Why do people open and shut car doors as soon as they wake up?

May 29, 2006
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I have just spent a lovely week at Sandy Balls in the New Forest. Everyday from 7am onwards ( whilst lying in bed ) I could hear car doors being opened and then shut again but no one driving anywhere or starting an engine. We only went to our car if we were going out for the day. Why do people do this? Does anyone do this on this forum please? I don't get it if you are in a caravan surely all your stuff is in there with you. Its abit different if you are in a tent I would think. Anyone got any ideas?
Nov 7, 2005
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...and why are you still lying in bed at 7 am when you could be up and about doing something useful like testing your car doors to see if they still work. it's an open and shut case to me...o-)!
Mar 13, 2007
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hi mandy

there could be one or two reasons for this behaviour it could be a case of someone has kept me awake untill late laughing and drinking in the their awning so now now they are getting up early like me, OR it is just that some store thing like chairs and toys in the car overnight so they don'get nicked.

Aug 1, 2007
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Mandy good job you do not pitch by us then as hubby asthmatic and starts coughing any time after 5am (Or if not well coughs all night) So our 1st car door slam is any time after that
May 21, 2008
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I'm with you on this one Mandy.

I can arrive on site at midnight and wake no one, or like this morning take mt daughter to catch the 6-20am train to Taunton. But do I disturb anyone? No.

By thinking about others and respecting their enjoyment, together with forward planning you can go about any task.

All you hear from my car door is a quiet click, I park the car facing away from other campers, drive off immediately on starting the engine, use side lights until away from other caravans or tents.

Do others show this respect, do they heck!

We had our neighbour park his car at 2-30 am between our vans when he was suposed to park in the front. He couldn't do that as his friends had already parked there and he didn't feel the need to abide by the park rules and park his car in the visitor car park well away from the caravans. Then at 8am they noisily put away the beds and equally as noisily, drove off the site.

This is the same person who uses a wind break as his berlin wall to ensur his privacey, but doesn't mind short cutting through between other caravanners.

I'm afraid good old fashioned british manners and courtesy seem to of sadly vanished and been replaced by bolshy arrogant attitudes.

Just try holding a door open for someone, they'll either look at you like your about to mug them, or stride past without so much as a thankyou.

Steve L.
Nov 28, 2007
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If you think the door slammers are a nuisance , you should try boating. In marinas it's the big engine brigade who feel that they need to start their big diesels at least half an hour before they are due to leave, then they've got to shout across the marina to someone, just for the fun of it. The worst bit about it all is when it's those who need to catch the tide which is frequently 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning
Jan 28, 2008
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My neighbours have been doing this for years. They first go out at about 0530 to walk the dogs. They get them in the car with much shouting whistling and barking then, after slamming the doors drive off to return about 30 mins later. (more banging whistling barking etc.) Then hubby drives off to work at about 0630. (more slamming etc). Then at 0700 Mrs and daughter go off to work (more slamming laughing radio etc) and for good measure they usually 'toot' the horn to say good bye to the other daughter who, incidentally is the only sensible (and quiet) one in the entire family. Oh, and in the summer the 3 dogs stay in the back garden to bark at anything that moves.

And while i'm on my soapbox...why is it that when I get away for some peace and quiet the person who parks next to me always has a snarling yapping terrier of some description?
Jan 6, 2008
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Hi All

I have a neighbour who has a five door car en boot.Every morning he can make it sound like the old slam door carrage coming into Victora station we counted 55 times he slamed the car door one morning.
Apr 4, 2005
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We too have neighbours who do this at unsociable hours. They also put the wheelie bin out at about midnight which involves banging several doors in order to reach the pavement. This is particularly annoying as they are at home ALL DAY!

We also recently used a CL and were pitched next to a couple with two dogs in a camper van. From the early hours they slid the door open with such force and therefore noise, without a thought for anybody else on site. It is, I am afraid, just typical of many people these days who think only of themselves and nobody else.
Jun 4, 2007
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To look on the positive side, if the worst the neighbour can do is cause annoyance with car doors and dog's things aren't looking too bad.

The son of my neighbour across the rd attempted to wrap a skateboard around my head while in a drugged up state, give me a bit of car door banging anytime.

Actually I do sympathise though.
Feb 24, 2008
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Unfortunately we are woken come rain or shine at first light by next doors cat. It sits beneath their bedroom window (which is feet away from ours) meowing incessantly and do they bother to get up and let it in?? Nooooo. The only time we get a break is when we are away in the van.
Nov 29, 2007
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I don't mind getting woken early when away in the caravan. I just turn over, snuggle down and think how nice it is that it is not my alarm clock telling me to get up for work!
Jun 1, 2008
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On a site this year there was a guy next to our van and he just tied his dog to the back of his caravan and let it bark non-stop. After two days of this I'd had enough so I knocked on his caravan door, when he came out I asked him if I could borrow his dog for a couple of days, to which he replied, why on earth do you want to borrow my dog, so I told him I wanted to tie it to the back of MY caravan and let it bark it's head off for two days, "And see how you like it !!"
Mar 14, 2005
Car doors don't bother me half as much as sliding doors of some motor home conversions. The worst offenders are VW vans without their own washroom. Firstly, sliding doors make a lot more noise, rumbling as they shut. Secondly, the people need to open and close them every time they make their way to the washrooms, and that can be late at night or very early in the morning.
Jul 31, 2010
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Have to agree with you there Lutz, Having had a works van with sliding doors, I never found a way of closing them quietly.

Steve w
Jul 23, 2008
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i appreciate how annoying these noises can be, but look on the bright side, at least you can lounge around the rest of the day! not like going to work!!


Our nearest neighbour is about 2kms away, most decent European sites don't allow cars to drive on site between 10/11pm and 7am.

Noisy site neighbours, just tell them politely that they are making a lot of noise to early. If no one tells them they are never likely to stop the bad habits.


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