I always lose on last second e-bay bidding so don't expect a win here Your Royal Woosieship.
However there is some good news .
SWMBO has suggested we have an extra week near Buxton, maybe the week before Rivenlot , maybe on my knightly woosie pitch if possible. Saves hitching and pitching twice.
Will we be drawing up a list of woosie goodies for our little bellies, just so we al know exactly what to do? Don't forget some of us have special dietary requirements so certain nuts starch things etc need to be excluded. BUT not the beer
I thought of doing a special fried rice or paella without any soy sauce. You can add your own . And some BBQ chicken or pork ribs. Again we need to know what sauces bastes can or can't be used.
Not long now and hopefully all the horseflies will have gone. I've got over 20 bites being treated by the Doc. All happened at Pugneys Water Park
FOUR to go