Wheel Locks

Mar 23, 2016
Both myself and my partner are disabled & cannot get down to put on my wheels lock is there something out there for people like us to lock the wheel i was going to put a chain through the wheel & lock it that way but when i saw he was going to cut it with bolt cutters I said no so back to square one any help would be appreciated.
Thanks Wayne
May 7, 2012
I would look at the Nemisis Ultra. You need to change a wheel nut for one of their special ones. The main unit then locks onto the nut and locks through the wheel spokes. It is very secure although nothing is totally safe and needs no real effort to fit and takes only seconds. Cost is about £100 which is inline with most other quality products. You will need to search the internet to get it down to that but I found it on
Look at it on https://www.purpleline.co.uk/products-nemesis-ultra.php to see how it works.
Apr 7, 2008
goose said:
I'm afraid i don't have alloy wheels so they are no use to me

It will also work on steel wheels, the fiddly bit is setting the distance with the spacer washers once that is done it's a doddle to fit and remove. .
I have one fitted to the van at the moment. .
Feb 3, 2008
Sproket said:
... it's a doddle to fit and remove. .

Didn't the OP say both he and the OH are disabled and can't get low to the ground to put on a wheel lock? I guess they are looking for something that is easy to fit, whilst sitting on a chair and not bending forward too far. As far as I know all wheel locks require the fitter (excuse the pun) to be at least kneeling. :(
Apr 7, 2008
goose said:
Can you enlighten me more regarding the spaces are they at the back front etc please

Have a look here and click on the Nemesis Ultra manual

See point 3
Before using the device it may be necessary to add Spacer Rings (5) to ensure that,
when fitted, the back face of the Shield Plate (1) is as tight as possible to the face of the
wheel when the Lock Unit (3) is locked into the Receiver Bolt (4).
May 7, 2012
For your needs if the wheel design is suitable the Nemisis Ultra should be the best. It will need you to get assistance though to remove the wheel nut and fit the new one and maybe to assemble it with the spacers. These fit in the body and it is a one off job so once fitted the operation is simplicity itself. You can watch the video on their website, it takes a bit longer in real life but 30 seconds max,
Assuming you can get help to fit it I doubt you will have any problem. Hope this helps and you can enjoy your caravan.
I did get several quotes for insurance this year and the clamp was acceptable to all of them, although some wanted a hitchlock as well but that should not be a problem for you.


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