Woosie Club

Page 140 - Passionate about caravans & motorhome? Join our community to share that passion with a global audience!
Feb 3, 2008
Got bored waiting for Lady Squirrel so had a quick look to see which Woosies haven't viewed the forum in over a year and two names came to light. Both are Woosies from the very early days and don't know if they've lost interest or have given up caravanning:

Dame TC (thursdays child)
Sir Bill TTC (bill_374352895)

Anyone have any ideas?
Aug 23, 2009
Gosh I'd forgotten about them.

Wind very strong here this morning. Weather app reckons it'll ease about 2. The same time as more heavy rain is due. So far it seems as if we're okay but more rain could tip Beverley over the edge in places as well.
Mar 8, 2009
Feb 3, 2008
Craigyoung said:
What needs to be done to become a Woosie ?????? :huh:

See below for a list of possible membership requirements.. You need to publicly declare your indiscretions and you will be proposed and seconded for membership. It will then be up to our King to bestow a knighthood on you, after choosing a suitable name. ;)
We look forward to hearing from you.

Any one who is scared of silly things like spiders etc
Any one who finds normal everyday chores repulsive
Any one with initials/name that we find suitable.
Any one who runs around after there better half which is unnecessary
Any one who gives silly remarks to others on this forum
Those who wont sleep in their awning
Those who waste electricity heating the awning at 2kw just to keep the dog warm.
Those who want a Chinese take away delivered to their caravan door
Don't like getting muddy
Complain to the Wardens about the weather
and there are many more!

If anyone else wishes to become a Knight or Dame of the Woosie Club please tell us some of your silly stories or pet dislikes about getting your hands dirty caravanning. No need to be lavatorial.
Oct 12, 2013
WoodlandsCamper said:
Craigyoung said:
What needs to be done to become a Woosie ?????? :huh:

See below for a list of possible membership requirements.. You need to publicly declare your indiscretions and you will be proposed and seconded for membership. It will then be up to our King to bestow a knighthood on you, after choosing a suitable name. ;)

Hi , here it goes ! Going to work my way down your list !!,
Most chores are terrible but need to be done ,
My initials are CRY as in our reg plate , had that for 2o years and still get people laughing at it , but there my initials !,
I'm always on the go making sure every thing **** and span for the family ,
Made loads off funny comments and replies to others ,
Don't mind getting muddy but detest it when kids do then walk it into awning then into caravan :evil:
And the most embarrassing moment would be getting a telling off from the wardens the morning after when we met up with friends at the Barnard Castle site and were still drinking at 1am ! We thought we were quiet - obviously we weren't ! But the day after as we came to leave , my 13 pin plug on the van came apart as I tried to hook up to the car as we tried to pull off site resulting in me blocking most off the people wanting to also pull off as I was parked blocking the exiting barrier !! Imagine my relief when someone also waiting to get out introduced himself as a caravan engineer !!!!! So if you were there then and stuck cos off me - apologies :whistle:
Is this any good for an application? :huh:
Jun 20, 2005
Your main posts have always been friendly and I have to assume you and your family are not adverse to doing number twos in the Thetford I feel minded to propose you are considered by His Royal Woosieness as a valuable member and knight of the Woosie Round Table

You need to be seconded and consider a suitable Woosie name. Any ideas.
I thought of Sir CRYing out loud but maybe that's a step too far :woohoo: :evil:
Feb 3, 2008
In order to involve more Woosies I will let somebody else second you, however I think Sir Crying on its own would be suitable as a name. :)
Jan 15, 2011
Welcome to the Woosie club. Sir Crying
I am a proud member myself but as yet I haven't presented myself at any of the gatherings held by the Woosies.
Hopefully this year I may be able to resolve that.


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