to an ex policemen the likelihood of misdemeanours on the part of the police at Hillsborough. My crystal ball was evidently right there then :p :p
May 7, 2012
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We were looking at replacing the diesel earlier this year and did wonder how diesels would fair in the future. With that in mind I did look through all makes to see what was available in petrol as a tow car and found very little even though our caravan has an MTPLM of 1350 kg and is therefore reasonably light. Many makes had nothing at all available and most were simply underpowered for what we needed and some makes were selling reasonably powerful petrol engines at a premium presumably due to low demand.
We have settled on a Mazda 6 Sports Nav with the most powerful version of the engine which has just enough power, a very competitive price and is well specified and has managed well so far. There is more gear changing on hills and towing consumption is a bit higher but so far we are happy with the car. I am afraid there is no right or wrong answer as to where to go you just have to plump for something and hope you get it right but the potential for attacks on diesels drove us away from this. I do think that if you are prepared to wait a bit longer the manufacturers will have to produce more powerful petrol powered cars but I cannot say they will suit everybody and suspect hybrids might be the way forward.
Mar 8, 2017
One consideration in the tow car debate that I think is being missed is that few if any manufacturers actually design a car for towing. It seems to me that has simply been fortuitous that some cars are suitable for caravan towing and that most if not all of these are diesel powered. If I'm correct, and I'm open to being challenged on this, we will soon reach a point when the only cars available are low powered "eco friendly" cars be they hybrid or battery powered for I see no reason why any manufacturer would want to make cars for such a small market as ours.
Nov 11, 2009
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KeefySher said:
Whale oil beef hooked :eek:hmy: :eek:hmy:

I'm used to being called aggressive and ignorant in the real world as I'm deaf and tend to raise my voice so in my head I can hear myself, thereby the 'listener' can hear me. Or I don't respond when people talk and then shout at me as I've not heard them, or noticed they are speaking to me if out of sightline. I also speak very monotonal most of the time as I can't hear the tone I make. When people finally cotton on that they have not considered why they are perceiving me such, they are almost always embarrassed. I've got used to this over many years, morseo as my deafness has increased. This has helped me understand others who have 'differences', most notably in my voluntary work with SEN youngsters who may be 'different', but talented in so many ways that 'normal' people often don't bother to take the time to understand.

I often expand on the assume word, be it written or spoken, to assume is to make an ass out of you and me .

My writing style may be impersonal or robust, but almost always factual unless emojis or text are used to indicate humour.

So factually the VED on Euro 6 diesels did not increase in last weeks budget, hence my advice to go for the GLS350 if it has a Euro 6 engine. If it is badged as BluTec it will use urea (Ad Blu) injection in the exhaust system to meet Euro 6 and the current future standard to be implemented, hence my crystal ball analogy as we currently do not know what is beyond that requirement. This information is readily available to prospective purchasers of diesel engined cars.

Further factually, Paris operates a scheme that bans vehicles based on odd or even numbers in their registrations on smoggy days.

This is the only caravan forum I contribute to as it populated by knowledgeable, helpful, friendly folk with a common interest and general understanding of lack of context in the written word in 2 dimensions. I did get banned from another caravan forum for daring to point out to an ex policemen the likelihood of misdemeanours on the part of the police at Hillsborough. My crystal ball was evidently right there then :p :p

Thanks for stating the accurate facts. If I may I would add that it is the Greater London Authority that have introduced the recent ULEZ which charges even more for specified vehicles to enter the Congestion Charging Zone and it is local area councils in London that are charging owners of specified vehicles to park even outside their own house. It is not the Govermnent.
Aug 23, 2009
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Registered disabled are exempt from city centre charges for polluting vehicles in the same way as they are for all tolls up and down the country. There is talk of the former only being the next 10 years.


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