Would you store your caravan near a travellers site?

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Jan 2, 2006
Lisa,I ask this question in all innocence.Having determined that you have 'tinker stock'in your background (that must be better than my ancestors)you may know the answer to this, but what if anything is the true difference if any between,Gypsies,Romany,Travellers or Tinkers?


Mar 14, 2005
Hi Plotter

Can't reply proper at the mo, expecting 'top brass' in any min.



Mar 14, 2005
Well - they're not making me Chief Fire Officer, well, I don't think they are anyway.

Jan 2, 2006

Not wishing to mix threads great you have heard from LB but think we can now start the rumours as to why you are the elected one to be contacted,favouratism....mmmmmmmmmmmm who knows either way lets hope he is back soon and his good wishes for she who must be obeyed(occasionally)are appreciated.Dont forget to answer my question I seriously am interested in the answer.In my past life I had much contact with whichever group own loads of Park Home Sites and I never had a problem and in the case of one from 'the centre of England'I was a witness against him in court and a few months later a witness on his side in seperate court cases in Coventry.


Mar 14, 2005

Not wishing to mix threads great you have heard from LB but think we can now start the rumours as to why you are the elected one to be contacted,favouratism....mmmmmmmmmmmm who knows either way lets hope he is back soon and his good wishes for she who must be obeyed(occasionally)are appreciated.Dont forget to answer my question I seriously am interested in the answer.In my past life I had much contact with whichever group own loads of Park Home Sites and I never had a problem and in the case of one from 'the centre of England'I was a witness against him in court and a few months later a witness on his side in seperate court cases in Coventry.
Very impressive Plotter.

I'll do a few paragraphs in a bit seeing as swimming is cancelled tonight due to the rain??!! Work that one out.

Oh, by the way, little Gaylord is lame (injured toe).

Jan 2, 2006
Is Gaylord your better half! Given where you live i thought a quick swim down the Trent was order of the day.Yes I have had contact with many in the Park Home business best i suppose not to name naes but one thing I always found to be true was that they (patronising or what) were in my experience true to their word and trying not to be unPC I had to rely on this as written agreements were not always the best way forward (I hope that does not give offence because it is not intended to)


Mar 14, 2005
Hi Plotter

I did a bit of work with the Travelling Education Service (service for the children of travellers, gypsies etc) a few years ago and I have copied and pasted this extract for you to have a look at. I haven't read it for a while so if it keeps referring to children, that is why.

"text removed by agreement by Mod3"



Mar 14, 2005
Hi Plotter

If Gaylord was my other half, he wouldn't be my better half for long!!!.

No, Gaylord is Diesel's nickname. Although he looks hard, he's like a little kitten.

No offence on the postings by the way, it's nice to receive positive 'press' for once. I could go into loads of things here, but it's not really the place. If I see you on a campsite some day, then we could discuss things, no probs.

A lot of people with caravans despiste and hate gypsies/travellers. A lot of people without caravans despise them too.

When I took a very good friend of mine to Appleby about three years ago, we stopped on Wild Rose campsite. There was just us two plus my daughter and daughter's friend. The campsite was full to the brim with gypsies. We had no trouble at all, in fact the blokes in the next caravan (Hobby of course) even filled the water barells for us over the week.

My friend, like me has had many dealings with the old fashioned gypsies who traded in horses. We've mingled with them at sales and so on over more years than I care to remember. I was shocked and I mean shocked that she kept referring to them in the most disgusting way. Needless to say, I never asked her to go with me again.

Jan 2, 2006

Thankyou for your 'report' which I will read properly on the morrow when the red wine wears off.It looks interesting as I always enjoy reading 'social history'.

Where I was born in Birmingham was used for many many yers by gypsies until their eviction in the early 1900's however many astill live in the area albeit in houses.

You also hit a memory because when I was National Caravan & Marine Manager for a subsid of HSBC Wild Rose was one of my customers.

If we do ever bump into one another on site I would love to hear your detail of the 'travellers' and I can bore you with my ancestoral history.

Sorry didnt make the connection with Gaylord and Diesel.


Mar 14, 2005
Have you ever met George Fearn? He is from Coventry and does excursions (well he used to) to Appleby. He does riding holidays in Europe now too.

A gypsy I met in a b&b said he also books rooms for them (gypsies) in Appleby if they go without caravans as George hasn't got that traveller accent.

Jul 31, 2010
My van is stored next to a travellers site and has just been awarded Cassoa Silver Award status.

I been there 4 yrs and had van broken into once. Yes they were travellers, but only kids. I will not condemn a whole section of our community by the actions of 2 kids.

Steve W
Dec 1, 2005
I think I may have been a traveller in a previous life as I enjoy the van and moving around, we have lived in over 20 houses in the 13 years we have been together. I just can't seem to settle anywhere!!

Lolly x
Apr 26, 2007
Hi Plotter

I did a bit of work with the Travelling Education Service (service for the children of travellers, gypsies etc) a few years ago and I have copied and pasted this extract for you to have a look at. I haven't read it for a while so if it keeps referring to children, that is why.

"text removed by agreement by Mod3"

Hello Lisa, very interesting post, I myself was brought up in Costessey a village on the outskirts of Norwich, the road that we lived on was an unmade up road and nearly all the occupants of the houses were gypsy families that had settled, most with their own businesses ( mostly tarmac / farm gate supplies )there was also a caravan site at the end of the road which was full of old showmans caravans, have to say we did have a rather interesting childhood. my main point to this is to say that most of the gypsies that I have known are generaly hard working people that also know how to have a good time, and that I am still friendly with most of the ones I was brought up with and a few more since, it strikes me funny to think that most of the ones I knew as a kid have now settled just as me and the missus sold up our house and goods to take up living in the caravan full time, I suppose that now makes us New Travellers ?. however we have found it better for us to stay on CL sites...........Mark


I think one needs to define the term 'traveller' as in this post it is being used for several connotations. Romany's are a defined ethnic group with large numbers living on the border between Hungary and Romania. Through their own actions, and the perception of both societies they have isolated themselves and as such are basically now disowned by both countries. I would point out that this was after both countries investing large sums of money and effort over a number of years, but this did not work for a number of reasons. The main problem I suspect is that it is virtually impossible for a group of people to try to be separate from society, but still wish to live within society. Apart from Monks, the only ones who have nearly achieved this are the Amish group in the US, but even here the walls are crumbling slowly but surely. Romany's as a group also have both good and bad members, and it is whichever you encounter that can define your opinion.

The other definition of 'traveller' is someone who has decided to not contribute anything to society at all, and is certainly not of Romany descent, but is happy to accept all the benefits that are available from society. They may live in a caravan, or may not. The caravan is usually the means to move from one place to another when their 'welcome' has worn out. To this group, your property is fair game and personally I would not go near them.

I recognise I am not answering the question posed by the original post, but I feel the question needs to be defined more accurately before comment can be made.
Jan 2, 2006

Sorry to hear Gaylord is lame and hope that it soon improves.The report on what are travellers makes interesting reading and as I suspected gives rise to more questions than answers and only goes to show how complex a subject it is and how incorrect it is to blanket all with the name traveller usually in a derogatory way.I would guess in some ways 'travellers' are sometimes their own worst enemy when they buy land using a front man and develop it overnight into a campsite without planning permissions and it always seems to be in places where permission is very unlikely to ever be granted.That said I have as previously said had a great deal of contact in the past on a business basis without problems that I would not have got elsewhere.I have not heard of the guy in Coventry the one I was referring to has several Park Home sites one of which is in the centre of the country (cryptic clue as to location).

The gypsys that were evicted from where I was born were I understand quite famous due to the eviction.If you go to www.winsongreenbrookfields.co.uk and then click on winson green and then on black patch park you will see for yourself.If on the same website you go to street and scroll down to Woodburn Road you will find a piece written by my sister and includes a picture of me aged about 3 with my brother and sister outside our prefab home.


Mar 14, 2005
Hi Plotter

For some strange reason, I have problems with my address bar so when I copied and pasted the website, I couldn't get onto it. However, I did find the links (by default!). Really, really interesting reading I have to say. I like reading about past times.

Is your name Tony? Very sweet photo if it's yours. If it's not - then I don't know what I've been reading!!!

HTGN - I'm absolutely freezing as the water was very very cold tonight.

May 12, 2006
Lisa. p.s. Is there anything in the CC insurance booklet which refers to storage sites?

Lisa I left the insurance doc in the van I will get it on the weekend and post what it says, I didn't ignore your question

Val & Frank
Jan 19, 2008
This topic was a sweetener posted by Lisa to get me back posting again because she knows of my feelings on the matter. Having read Scotch Lads post I couldn't find words better to cover my own thoughts. All I can add to it is having had both Romany's and Irish Travellers camped next to our workplace I would store my caravan by a Romany site but not an Irish travellers site. Lisa knows why because I have posted pics on here of the devastation caused by Irish Travellers. The site that they drove the Romany's from as now been rebuilt with new toilet/shower blocks etc. and is now occupied by Romany gypsies again. How long it is before they are driven off again God only knows but I only had one bad experience from them in all the years they were living next to us, I only wish I could have said the same thing about the Irish Travellers.

Lisa I read your post where it said the travellers speak another language, does that mean they aren't true Irish?
Jul 12, 2005
Lisa, this is far more complicated than it looks

If its roaming travelers, the kind we see in the papers then its No. However, our town hosts a perminant travelers site and its about a mile from my house. This causes me no worries at all. Joanne, has been to one of the couples wedding and they are as much part of the community as we are.

The site we store our van on also allows travelers to store thers on when on holiday. Some people get upset with this but I am as happy to chat with them as I am any other person who uses the storage site.
Jul 12, 2005
Lisa "I am insured with the CC and they arn't bothered where I store my caravan "

Hi Lisa,

I had to give the CC details of our storage site etc along with the post code. Seems a little strange they don't want details ???

Val & Frank

The CC only ask people the location of storage if they live in an area they consider to be at higher risk. They told me it was not important
Jan 2, 2006

Sorry got me on that one HTGN?

Yes name is Tony (shortend version of proper name)which links to my name sake and relative as I have put on here before who was hung drawn and quartered at the Tower of London in 1586.

You have to admit I was a very cute kid (sorry some insist on term child)

On a tangent how great is it to have the boss LB back.


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