Woosie Club

Page 63 - Passionate about caravans & motorhome? Join our community to share that passion with a global audience!
Aug 12, 2008
Gagakev said:
Someone could get some snacky type things i;e crisp's, Nuts (for Lady Squirrel), Breadsticks with Dips etc

Please put Sir Spoket and I down for this - crisps, nuts, breadsticks, dips, olives etc
Dec 30, 2013
hmmm, not sure what to say to that! I had to reverse it into a right angle and then up the drive. Took a few attempts but I did it! I'm now fully competent in hitching, unhitching,towing and not unhappy about reversing, which is good when you consider I've got to do it all on Thursday with just the kids - off to Burrowhayes again, and OH at work. Wish me luck...
Apr 7, 2008
crazyguider said:
hmmm, not sure what to say to that! I had to reverse it into a right angle and then up the drive.
Took a few attempts but I did it!
I'm now fully competent in hitching, unhitching,towing and not unhappy about reversing, which is good when you consider I've got to do it all on Thursday with just the kids - off to Burrowhayes again, and OH at work.
Wish me luck...

Apr 7, 2008
mucky pup said:
Hi All
Hope you are all well and enjoying this season.
Just got back and catching up with the Forum.
I have had a problem and have not been able to post on here, for some time now but hopefully have now cured it.
Looking forward to our meeting, i see most food and goodies have been taken now so we will bring all the nibbles ect, any special requests let me know.
Now lets see if my post works.

After just reading Mucky pups post.
We will bring Indian & Chinese snacks ....
Jun 20, 2005
I have one of these http://www.leisureshopdirect.com/caravan/chassis/product_16908/bulldog_caravan_leveller.aspx

and a Dorema Toronto porch awning.

I'd like to raffle them on here, at The Woosie Fest or wherever with proceeds going to my local charity The Red Lion Vharity Fund, which helps both National an Locl causes.

How can I best do this?
Jun 20, 2005

The leveller is as new per the thread on my previous.

The Toronto is about 8 years old. I'll dig up a photo tomorrow off my main frame.

Just thought it might good to have a raffle globally or whatever.


Nov 12, 2009
mucky pup said:
yahoo at last.
Parksy i am still having to do the vrification code, can you please sort.
I only came back yesterday after a week away and have been catching up with forum posts.
You should be ok now Ken, and so should Mrs Sprocket who'se profile I've also updated.
Feb 3, 2008
I've done it fellow woosies
, I've signed the paperwork and taking early retirement - by 6 months. I finish at the end of October, so didn't quite make it before our get together at Rivendale, but we can still celebrate
. See you all there.
Apr 20, 2009
Woodlands Camper said:
I've done it fellow woosies
, I've signed the paperwork and taking early retirement - by 6 months. I finish at the end of October, so didn't quite make it before our get together at Rivendale, but we can still celebrate
. See you all there.

Congratulations Sir Wc

Not another excuse for another drink, Lightpole Man will love you
Apr 20, 2009
Gagakev said:
Gagakev said:
Gabsgrandad said:
Woosiefest- October 2013 - Rivenlot Banquet

UPDATED 21.20 – 31/08/13

Lady Mel + Sir Aleman
................... Chilli
King Gagakev + Ladygaga .........
sandwiches, cheese + pineapple/onion, scotch eggs
Sir Sprocket Jester + Lady Sprocket ............Chinese and Indian Snacks
Sir Dusty Dog + Lady Villa................Special
fried rice ( No Soy Sauce) and BBq Chicken or ribs

Sir Wc + Lady Squirrel
................. pork pies and sausage rolls

Lightpole man + Lady Carol ............Cake's
Sir Gab + Lady Gab.. ‘Bucket’
of sherry trifle, - & one ‘without’.
Sir Delhi Dave + Lady Linda ..........Special edition inscripted cake
Sir Mucky Pup
....................Savory snacks, crisps, breadsticks + dips, Nuts etc

(Sir) Baldrick WC
.................Savoury Flan, Pavlova, ice cream
Up-dated so this could be the final menu, unless you want to change anything?
Purchased the Napkins, paper plates, cutlery etc so thats them sorted,


Mar 17, 2007
Woodlands Camper said:
I've done it fellow woosies
, I've signed the paperwork and taking early retirement - by 6 months. I finish at the end of October, so didn't quite make it before our get together at Rivendale, but we can still celebrate
. See you all there.
congratulations. Only 2 months at the grindstone left. So jealous.
Jun 20, 2005
Woodlands Camper said:
I've done it fellow woosies
, I've signed the paperwork and taking early retirement - by 6 months. I finish at the end of October, so didn't quite make it before our get together at Rivendale, but we can still celebrate
. See you all there.

Sir WC

Ok you get 64 bumps or splash the cash for the first round!

Hope you asked for a Gold seat to rest your Woosie botty?
Time to start paying Rivendale.
Jul 9, 2013
I hope this is the right place to post this...
My Lords and Ladies, I respectfully petition for membership of the Woosie Round Table.
I have many experiences which I believe qualify me for elevation to this exalted status, I will describe two for you:
1) Out of a family of three, I am the sole emptier of the Woosie Tank: On more occasions that I like to remember, I have had the unhappy task of dealing with a Woosie Tank which has been overfilled in the night, leaving me not only dealing with the contents and the overspill, but having to do so before my first...umm...relief of the day.
2) In the far off days of long ago when I was a Scout Leader, I arranged for some of my Scouts to have a patrol camp - with no adults present - at a farm run by a friend of mine. The plan was that they would hike back to town at the end of the camp, leaving me to collect the luggage with my car after work, and re-unite them with everything back at HQ. To my horror, I discovered that not only had they not emptied their Woosie Bucket (a literal "bucket-and-chuck-it"), but they'd used it without either chemicals or the actual bucket. Needless to say it had to be emptied and cleaned before I could pack it in my car...
I beg that the Woosie Round Table will look kindly on my application and request that if elevated my Woosie Name should be Sir Gozza of Eastern Southampton.
Your humble servant...
Feb 3, 2008
Gozza said:
I hope this is the right place to post this...
My Lords and Ladies, I respectfully petition for membership of the Woosie Round Table.
I beg that the Woosie Round Table will look kindly on my application and request that if elevated my Woosie Name should be Sir Gozza of Eastern Southampton.
Your humble servant...

Perhaps if you are able to you could join us at the annual Woosie get together in October at Rivendale (I believe there is a space or to available), where you could do more grovelling at our feet; AND pay for the first round of drinks instead of me
(see DD's posting).
Jun 22, 2012
Woodlands Camper said:
Gozza said:
I hope this is the right place to post this...
My Lords and Ladies, I respectfully petition for membership of the Woosie Round Table.
I beg that the Woosie Round Table will look kindly on my application and request that if elevated my Woosie Name should be Sir Gozza of Eastern Southampton.
Your humble servant...

Perhaps if you are able to you could join us at the annual Woosie get together in October at Rivendale (I believe there is a space or to available), where you could do more grovelling at our feet; AND pay for the first round of drinks instead of me
(see DD's posting).
Hi Gozza
I would be pleased to nominate you and your family as members of the Woosie Round Table as it sounds as if you have suffered enough over the years.
You will of course need a seconder and the authority of our mighty King and fellow Knights.
Apr 7, 2008
Gozza said:
1) Out of a family of three, I am the sole emptier of the Woosie Tank: On more occasions that I like to remember, I have had the unhappy task of dealing with a Woosie Tank which has been overfilled in the night, leaving me not only dealing with the contents and the overspill, but having to do so before my first...umm...relief of the day.

With a tale like that i will second Gozza


Mar 17, 2007
I will third!
Gozza you will need a knightly name.
Come and meet us all at Rivenlot
Apr 20, 2009
Gozza said:
I hope this is the right place to post this...
My KING Lords and Ladies, I respectfully petition for membership of the Woosie Round Table. Not a Good Start was it ?
I have many experiences which I believe qualify me for elevation to this exalted status, I will describe two for you:
1) Out of a family of three, I am the sole emptier of the Woosie Tank: On more occasions that I like to remember, I have had the unhappy task of dealing with a Woosie Tank which has been overfilled in the night, leaving me not only dealing with the contents and the overspill, but having to do so before my first...umm...relief of the day.
Then it got better
2) In the far off days of long ago when I was a Scout Leader, I arranged for some of my Scouts to have a patrol camp - with no adults present - at a farm run by a friend of mine. The plan was that they would hike back to town at the end of the camp, leaving me to collect the luggage with my car after work, and re-unite them with everything back at HQ. To my horror, I discovered that not only had they not emptied their Woosie Bucket (a literal "bucket-and-chuck-it"), but they'd used it without either chemicals or the actual bucket. Needless to say it had to be emptied and cleaned before I could pack it in my car...
And Better
I beg that the Woosie Round Table will look kindly on my application and request that if elevated my Woosie Name should be Sir Gozza of Eastern Southampton.
Your humble servant...And even Better
Sir Gozza as you have three nominations I would like to exercise my duties as KING and accept you on to the
Woosie Club Round Table
This is on condition you enter your Knightly name to your signature at the bottom of the page, oh it must be PINK
One futher stipulation is as you are a new puppy to the Woosie Club you will not be honoured with your
requested full title as of yet
. I,m afraid you have to start on the bottom rung of the ladder and be known as Sir Gozza and when you have climbed further up by posting on a regular basis we will decree you futher additional titles to add t

Now then Sir Gozza we have a Woosie meet at Rivenlot in Derbyshire in October and you are most welcome to attend and meet the rest of my subjects. It is £16.00 per night (most are doing 4 nights) and you will meet a great bunch of folks (dont tell them that though or they will try to take advantage of me) . If you can/want to join us let us know and we will supply further details.
Welcome to the Woosie Club
Ps I wont be King for much longer my title gets taken away
in October and a new one is sworn in.
King Gagakev WC (2 Bar)

PPS I did reply last night and for some reason got locked out of the site or it went down!!
Jul 9, 2013
My Liege, Lords and Ladies
My humble apologies for omitting your kingliness from my earlier post - I did not expect my unworthiness to receive your exalted attention

I thank you for accepting me into the Woosie Ranks and as you will see, have altered my sig line accordingly.
I regret that I am unable to offer my sword to my king, as Mrs Gozza doesn't allow me sharp things, but I'm sure I have a letter opener here somewhere.
Your humble knight


Nov 12, 2009
Gozza said:
...........I regret that I am unable to offer my sword to my king, as Mrs Gozza doesn't allow me sharp things, but I'm sure I have a letter opener here somewhere.
Your humble knight
Don't worry about offering your sword Sir Gozza because Queen Mags has decreed that King Gagakev is banned from playing about with sharp objects after seeing the state of him when he recently tried to use his 18v drill to wind his corner steadies

Gagakev said:
Oct 30, 2009
Iv'e got one of those Kev, but mines on the lip (more of that later) I would also like to welcome SIR Gozza to the round table an able Knight I am sure and one who can fill my seat, as I now withdraw from the Woosie Club as my membership has expired "no more potty emptying" see (the end) thread, I will miss the smell of elsan in my nostrills however.
Jun 20, 2005
Welcome Sir Gozza.

Another member for our Woosie Round Table.
Can you make next months Woosie Fest?
Jul 15, 2008
Greetings Sir Gozza.......I'm the scruffy one and not really a Sir but I have some very cunning plans.
Eastern Southampton?........that's a phrase I have not heard before!
Way back in the swinging 60's......I went to school in Hedge End so know the area well.
Now emigrated further East.
Apr 20, 2009
colin-yorkshire said:
Iv'e got one of those Kev, but mines on the lip (more of that later) I would also like to welcome SIR Gozza to the round table an able Knight I am sure and one who can fill my seat, as I now withdraw from the Woosie Club as my membership has expired "no more potty emptying" see (the end) thread, I will miss the smell of elsan in my nostrills however.
Resignation NOT accepted.......Once a Woosie always a Woosie

As I am nearing the end of my Kingship there'e one more task I am duly going to carry out.
I hereby declare that Sir Chunky is awarded life time honoury membership of the Woosie Round table
This cannot be rovoked under any circumstances by any of my subjects or pending Kings/Queens


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