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Mar 14, 2005
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Thank you for at long last admitting that you have no experience of using a heat pump in domestic environment.
I made no such statement. I will not confirm if I have a heat pump or not, as my ownership status of such a device is irrelevant to this thread.

It does seem that according to your post the manufacturer does not have a clue about installing its own products?
I did not suggest the the manufacturer does not know their own equipment. I'm sure they do know it very well.

What is clear, assuming your reports are accurate and fair, is that the system you have is not performing as you would have hoped. I suggested some of the most likely reasons for your dissatisfaction with the operation.
Jul 18, 2017
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I made no such statement. I will not confirm if I have a heat pump or not, as my ownership status of such a device is irrelevant to this thread.
I did not suggest the the manufacturer does not know their own equipment. I'm sure they do know it very well.
What is clear, assuming your reports are accurate and fair, is that the system you have is not performing as you would have hoped. I suggested some of the most likely reasons for your dissatisfaction with the operation.
It does seem to confirm that you are theorising and do not have one installed on your domestic premises. However your choice if you do not want to admit you have one of these awful systems that pushes up electric bills when it is really cold as it struggles to even attain a temperature of 20C. Thank for the suggestions.
Nov 16, 2015
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It does seem to confirm that you are theorising and do not have one installed on your domestic premises. However your choice if you do not want to admit you have one of these awful systems that pushes up electric bills when it is really cold as it struggles to even attain a temperature of 20C. Thank for the suggestions.
You have to remember that, The WHO. State that 20 c is more than adequate for us humans to live a healthy life.
Therefore the manufacturers of heat pumps have taken this into account when building and installing them.
Personally I like to have a couple of degrees centigrade above 20c.
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