Woosie Club

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Jun 20, 2005
Mel said:
OK let me get this straight; We are spending £2.50 each on food that we will bring to the WTI (woosie tuck in) and then giving DD £1.50 in cash each to fund the BBQ. Is this right??
If so shall we do a list of food that we are each bringing so that we don't all turn up with chilli (or worse, quiche)

mel: chilli and garlic bread


Not quite Mel.
Flexibility with an overall cap of say £5.00 a head max.
If the weather is good we could have a BBQ and skip the curries etc. However if the weather is like Snowdonia we may need to go down the pot of chilli route etc. You're quite right of course we need to get some total lists together on who likes what and who is preparing what.
It may well be some will spend more than others so we we will have to balance out the books between us.

Maybe the WTI could be a cold buffett with canapes type things or whatever.

I think until Parksy tells us more about the table thing and we know more of who likes what , get a menu prepared and decide who does what we will be chasing our Woosie tails.
The most important thing is that everyone is happy!!
Mar 2, 2010
we like burger sausage type things not keen on curry chilli stuff but can find something.£5 a head should get a decent feast
Apr 20, 2009
Here you go folks have a peep at the list below, perhaps we can all offer to get something from the list below or indeed add you own
we obviously havent got to get it all and can ommit as well as add
If we are all happy we can then at a later stage add our names to what we will take to the WTI

Egg mayonnaise & cress
Chicken tikka
Cheddar & Branston
Roast beef & tomato
Baked ham & tomato
A Selection of savouries:
Vegetable samosas
Selection of mini quiche
Scotch eggs
Cheese savouries
Pork pies
Sausage rolls
Onion bhaji
Mini cheese pizza
Crisps + Dips
Pasta salad
Potato salad
Mixed salad
Meat platter
Cocktail sausages on a stick
Cheese and pineapple on a stick
Sweet's --Gateau
Freash fruit salad
Chilli if its cold
BBQ weather permitting

Jan 22, 2010
Well done kev you are well organised great list something for everyone well almost sir DD and mucky pup are barred from everything bar the salad lol
Aug 23, 2009
As an ex rallier I would suggest a faith supper. In good faith you bring enough food for yourselves and it all gets laid out for sharing, the list is a good idea though so you don't just have sausage rolls. For BBQ's or meals we used to price up what we doing and divide by the number of people attending. I did a 'rabbit ralley' so just priced up the cartridges, veg and suet costs!!! As far as drinkies go bring your own and the stragglers sat on the field at 1 am just dip into whatever's going!! Of course I've only dipped in and out of the thread as can't come so I may be wittering on for no reason!!!


Nov 12, 2009
On the rallies that I've been to where this sort of thing has taken place there are two types.
A Jacobs Table refers to the colours of the food as in 'Jacob's coat of many colours' and those attending are supposed to use their imagination to make the table look as colourful as possible.
The more usual one is the American Supper.
On rallies there are often anything between 20 - 100 individuals who are likely to attend and the more people who are at the rally the lower the price for food. Each caravan takes food items to the limit set, often they overspend, but on a large rally the price is only about £1 - £2 because there are more caravans. A tenner per caravan ought to be enough for a good feast at Poston.
The American Supper usually takes the form of a cold buffet so it looks as though we will have an American Supper and BBQ.
It might be worth deciding according to the weather if maybe the BBQ could be during the afternoon with the cold buffet to follow during the evening but it's just a suggestion.
People take along their own drinks according to their preferences, it wouldn't be fair for someone who doesn't really drink to have to subsidise the topers among us.


Nov 12, 2009
I forgot to add that we need to have a head count of the children who are coming and find out how old they are so that we can cater for them with the things that they like


Mar 17, 2007
OK. Got it. I will bring whatever is agreed.
BTW, Parksy, are you sure it is called Jacob's Table because of the colours, my following of the works of God and of Andrew LLoyd Weber would suggest that Joseph had the coat of many colours and Jacob was his Dad.


Nov 12, 2009
Mel said:
OK. Got it. I will bring whatever is agreed.
BTW, Parksy, are you sure it is called Jacob's Table because of the colours, my following of the works of God and of Andrew LLoyd Weber would suggest that Joseph had the coat of many colours and Jacob was his Dad.
I know that it's called a Jacob's table, perhaps it was because Jacob gave the coat of many colours to Joseph as a gift and those who bring the 'food of many colours' donate it as a gift.
Or maybe in our particular case it's called a Jacob's Table because we're all crackers?
Aug 4, 2004
Although we booked and paid, we are now changing the dates of arrival and will no longer be joining yourselves. I will not be posting again on this forum, however would like to say that it has been nice meeting and chatting with some of you over the years.


Nov 12, 2009
Surfer said:
Although we booked and paid, we are now changing the dates of arrival and will no longer be joining yourselves. I will not be posting again on this forum, however would like to say that it has been nice meeting and chatting with some of you over the years.
Oh dear, it looks as though the rattle has been thrown right out of the pram for some reason.
Apr 20, 2009
Surfer said:
Although we booked and paid, we are now changing the dates of arrival and will no longer be joining yourselves. I will not be posting again on this forum, however would like to say that it has been nice meeting and chatting with some of you over the years.

Wow Sir Stagger thats a bit drastic!


Mar 17, 2007
Anyone found out yet why Surfer has staggered off in a strop? His choice of course, but it would be interesting to know what caused him to take such offence.
Aug 23, 2009
Possibly the "utter rubbish" comment in towcars which Parksey has tried to deal with and got a rather half hearted apology from the person that made the comment. That's about all I could find that possibly caused it?????????????????????????
Jun 20, 2005
Martin24 said:
Possibly the "utter rubbish" comment in towcars which Parksey has tried to deal with and got a rather half hearted apology from the person that made the comment. That's about all I could find that possibly caused it?????????????????????????
If it was the one I think, Antara, then it's a sad day indeed. I can't find anything else in recent times that is adversarial
Oct 30, 2009
hi fellow knights,
while it would not right to speculate the reasons why anyone decides to leave the forum it is true that surfer has been at odds with some other members for quite a while now and running through many threads, it happens to most of us from time to time and one thinks to hell with it why bother
quite a few old members have done the same over the years some come back while others do not,
the reason for "Sir Staggers" withdrawal from the forum is his own affair and surely not for us to speculate on, he may or may not let us know later on if he wishes but in the meantime we should just let sleeping dogs lie, and wish him the best as he goes off questing on his own,


Nov 12, 2009
Mel said:
Anyone found out yet why Surfer has staggered off in a strop? His choice of course, but it would be interesting to know what caused him to take such offence.


Dustydog said:
Martin24 said:
Possibly the "utter rubbish" comment in towcars which Parksey has tried to deal with and got a rather half hearted apology from the person that made the comment. That's about all I could find that possibly caused it?????????????????????????

If it was the one I think, Antara, then it's a sad day indeed. I can't find anything else in recent times that is adversarial

Apologies for taking this thread completely off topic from what it was meant to be about but I have my own thoughts on this matter.

Over the years it's not unkown for forum members to take exception to what they see as an insult, a slight or what they feel is unfair treatment meted out to them, especially by the arch villian of the forum, the moderator.

This has often resulted in what I've come to regard as 'the flounce', where the toys get thrown out of the pram, the dummy is well and truly spat out and somebody flounces off in high dudgeon vowing never to return to the forum.

A few years ago I used to worry when somebody did a flounce, I'd even try to persuade them to come back to the forum if I could.

As a moderator I felt that if I'd done something that had upset somebody enough to make them flounce off then I ought to try to put things right if I could.

Even when I've not been directly involved I've tried to mediate between two opposing parties who are involved in a forum argument or disagreement, I still do that sometimes but mainly off forum via email.
There have been cases when people who have become a wee bit hot under the collar have been banned from this forum by another moderator, and I have worked to find a solution and re-instated the banned forum member, no names - no pack drill.

Over the past few years my attitude toward flouncers has changed somewhat and I now consider those who do a flounce to be a wee bit immature so I just let them get on with it, I'm certainly not going to carry out moderating duties on the forum any differently as a result of the threat of a flounce taking place.

Some flouncers eventually come back of their own accord, some make more comebacks than Lazarus, and some dont ever return to the forum but if, as a forum moderator, I had to adjust the way that I worked to ensure the smooth hassle free running of the forum according to the probability of somebody doing a flounce then we would have a very unfair system indeed.

The same thing applies to my two moderator colleagues.
In this particular case it's rather sad that Surfer's flounce has been taken to the extreme whereby he's decided not to join the rest of us at Poston Mill after he'd booked and paid for the trip..

Hey ho, such is life and if Surfer has flounced off and binned his visit to Poston with us as a result of something that I've done as a forum moderator I'll try my very best not to lose too much sleep over it, difficult though that may seem.

I was asked to become a member of the Woosie Club quite a while back and though I was flattered and pleased to be asked, in the interests of forum unity I had to politely decline.
Perhaps this particular incident may shed some light on why I had to decline, I can't be seen or perceived to be acting more favourably to one group of people over another.

I try to carefully think before I act when handling the thorny issue of forum moderating, I have a responsibility to be seen to be fair, reasonable and polite to everyone because I am able to affect their ability to use this forum or to control what they can submit in their comments. All of this of couse has to be balanced with the way that Haymarket want the forum to be run, the way that it reflects on Practical Caravan magazine and the way that forum members feel about the forum in general, in terms of friendliness, helpfulness and the fairness of it's moderators.

It's a responsibility that I take very seriously so I'm not about to apologise for what I do in the interests of the forum as a whole or to favour one person over another no matter what the situation is when I have to use moderator input.

I've no more idea than anyone else as to why Surfer has acted in the way that he has, I suspect that it may be because of a locked topic a while back in which nit picking arguments and silly wind-up points scoring was beginning to damage the reputation of the forum, but whatever the reason Surfer must do what he thinks is best for him.
Aug 23, 2009
That's a really good summary!!! I would say that what you have written is very much what we would like to see from mods and is indeed true to what you do as a mod!! Lets hope we can all draw a line under it now and leave it and see if surfer returns!!
Jun 20, 2005
Most eloquent Parksy and a jolly good balanced insight into the trials and tribulations of a Mod.

For me and I feel I can also speak for all The Woosies ,all we want from this Forum is friendship, enjoyment, fun and a share of knowledge for any problems that arise during our caravanning hobby. Nothing else!

I canot see in any way how you can even consider any responsibility for Sir Stagger's action. Hopefully he'll think it over and rejoin. I'm sure the door will remain open .


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