Win NEC show tickets!

Sep 29, 2016
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Mel said:
Anseo said:
Thanks Lizzie, entry completed.
Not wishing to be presumptuous here Sir Haggis; but you do know where Birmingham is....?

DOH! just checked the map and it is somewhere south of Hadrians Wall.

If I win I will donate the tickets to one of the good people on here :)


Nov 12, 2009
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Martin24 said:
Thanks Lizzie, all done :cheer:
Martin, I'm not sure if you know this, but if you contact the NEC ticket office and have your blue badge number handy you can ask for a disability concession and your carer gets in free. This applies to many events at the NEC including the Caravan. and Motorhome Show.
Oct 12, 2013
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I would usually enter anything going for the competitions but not this one as we are spent up now for a long time to come & don't want to part with any more cash !!! Been an expensive year ! skint :p
Aug 23, 2009
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Many venues are free for Nurse Jenny when with me and she has been issued with a council carers card which helps with the free entries to lots of visitor attractions.

There are always disabled people moaning about their lot but I think on the whole we get a pretty good deal. No VAT on lots of things makes a huge saving for one thing and the PIP payments aren't bad either. I couldn't buy the car I'm getting without the VAT relief. We also go free (not blue badge related but registered disabled only) tolls on all bridges, crossings, toll roads the lot. add into the equation no RFL and I think there's a lot of positives being made to support the disabled community.


Mar 17, 2007
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Martin24 said:
Many venues are free for Nurse Jenny when with me and she has been issued with a council carers card which helps with the free entries to lots of visitor attractions.

There are always disabled people moaning about their lot but I think on the whole we get a pretty good deal. No VAT on lots of things makes a huge saving for one thing and the PIP payments aren't bad either. I couldn't buy the car I'm getting without the VAT relief. We also go free (not blue badge related but registered disabled only) tolls on all bridges, crossings, toll roads the lot. add into the equation no RFL and I think there's a lot of positives being made to support the disabled community.

Hi Martin. Heard something on the radio the other morning about Council Tax relief for people with certain disabilities. Apparently this is not well known and a lot of folks are missing out. Hope you are signed up for it if you are eligible.
Aug 23, 2009
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Hello Mel, yes we are a band lower than we should be. You are right though a lot of people don't know about it. The other thing we've just done that people don't seem to know about is giving my tax allowance to Jenny. We had a nice back pay on that one. :cheer:
Nov 16, 2015
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Hi Martin, yes I am not sure if it was Gabs"The King of the Woosies" or WC who mentioned that it gives you a tax relief of £1150 , or in real terms £220 a year better to us than the Tax man, and very easy to do on line just need you NI numbers.


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