Anseo said:
To all the Woosie's I have not yet had the pleasure to meet with yet:
I do sincerely feel that this Practical Caravan forum site is going 'down the tubes'.
Regrettable as that may be (and I am hope and wish that I am wrong), I look forward to meeting you at the fest.
May I suggest that (ifwhen it all goes pear shaped), we make efforts to convey our respective contact details, Hutch has mine and I grant hm the freedom to share with others, THANKS Hutch.
Lets keep in touch whatever.
Regards to all,
Hi John
I'm sorry to see that you feel that this forum is 'going down the tubes'.
It's true that there has been a change of ownership to Practical Caravan Magazine including this forum which represents the online voice of the magazine readership.
It's also true that some of us have recently become concerned at the type and the volume of advertising material that is appearing on the forum pages, and which causes the forum page to jump around when it is opened.
Damian has informed you that he's been in contact with the new owners and that he's waiting for replies to questions about the adverts that he's asked on our behalf.
This particular internet forum has been around for at least 15 years, there's no reason to suppose that it won't be around for the next 15 years, and unfounded rumours about the demise of this valuable online resource have surfaced from time to time.
The proof is in the pudding, we're still here, new members continue to join this forum, some stay as you yourself have stayed, and others ask specific questions, receive replies and they don't continue to use this forum to make onlline friends and to share jokes, gossip etc.
The published content of this forum varies from time to time, but the forum consistently delivers very good real time technical advice from members who are usually experienced touring caravan owners.
It's great that you want to keep in touch with everybody but I sincerely believe that in terms of the demise of this forum you are way off the mark, and rumours only serve to fuel speculation which puts off new members.