What a weekend

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Aug 28, 2005
my freind asked me to tow him off a muddy pitch ,but as he had an older caravan with a greased hitch ,i said ok have you got rope or some white spirit so i can clean my tow ball ,otherwise the grease from your hitch will contaminate the pads on my combined hitch & stabiliser ,as he didnt have either i had to refuse his request ,he then asked the site owners to tow him off ,i frequently see caravans being towed off site ,to go into storage ,by the storage owners ,the towballs are never cleaned so the new caravan stabilisers must be next useless
Jul 18, 2006
Colin A,

OK, so how will cheese help you ? :)

I can't wait for the answer, I'm already laughing :)
Jan 3, 2007
Damian (moderator) wrote: OH DEAR, what have I done??? a MOD, no less has the temerity to make a very light hearted comment about a certain class of driver, not an all encompassing critisism of ALL that class, just one, singular, individual, and the world collapses!!

I did'nt see the world collape Damian but perhaps you should think first about what you actually said, particularly in your position as a Moderator.

I think it is a shame that we still have people who bring people's class into the equasion when debating a subject. Your comments, in my opinion, regarding "a certain class of driver" are not called for. Most probably you only said it to raise a comment! as was your previous post. It worked! but I don't think it is something a Moderator should promote!

I would like to think that our mutual hobby and pastime is a "classless" one and therefore we don't adopt or encourage a class system amongst any caravanners.

(nb: applogies to LB, he has to live with his ancestrial title, so it must be a burden for him) ha, ha
Nov 7, 2005
I drive a small hatchback AND a 4x4. At any given time, you might find me in either, depending on where I am going and what I am doing.

Funny thing is, I'm not aware that I am a changed person when I'm the big 'un - strange phenomonen that...!!
Mar 14, 2005
Right I have on my tin hat and body armour.

Why has nobody made comment that Eddie visited a site just to have a look for the future.The owners were unavailable so he took it upon himself to enter the site not on foot but with car and van and then proceeded to go over the grass and having got bogged down left 5 inch deep ruts, but to make matters worse Eddie had a good laugh about it when he got home I bet the site owner wasn't laughing.

Sorry no desire to start WW3,just passing on my view.

Gone to look for an old Anderson shelter!
I wonder how eddie would feel if someone left 5 inch ruts on his property [Ie garden ]

Would that be a laugh eddie?????

Jul 27, 2007
Have to admit that getting stuck is my worst nightmare. Only been caravanning for 8 months, and stuck twice in storage field. I've decided to try to get hardstandings only when I book pitches if possible because trying to get my bogged in car (and 3year old in car)home in pitch black conditions was no joke. It doesn't give me a lot of faith in other happy campers coming to my rescue when I read these threads! Lynne
Aug 4, 2004
It is so much more fun watching people that are bogged down trying to get unstuck. Helps pass then time. Even better if they are one of the anti 4 x 4 brigade. Serves them right for having a go at all 4 x 4 owners.

Actually I don't mind helping and on asome occasions have towed the car and the caravan out in one go. On another occasion a motorhome that had sunk up to its axles. The only thing I want is a thank you not a rebuff when I go over to help which is one of the reasons why I hesitate to offer help. Also one has to be careful becasue if you damge the other vehicle they may sue you for the damages although you were only trying to help.
Apr 27, 2008
We've just had our first trip in our new van to Otterington Park in North Yorks.

Because off the heavy rain the owner came out in his tractor hitched up our van and pulled it out onto the road!

What a nice site with freindliest of owners!


Mar 14, 2005
Martin, I hope he had a clean towball, if your van has a built in stabiliser, if not, its time to get the brake cleaner out and get any grease off the friction pads.


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