When will they open?

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Mar 14, 2005
The idea of a medal for frontline staff is a good idea but you would need to look at carehome staff, carers visiting at risk people and others, so it might be a long list unless special circumstances are taken into consideration.
Which is exactly why I wrote:
"(not just the front line doctors and nurses) ". It also why I suggested medals in plural to suggest different citations to reflect the varied roles, The list would be quite long, and yes care home staff have faced an an equally challenging time and as we have heard often without the PPE the should have had.
Sep 5, 2016
Rather than give medals to all NHS staff why not give one medal to the NHS similar to what the government did with the island of Malta for it's resitance for standing against the Nazi's, "The George Cross Island",
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Mar 14, 2005
Rather than give medals to all NHS staff why not give one medal to the NHS similar to what the government did with the island of Malta for it's resitance for standing against the Nazi's, "The George Cross Island",
Just giving one medal to the NHS, would be a nice thing but it does not include all the others who may be in the care industry but who are not part of the NHS, and all the others in for example the police fires army and the myriads of other people who have been key to the support of the covid response but who have been placed in increased danger.
Sep 5, 2016
Whatever the government do when it comes to handing out gongs be it the NHS, care homes, carers, paramedics, fire brigade, police, supermarket workers, lorry drivers, Laura Kuenssberg will find fault,
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Mar 27, 2011
i shouldn’t think for a moment that a news reporter working for the none political, unbiased and totally worth every penny of the licence fee BBC would for a second find fault with something just because of political bias.
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Nov 12, 2009
This forum is non political.
We've allowed a wide range of discussion on various aspects of the current health crisis but please take political discourse to other internet forums which are happy to host such discussions.
Mar 14, 2005
Perhaps medals might not be best.

Who ever has made a an effort beyond normal duties or who has faced the covid dragon face to face does need to be recognised for their invaluable efforts and compassion, with a special thought for those who lost their lives through the call of duty.
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Jun 17, 2011
We're not going back to how it was before. Certainly the NHS has coped, as the Prof says, but only at the expense of other patients. Cancer patients not treated, my own monitoring diagnostics cancelled, and so on easing this has to be managed. My reading of the science press tells me that age is a factor but probably more important is obesity. I also read that people with blood group A are more susceptible, observed in China. We live in a nice place on the edge of an area of outstanding beauty but it will be lovely to sit outside the caravan with a different view, and also to talk at a distance to others. We won't go far this year and don't use onsite facilities so hoping for a speedy let out.
Jul 15, 2008
.........in my area the NHS has reorganised itself with one designated large hospital set aside to cope with Covid 19 patients.
All other patients are treated at other hospitals in the same trust.
I was previously receiving treatment at what is now the Covid 19 hospital, so all my appointments from March have been cancelled.
This week I felt I needed a check up with a consultant as I was suffering some discomfort relevant to my condition.
The procedure I was given when my appointments were cancelled was to email them with any concerns.
I sent an email at 10. am on Monday morning of this week..................Monday 1.pm I received a phone call asking me to come for an appointment at 1.pm Tuesday (the next day) at a local Covid 19 free hospital.
I had to declare that I did not have any of the known Covid 19 symptoms and I was checked on arrival for that appointment.
The ENT consultant and nurses were all wearing PPE and I was fitted with a face mask.

The service I was given could not of been bettered...........I would say that the NHS really is there for you and coping with whatever your needs are.
Jun 20, 2005
My caravan owners Club have now suspended most rallies. In fact a make one has been rescheduled forSeptember 2021.
One big factor for the site owners is when they open will they still have to operate a system of social separation, extra cleaning of facilities, . One of the pleasures of caravanning is the ability to visit new laces and enjoy pubs, restaurants , cafes and places of heritage interest. If they remain closed I can still sit in or outside. But what’s the point I may as well stay home😥😥. Apologies for sounding doom and gloom. Just note we are allegedly the 2nd worst for CV deaths world wide. Not good. A vaccine is still some way off, the testing is merely a snap shot in time.
I thought about the grand Scottish tour again but so many closed, distilliaries etc , there’s only so much scenery....Also I sense an increase in tourism may in some cases cheese off the locals. I still hope September 2020will be the magic month for caravanners
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Nov 11, 2009
i hope so to Dusty we are booked on a Adult Park Suffolk in September
I think that you just need to make the best of what 2020 offers and plan fir 2021 being a bit nearer normality. I agree though one of the pleasures of caravanning or any other holiday or trip is to be able to visit places of interest, and pubs/cafes. There’s only so many mountains you can climb especially when our dogs and us aren’t getting any younger.
Jan 3, 2012
I think that you just need to make the best of what 2020 offers and plan fir 2021 being a bit nearer normality. I agree though one of the pleasures of caravanning or any other holiday or trip is to be able to visit places of interest, and pubs/cafes. There’s only so many mountains you can climb especially when our dogs and us aren’t getting any younger.
If we get to Suffolk it our first time down there this was booked in January 2020 and i cannot climb mountains unless i am on my mobility Scooter my wife would have to take our two dogs for a walk
Mar 14, 2005
We're not going back to how it was before. Certainly the NHS has coped, as the Prof says, but only at the expense of other patients....
There is no doubt that most non urgent patients been inconvenienced by the provisions made to cope with CV pandemic. As I understand it the NHS has tried to ensure that all essential treatments have been provided or only set aside when the risks created by the pandemic have been considered greater.

There will have been local variations in the ability of the NHS to cope

The probability is that for some people the cancelled treatments may have changed their prognosis, but I am saddened for the few where delays might be have been the fatal.

These are unprecedented times, with unprecedented measures to cope with this particularly virulent virus. We have all lost something, but perhaps we should be celebrating the fact we are still around to recognise what inconvenience we have had to endure.
Mar 27, 2011
I think there will be as much of a scramble to book pitches when were allowed to travel as there was for food when it all kicked off, good luck with bookings everyone.

Nov 11, 2009
We will probably opt to go to a local industrial park where a "pop up" site has recently established itself.
Jan 3, 2012
Well we still have some bookings left but we will be booking some in 2021 to get in early
Take Care Keep Safe Everyone
May 7, 2012
Just found on Google a newspaper report of a static site in Essex having got planning permission to redevelop as housing. Hope this is not the start of a trend.
I feel sorry for the people who own the statics as if the redevelopment goes ahead then they will have six months to leave and I doubt they will find anywhere else. Glad I have a tourer so I am not caught that way.
I also saw that there is some doubt being expressed by the Welsh Government that their sites will open again this year. Hope that is not fake news as we had booked to go there to see our daughter later on.
Jan 3, 2012
Just found on Google a newspaper report of a static site in Essex having got planning permission to redevelop as housing. Hope this is not the start of a trend.
I feel sorry for the people who own the statics as if the redevelopment goes ahead then they will have six months to leave and I doubt they will find anywhere else. Glad I have a tourer so I am not caught that way.
I also saw that there is some doubt being expressed by the Welsh Government that their sites will open again this year. Hope that is not fake news as we had booked to go there to see our daughter later on.
Hi Ray We were booked on Daisy Bank Touring Park Snead Montgomery Mid Wales in July but i have transfered it now to June 2021
Nov 16, 2015
I am not going to be in any rush to go to any big sites, when we are out of lock down, I will wait until October, is there really that much of a panic to get away, stay safe folks.
Nov 11, 2009
I am not going to be in any rush to go to any big sites, when we are out of lock down, I will wait until October, is there really that much of a panic to get away, stay safe folks.
Having not had an annual holiday, or anything much at all since 2017, I’m quite keen to get away if only for a break. Whilst not ideal we can use the caravans facilities and although pubs, cafes and attractions might be off limits to us we can still enjoy walking.
My wife, daughter and granddaughter have just had their mid -August holiday to the west coast of Scotland cancels as the hotel don’t see any realistic prospect before end August at the earliest as many guests travel by air, coach or train to get there.
Nov 11, 2009
Sep 12, 2015
Crikey at present I might be the owner of an appreciating asset, and some bargains in 2021 when folks realise caravans or tents may not be for them especially if summer is wet, which I hope it is not.

caravan club sites opening on July 4 seen on another forum

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