Hi Michell, You are quite correct in your specifications for the HDi 136 and this has a bhp of 136 which isn,t bad for a 2.0 ltr car. Your kerb weight will allow an 85% match of 1343. I would start like I have, by visiting as many dealers as possible and look at all the vans you like in that weight area. You will find the MTPL weight for most vans riveted to the side somewhere near the door. As tempting as it might be don't exceed the 85% suggestion if you havn't towed before and you should have a goodish match. The only thing is the low hitch weight of 60kgs at the ball. Check this out with Peugeot customer services as there was one car, I think it may have been the 406 that they said was 40kgs then revised it to 80? The more weight you can put on the hitch , the more stable your tow will be.
Good Luck with your choice