Woosie Club

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Apr 20, 2009
Cant wait anymoe I'm going to take the 1400th POST
See you all soon
Apr 20, 2009
Dustydog said:
Gagakev said:
Cant wait anymoe I'm going to take the 1400th POST
See you all soon


Well done!
You beat me so the Rivendale beers are on you.LOL.
Beers at Rivenlot??? I'll be in the bar this time tomorrow buying me own

Off to check it all out to see if it is acceptable for us Woosie's.
Going to see which is the best pitch of which to park my Throne in October

Now just to let you know I have appointed a deputy to look after you all in my absence,this person knows who he/she is but
will remain annonomous to keep you all on your toes

Sir Dusty Ive got me compass will see what I can find out.
Feb 3, 2008
Hope Rivenlot was OK and you enjoyed the week.
We're off for a few days soon to the CC site at Much Wenlock (£11 per night including hookup, but no toilet block, so may have to get Lady Squirrel to do the emptying


Mar 17, 2007
Hi, hope all Woosies enjoyed the Bank holiday break. Kev, hope you got to Derbyshire more easily than I got to Devon. M5 a car park. Worth it when we eventually got there.


Mar 17, 2007
Woodlands Camper said:
Hope Rivenlot was OK and you enjoyed the week.
We're off for a few days soon to the CC site at Much Wenlock (£11 per night including hookup, but no toilet block, so may have to get Lady Squirrel to do the emptying
Just take a shovel and save on the emptying.
Apr 20, 2009
Mel said:
Hi, hope all Woosies enjoyed the Bank holiday break. Kev, hope you got to Derbyshire more easily than I got to Devon. M5 a car park. Worth it when we eventually got there.

I'm back Lady Mel,had to compromise on the Tshirt OH forgot to pack mine GRRRRRRRR
Saw the car park on the way up both sides of the Avon bridge took us 7 hours up at steady 56mph with two stops and 6 hours back
at steady 60mph with 1 stop. On the way up we started with full tank of fuel and refueled on M6 Toll (M6 non toll had traffic delays at 2 junctions so decided to use toll) had to miss first sat nav turn off (T4 I think) and carry on to services!!!
loved the area and had a great time hope you enjoyed north devon and had better weather than us! rain from Monday night to Thursday PM!!
More on what we thought of the site perhaps tomorrow?????
Jun 20, 2005
Welcome Your Royal Highness

I can see by your shrunken trousers it must have rained heavily

I spent a week in North Devon working at my mum's home. Were glad to return home for a rest.
Off to Cornwall in three weeks time, hopefully plenty of sunshine . The Wyoming needs its annual polish, that'll take ages.

So , have we chosen a good site for the Woosiefest??
Apr 20, 2009
OK this is my opinion and you are to make up your own minds.
Lovely setting with the different birds chirping from 5.30am up to about 10.00pm there's one there which sounds like the reversing buzzer you get on commercial vehicles beep, beep , beep, beep, beep, beep, and its loud

Sir Dusty first off the satalite signal, a few others had set ups facing the crown in the picture and reading south east, TV signal was
one off the easiset ones I have ever found, got it first time

The Pub;
Not open on Thursday's, Access is up 10 high steps to 1st floor, dont worry Parksy we will carry you in and out

They only have part of the menu which is advertised on there web site.
Food is very basic I had gammon, which consisted off gammon, chips, and bit of salad, no egg no pineapple no peas.
But that said all the 4 meals we had were nice and tasty.

Dog Walk.
At the entrance to the site, down a single path to enclosed fields, but the grass is over a foot high, Woosie's will be pitched at the very top off the site.

Entrance to dog walk area in top photo above and field to exercise dogs you can walk through to adjoining fields.

The Site;
as its set in a Limestone quarry with no real roads the dust can be annoying blowing around in dry conditions and wet and sticky when wet, awning carpet white and my car is no longer black but white.
You need to be Popeye to put the pegs in and Arnie Schwarzenegger to get them out, only lost two though.
Grey water goes down same drain as chemical fluids--YUK both nearest points were blocked at some time or another.
You also have to lift the 40 litres over a 6 to 8 inch lip
Bio fluid in site shop 2.5 litres £20.50p Glossop caravan centre £7,99p !!!
Ladies and gents both cold first morning and happened often as you heard from other people,(the ladies and grandson used on board shower), not very clean , limited storage = 2 pegs on back of door, the mop bucket had a cup of dirty water in the bottom.
Ladies feminine disposal bin over flowing all week, I had a cold shower after packing up on sat morning and came out nice and refreshed

The other thing I couldnt understand is the sign in the area we are to be pitched (where we were) there is a sign
Strickley no dogs in this area, but there were at least six, (we didnt take Buddy as we wanted to go places to treat the grandson).

I will return to Rivendale............................... for the Woosiefest only
Hope fully as this was a major bank holiday with the site being full most of the above will be sorted by the time we get there.
Most of the reveiws give positive remarks.
Real shame really as it should have been a better experiance but as it was only a base for us as we were out everyday.
Sorry if I have disapointed any of you but best to speak as you find,
And finally really liked the area with plenty to do and proberbly one of the better holidays we have had.
Apr 7, 2008
That beep beep beep .....
could it be coming from Here this is just up the road on the right hand side past the gate ???
Looks like some sort of small holding or Quarry ???
Apr 20, 2009
Sproket said:
That beep beep beep .....
could it be coming from Here this is just up the road on the right hand side past the gate ???
Looks like some sort of small holding or Quarry ???
Not at 10.00pm at night definetly a bird because it was sat in the tree behind us

Should have taken up Twitching I suppose
Jun 20, 2005
Excellent script Your Royal Woosieness .
Maybe PCV will employ you to do some site assessments for them. They do have a band of "volunteers" who do this.
I'm slightly disappointed at some of your findings. No excuses for overflowing sanitary bins or poor facilities.
Fortunately as well seasoned Woosies we can cope with our own onboard stuff.
I must remind myself to buy some Bio Chem before october. I'm not paying 3 x the cost!!
If the cafe place is shut then it may be possible for us to hire for an evening???? Was the beer any good?
I'm not carrying Parksy up 10 steps for poor beer

I hope you do a post on UK Campsites.
Well done Kev, it really was a good assessment including the Royal Crown.
Mar 8, 2009
You don't make it sound very 'inviting' Kev. (But we've 'roughed it before!) One thing you didn't mention in your 'review' was terrestial tv. Is there any reception or hook ups for tv? If not the flying saucer will have to come out. (PS - did you leave the crown up there so we can point our dishes at it?)
Jul 15, 2008
Glad you mostly enjoyed it Kevin ........the venue seems to have expanded ......wedding receptions?

I was there for New Year 2003/04.....then just a caravan/camping site with a pub/restaurant but pushing green credentials even then.
To get onto important Woosie matters..........they do not have toilet inspection police on site do they ?
Heres my cunning plan!
I will just be chemical free for the duration of stay to comply with the rules.......so don't pitch next to me


Nov 12, 2009
Gagakev said:
....The Pub;

Not open on Thursday's, Access is up 10 high steps to 1st floor, dont worry Parksy we will carry you in and out........
Don't worry, I'll get in ok but you might have to carry me back afterwards
Apr 20, 2009
colin-yorkshire said:
it will be a Blackbird Kev!! we have one sings across the road and can mimic a creaking gate and a car alarm!
Reminds me of that Wurzel song Colin
where be a blackbird to and i
know where he be, he be up your
Wurzel tree and I'll be after he,
know i see he and he see's i
****** if i dont get him
with a gurt big stick il knock
him down blackbird ill have he

Apr 20, 2009
Dustydog said:
Excellent script Your Royal Woosieness .
Maybe PCV will employ you to do some site assessments for them. They do have a band of "volunteers" who do this.
I'm slightly disappointed at some of your findings. No excuses for overflowing sanitary bins or poor facilities.
Fortunately as well seasoned Woosies we can cope with our own onboard stuff.
I must remind myself to buy some Bio Chem before october. I'm not paying 3 x the cost!!
If the cafe place is shut then it may be possible for us to hire for an evening???? Was the beer any good?
I'm not carrying Parksy up 10 steps for poor beer

I hope you do a post on UK Campsites.
Well done Kev, it really was a good assessment including the Royal Crown.
The pub and cafe are two separate locations
And the pub should be open on the Fri, Sat, Sun,
Shouldnt have asked me about the beer you can have either..............
John Smiths or John Smiths oh and they also had some John Smiths

There is also a couple of lagers and Ladygaga got her Guinness
Disappointed really as I do like to try some different beers when away.

Not done any reveiws on UK campsite but may look into it later in the week.

Oh and if the nice comments are to try and regain the crown it wont work

But thanks anyway
Apr 20, 2009
Gabsgrandad said:
You don't make it sound very 'inviting' Kev. (But we've 'roughed it before!) One thing you didn't mention in your 'review' was terrestial tv. Is there any reception or hook ups for tv? If not the flying saucer will have to come out. (PS - did you leave the crown up there so we can point our dishes at it?)
Sir Dusty first off the satalite signal, a few others had set ups facing the crown in the picture and reading south east, TV signal was
one off the easiset ones I have ever found, got it first time

Perhaps I didnt word it properly Sir Gab, but I dont have a flying saucer or even a sat dish for that matter

Wish I didnt even have a TV but I dont want the wroth of Ladygaga

Just pointed the fixed status in southwest direction, (I Think)
And no had to retrive the crown for polishing for the handover in October
Apr 20, 2009
Gafferbill said:
Glad you mostly enjoyed it Kevin ........the venue seems to have expanded ......wedding receptions?

I was there for New Year 2003/04.....then just a caravan/camping site with a pub/restaurant but pushing green credentials even then.
To get onto important Woosie matters..........they do not have toilet inspection police on site do they ?
Heres my cunning plan!
I will just be chemical free for the duration of stay to comply with the rules.......so don't pitch next to me
Didnt even see a cleaner
And thanks for the pre warning
Apr 20, 2009
Parksy said:
Gagakev said:
....The Pub;

Not open on Thursday's, Access is up 10 high steps to 1st floor, dont worry Parksy we will carry you in and out........
Don't worry, I'll get in ok but you might have to carry me back afterwards
Will organise a chariot for you


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