Watts v amps?

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Mar 14, 2005
Its invariably members who have some knowledge on the subject that complain when the responses go into some detail. It seems they forget that at some point in time, they too did not have the knowledge and would have needed a more detailed response, which contributed to their present understyanding.

As Parksy has pointed out no one is forced to read posts, and so its best to skim over them if you don't want to be spoon fed. But its also worth remebering this is a forum that can be read by anyone, and there could some who happen to find jewel in the wisdom offered.

Also just becasue a short stock answer may be given, it doesnt mean its automatically right. There are many aspects of caravannimg that have traditional responses associated with them, yet given changes in law, and or technology, those stock answers may no longer be the best advice. Good debating does no one any harm, adn it might blow some of the old myths out of play.
Mar 8, 2019
Thank you all for your replies whether I understood or not lol. And no I'm not a nuclear physicist or a rocket scientist, just in case you were going to ask me any questions.
Way back in the post someone (forgive me I have forgotten who), posted a link with a list of what everything uses and I have saved it on my phone. That was very useful. :)
Nov 11, 2009
Grey13 said:
General comment. Here we have an average caravaner asking about pitch supplies and how to ensure when she turns on the kettle it does not trip. Let me see....she hss been given more theory and superfluous bumph she does not need let alone actually understand. How about someone simply listing what each appliance uses then explaining that when adding the ones thst are on it must not ecceed the pitch supply trip value (10, 13, 15 16 amps). I am sure that will surfice

Such lists are available on the technical help pages for the Caravan and Motorhome Club and Camping and Caravan Club. They are very informative along with lots of other topics that a new , and experienced, caravanner would find very useful. They are available to all.


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