I think dual sensor brakes is collision aviodance and ESP systems, nothing to do with towing.
Only find electric brakes on larger rigs typically >2000kg eg Australian caravans. Not something Vitara will ever be towing. Most trailers here use hydraulic or cable(UK caravans) activated brakes driven by pressure on drawbar.
I'm not clear why you have posted this? You introduced the point in question in #150, so are you are now saying it's nothing to do with towing?
I disagree with your post that neither collision avoidance or ESP has nothing to do with towing, both are features which monitor the vehicles behaviour and if turned on may intervene if some criteria are exceeding its programmed limits. Towing does change a vehicles dynamics, and that may affect the way these systems operate, but certainly here in Europe, the vehicle manufacturer has to carry out certain prescribed testing to homologate a design for type approval before it can be sold so such interactions should be managed by the systems.
I wonder if the reference to it by Suzuki in the New Zealand is a regional issue?
Can any Vitara owners verify if models sold in the UK and EU carry the same warning about not using Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC ) when towing?
So far no one else has reported to any specific reference to not use ACC or even earlier versions of CC when towing from manufacturers or the authorities. All this proves is that no one else has posted not that they don't exist, but bearing in mind previous similar questions and the responses, it's beginning to look like not many manufacturers or authorities have such stipulations.
However, for ACC to function correctly it will only work with a vehicle that has an automatic gearbox, and auto braking, otherwise in a manual vehicle it might find having slowed down it's in the wrong gear to re accelerate.