Woosie Club

Page 139 - Passionate about caravans & motorhome? Join our community to share that passion with a global audience!
Feb 3, 2008
Gagakev said:
Sir DD
Sir Gagakev
Sir Rob T
Dame TC
Sir WC (Woodlands Camper)
Lady Mel
Sir Aleman
Sir Chunky (Colin-yorkshire)
Sir WC Kopite
Sir Emmerson
Sir Gab (Gabsgrandad)
Sir Deli Dave
Sir Mucky Pup TB (Tea Boy)
Sir RogerF WM(washing machine)
Sir Martin24 Sir Outnumbered WC (4;1)
Lady Di Di
King Sprocket Jester CJ (Bar)
Dame Crazyguider
Sir Fixalot
Sir Stagger
Sir Sticky
Sir Brian_C
Baroness Barmy
Sir Brian of Stevange
Sir Were Rabbit
Sir Prised
Sir Hugh Rinal
Lady of the Knight (soldlisa04)
Gafferbill- Sir Baldrick
Sir Bill TTC
Sir Gozza
Lady Smiley

And not to forget the Honourable Lifetime member...Sir Lightpole Man

There are 4 Woosies in the above list who have posted recently on other threads but do not declare they are Woosies in their signature box. Shall we name and shame them and hope they will attend the Woosiefest? :whistle: B)


Mar 17, 2007
Perhaps our King should demand a re-pledging of our allegiance to Woosiedom. This might allow those who have recanted their Woosiesness to exit quietly.

Aug 23, 2009
I hear by not only swear my allegiance to the most honourable order of Woosiedom but also say, yes go on name and shame as well. I just need to know how to do pink!!
Feb 3, 2008
Martin24 said:
I just need to know how to do pink!!

In the text you use the colour palette in the tool bar. Choose a colour that looks about right, then look at preview and edit the colour to 00bb.

In the signature box you need to export the text to Word, colour the text you want to and then paste it back again.
Jan 15, 2011
WoodlandsCamper said:
Gagakev said:
Sir DD
Sir Gagakev
Sir Rob T
Dame TC
Sir WC (Woodlands Camper)
Lady Mel
Sir Aleman
Sir Chunky (Colin-yorkshire)
Sir WC Kopite
Sir Emmerson
Sir Gab (Gabsgrandad)
Sir Deli Dave
Sir Mucky Pup TB (Tea Boy)
Sir RogerF WM(washing machine)
Sir Martin24 Sir Outnumbered WC (4;1)
Lady Di Di
King Sprocket Jester CJ (Bar)
Dame Crazyguider
Sir Fixalot
Sir Stagger
Sir Sticky
Sir Brian_C
Baroness Barmy
Sir Brian of Stevange
Sir Were Rabbit
Sir Prised
Sir Hugh Rinal
Lady of the Knight (soldlisa04)
Gafferbill- Sir Baldrick
Sir Bill TTC
Sir Gozza
Lady Smiley

And not to forget the Honourable Lifetime member...Sir Lightpole Man

There are 4 Woosies in the above list who have posted recently on other threads but do not declare they are Woosies in their signature box. Shall we name and shame them and hope they will attend the Woosiefest? :whistle: B)

Well I must be one of those!
I would have liked to have joined the annual woosifest at Anita's this year but having recently been afflicted with deafness I initially fought shy of getting into situations where conversations were required. since then and realising that I've just got to get on with it I have carried on in much the same way as always. I hear very little of what is said unless in one to one conversations in a quiet situation. So fetching water can still be a prolonged job if I get chatting at the water point, but in a social environment pub / restaurant with background noise I understand little if anything at all.
I'm perfecting the art of smiling and nodding during those types of outings.
I'm never quite sure what I've agreed too.

I suppose I had better make the effort to work out how to enter a signature line

I would like to wish all Forum members a very happy Christmas and best wishes for a happy and health new year.
Nov 16, 2015
Brian, your not alone, i often stand in a pub nodding and smilling, choicing not to answering the good lady, but that sometimes out of choice.
Just keep smiling , :whistle:
Feb 3, 2008
brian_c said:
WoodlandsCamper said:
There are 4 Woosies in the above list who have posted recently on other threads but do not declare they are Woosies in their signature box. Shall we name and shame them and hope they will attend the Woosiefest? :whistle: B)

We I must be one of those!
I would have liked to have joined the annual woosifest at Anita's this year but having recently been afflicted with deafness I initially fought shy of getting into situations where conversations were required. since then and realising that I've just got to get on with it I have carried on in much the same way as always. I hear very little of what is said unless in one to one conversations in a quiet situation. So fetching water can still be a prolong job if I get chatting at the water point, but in a social environment pub / restaurant with background noise I understand little if anything at all.
I'm perfecting the art of smiling and nodding during those types of outings.
I'm never quite sure what I've agreed too.

I suppose I had better make the effort to work out how to enter a signature line


Hi Brian. Yes, you are one of the four I was alluding to.

I'm sorry to hear you are having hearing problems, it must be disconcerting for you, but we are a nice bunch and are very patient.

Regarding your signature line, you already have your van and car details there, so if you want to declare your Woosieness just edit your profile to include the extra info.

Seasons greetings to you as well.
Mar 8, 2009
My hearing aid is of very little use in crowds, but I just sit around looking 'intelligent' and pretending I know what's going on!
Apr 20, 2009
WoodlandsCamper said:
Martin24 said:
I just need to know how to do pink!!

In the text you use the colour palette in the tool bar. Choose a colour that looks about right, then look at preview and edit the colour to 00bb.

In the signature box you need to export the text to Word, colour the text you want to and then paste it back again.

Ummm?? seems long winded????
type word you require to be coloured highlight with curser go to colour pallet click on colour and bobs your uncle, then click submit as normal :)
Feb 3, 2008
I always forget which is the right pink from the palette so I correct it if necessary.

The palette is not available when editing ones profile hence the reference to Word.
Apr 20, 2009
Gabsgrandad said:
Is that onny wun yunderstood?

Also No 4 !!!!

Now can we all get back to words that we all understand, it's my Christmas holiday and my damm brain is working overtime and I aint getting paid to decipher that lot :evil:
Apr 20, 2009
Quote from Brian_C.
Well I must be one of those!
I would have liked to have joined the annual woosifest at Anita's this year but having recently been afflicted with deafness I initially fought shy of getting into situations where conversations were required. since then and realising that I've just got to get on with it I have carried on in much the same way as always. I hear very little of what is said unless in one to one conversations in a quiet situation. So fetching water can still be a prolonged job if I get chatting at the water point, but in a social environment pub / restaurant with background noise I understand little if anything at all.
I'm perfecting the art of smiling and nodding during those types of outings.
I'm never quite sure what I've agreed too.

I suppose I had better make the effort to work out how to enter a signature line

I would like to wish all Forum members a very happy Christmas and best wishes for a happy and health new year.

Brian dont worry about a thing mate, by the time we all get Brahms and list we are all nodding and smiling at one another anyway, you will fit in perfectly :) :)
Aug 23, 2009
Gagakev said:
Gabsgrandad said:
Is that onny wun yunderstood?

Also No 4 !!!!

Now can we all get back to words that we all understand, it's my Christmas holiday and my damm brain is working overtime and I aint getting paid to decipher that lot :evil:

Yes please bad enough listening to it with the children! :woohoo:
Nov 16, 2015
I hope you Lads and Lasses are not having too bad time up North of the Watford Gap. I had hoped to surptise you all , but the kids have come home. So take care, see you some where. Happy New Year.
Jun 20, 2005
Never mind your woosieness. Your intentions were sound.
Do we need to bring our inflatables to the next Fest? :eek:hmy:
Mar 8, 2009
This a picture of York (10 minutes ago from live web cam) CC site (closed) just along the river from here, (we're booked mid Jan) Yes that is a no entry sign(6/7ft?)


Jun 20, 2005
WoodlandsCamper said:
I'm not sure if I'd want to cross a road bridge over a swollen river after seeing the video clip on the BBC News website of a pub (or what's left of it) over the river Irwell at Manchester.

see link here
What has happened? This pub has lasted 200 years.
Apr 7, 2008
Nov 16, 2015
The bridge at Tadcaster, went today, and more rain expected tonight, Stay safe everyone.
Jun 20, 2005
Just driven into Bristol. Wind is fierce buffeting the Sorento all over the place.
glad we cut short our holiday and came home Monday.
The fallen tree debris on the country roads is another danger.
Feb 3, 2008
Dustydog said:
Just driven into Bristol. Wind is fierce buffeting the Sorento all over the place.
glad we cut short our holiday and came home Monday.
The fallen tree debris on the country roads is another danger.
Just take care when driving and look a long way ahead. Use the second pair of eyes if you have a passenger.


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