Would you store your caravan near a travellers site?

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Jan 19, 2008

Sorry got me on that one HTGN?

Yes name is Tony (shortend version of proper name)which links to my name sake and relative as I have put on here before who was hung drawn and quartered at the Tower of London in 1586.

You have to admit I was a very cute kid (sorry some insist on term child)

On a tangent how great is it to have the boss LB back.
Thank you again Plotter and HTGN = Have To Go Now unless Lisa knows any different hehheh!


Mar 14, 2005
Hi Plotter

Aw, bless your little cotton socks.

Re your relative, nice to see people admit to the odd skeleton in their cupboard. One of my husbands relatives did a murder. He's gypo on his fathers side.



Mar 14, 2005
Frank, I'd really appreciate it if you could have a look in the book.

I've just got my renewal notice and it doesn't ask where the caravan is sited.

Many thanks. (I'm just sooooo lazy).

Jan 19, 2008
Hi Plotter

Aw, bless your little cotton socks.

Re your relative, nice to see people admit to the odd skeleton in their cupboard. One of my husbands relatives did a murder. He's gypo on his fathers side.

gypo? tut! tut! Lisa ;O)


Mar 14, 2005
Hi Plotter

Aw, bless your little cotton socks.

Re your relative, nice to see people admit to the odd skeleton in their cupboard. One of my husbands relatives did a murder. He's gypo on his fathers side.

I AM allowed to say 'gypo'

Lisa (smiley icon thingy).
May 10, 2007
We took the step of joining the forum due to this posting.

We have yet another new caravan due to whatever is the politically correct term for these so called itinerant caravanning knights of the road, despite extra security we have lost two caravans to the itinerant caravanners according to the police.

Our parents shared and stored our caravans due to our overseas tours.

Comment about not caring where a caravans stored provided the insurers are happy is rather na
Jul 12, 2005
Hi Plotter

I did a bit of work with the Travelling Education Service (service for the children of travellers, gypsies etc) a few years ago and I have copied and pasted this extract for you to have a look at. I haven't read it for a while so if it keeps referring to children, that is why.

"text removed by agreement by Mod3"


Can you tell me who the author was of this document please?
Jan 2, 2006

Sorry got me on that one HTGN?

Yes name is Tony (shortend version of proper name)which links to my name sake and relative as I have put on here before who was hung drawn and quartered at the Tower of London in 1586.

You have to admit I was a very cute kid (sorry some insist on term child)

On a tangent how great is it to have the boss LB back.
LB yeah I worked it out later,brain was in hibernation I think thats why I called Colin (Bridgend) Clive on another thread.


Mar 14, 2005

I'd be very interested to see the evidence where your insurers explained how much the increase of your premium is down to the thieves amongst the travelling fraternity.

I had a caravan written off last year and I lost a portion of my no claims discount. I wonder if my van had been stolen instead, would they actually put something in writing to me as you quote above?

As you are happy to tar certain members of our society with the same brush, let's look at teachers. Gosh, there's some extremely inept teachers around. Some wear flip flops to school, can hardly string sentences together, don't appear to check out going letters to parents/carers, they appear to just sign the letters and don't notice the spelling mistakes.

Oh, and what about teachers who, when a pupil receives a serious injury to its eye from a badminton ball, poke the eye and flush it out with water?

What about teachers who have affairs with pupils?

What about teachers who don't do anything when they witness a bullying incident?

(Comment removed by a mod)

Jul 12, 2005
OK this stops here. NO PERSONAL ATTACKS!

Lisa. you may have missed it but I asked who was the author for the document you pasted up above. Can you provide this please as there is an issue with reproducing copywrite information

Steve - MOD3
Jan 2, 2006
Ria and James

I have no desire to get into this debate too deeply however you state that you have lost two caravans to itinerant caravanners 'according to the police' this begs the question how do they know that and if they have evidence to that effect I trust they were arrested and your vans returned to you,or is it just a case of an easy way for our friends in blue to explain away the theft and excuse any possible lack of activity to facilitate their return.


Mar 14, 2005
OK this stops here. NO PERSONAL ATTACKS!

Lisa. you may have missed it but I asked who was the author for the document you pasted up above. Can you provide this please as there is an issue with reproducing copywrite information

Steve - MOD3
I will email you when I get home. I did email the mods this morning but as I am not at home, I don't know if I have received a reply.

Jul 12, 2005
I will email you when I get home. I did email the mods this morning but as I am not at home, I don't know if I have received a reply.

Sorry, I don't get mails sent to the mods. But you know my mail anyway



Mar 14, 2005
OK this stops here. NO PERSONAL ATTACKS!

Lisa. you may have missed it but I asked who was the author for the document you pasted up above. Can you provide this please as there is an issue with reproducing copywrite information

Steve - MOD3
I'm not sure if I have your email address any more Steve. If I haven't how should I respond?

I don't want to reply to your question on here as it involves my private life etc.

Jul 12, 2005
I'm not sure if I have your email address any more Steve. If I haven't how should I respond?

I don't want to reply to your question on here as it involves my private life etc.

Not a problem Lisa, just post a mail to the mods and ask them to forward you my mail. LOL also has it.

All I need is the name of the author, nothing more. Then if there is a complaint about republication of a document from sumerset council (the apparent copywrite owners) I can ask them for permission to contact the authour for permission to use the document. This is not normally an issue with web published documents but as it is a government one, the crown copywrite has to be applied and this has certain rules about entire documents etc.

I know it sounds anal, but I know of at least 1 site that got pulled and audited because of reproduction of a document that was a council originated one.

May 10, 2007
Good and bad in all professions and law breakers and also some who make mistakes, we've yet to meet bad Doctors or Teachers who have blighted the lives of whole communities like travellers around the UK.

Ask insurers privately why they will not insure some caravans or why premiums go up so much after travellers have moved into an area.

My in-laws village was pestered and intimidated by travellers on the basis that they were looking for various work. They and others were pestered about their caravans at the same time, before they were then stolen. No doubt a coincidence.

Our first van was seen being towed away by a known local traveller and a neighbour was run off the road by another traveller when he tried to follow. The police knew who they were but never caught the culprits.

The way in which our last caravan was stolen had all the markings of traveller theft and was then found burnt out with another on a traveller site after the police finally gained entry in force.

No doubt when people here want to buy a caravan they all pester home owners with caravans in their gardens to sell them.

There are problem people in all walks of life, but how many groups of teachers or others force pubs and business to close, train their children to steal and threaten others

and ruin rural areas and make people afraid to leave their homes.

Not all of us are perfect road users, we've only know of one group who illegally run trotting races on public roads with others threatening other road users with batons and chains.

Not every traveller is a bad egg, but far to many people and areas and Police know to their cost the traveller effect.

May 12, 2006
A group of travellers have moved into a lay by on the A92,the only way it can now be described is it's like a tip. The caravans look filthy, and the towing vehicles look like they would struggle with an MOT.

Now the Police don't move them on even though it states quite clearly No Overnight Stopping

Children are playing close to the vans and the Main Road, this is not living as we have come to know it in our society.Do the children go to school ?? No they can't, because they are not in one place long enough. So the cycle continues No Education so no good job in the future.

So in another 20/30 years you will have another Lay By as

" Home " to another travelling community. This cycle needs to be broken for the future of the Children. Forget the nostalgic way of life, this is really a crime against thier children.

ps How do you have Hygienic conditions with no Toilet Emptying conditions etc ???.

This is not an attack on any one section of the population it's just an observation that I see daily.

I really think it's time to move on, we can't continue to allow Children to suffer through selfish Parents behaviour.

I have traced a number of my long gone relatives, and at least 50% of them died very young through T B. So now we have moved on, as a society it's time others did likewise.

Val & Frank
Jan 2, 2006
Only a little bit bitter then ,if i was you I would be asking the local constabulary if they know who the thieves were why did they take no action.Yes I agree the is much anecdotal evidence but maybe we should all be pointing the finger at the Police who are there to protect us but always when I have rung them are busy and have other priorties,believe that you will believe anything.Finally don't get me onto the subject of teachers as I do not have enough time as I do not get paid very well for a short working week with half the year on holiday.
May 12, 2006
Plotter " Only a little bit bitter then ,if i was you I would be asking the local constabulary if they know who the thieves were why did they take no action "

Plotter the Police would need to be Mob handed to go into an encampment and start recording the Cris numbers off the vans parked up. Now if you couldn't book a ferry across the water to Ireland without providing the caravan documentation, maybe just maybe caravan theft would go down.

Val & Frank
May 12, 2006
Please consider your replies carefully. I would like to remind people that I am from tinker stock..........



I have read this line a few times and I can't quite see the relevance to the question, or why you inserted it. Unless of course you thought it would protect a section of the community from post's that may be ( anti tinker ).

This is not a personal attack on yourself. My wife's family grew up in the slums of Cardiff in the 1880s. But I would never dream of trying to protect that as a way of life. You will be that far removed from "tinker stock" that it is irrelevant in todays world that you live in.

Val & Frank
Jan 19, 2008
Plotter, the police really aren't interested. I've posted before where a Gypsy site, built by the local council, was occupied next to the Ambulance station I was based at. The night the Irish travellers arrived I was on duty, it was nearing 11pm. They were breaking the locks of the height barrier so they could get in when the police arrived. It was I who called them and the police were there for about 5 minutes and all this time they still continued to break in. Within two days through threats and intimidation they had drove the Romany gypsies off and then we had 2 years of the neighbours from hell. They trashed the shower/toilet blocks and stripped out all the pipework. They tapped into the main electric supply. Alongside the Ambulance station was a ditch, which our rest room overlooked, this is where they came to defficate, not a pretty sight whilst eating our meals. I can identify with Ria's comment about the trotting, once they took this contraption out onto the main A49 road with one male riding the trap and another at its head trying to control it which he couldn't. There was a squealing of brakes as traffic stopped as it shot into the road. They then proceeded down a lane but, wait for it, one of the cars was a traffic police vehicle who then carried on his merry way without even speaking to them.One night they smashed a car into some railings whilst doing handbrake turns on the main road. We could see one was injured as they raced away. I rang the police to tell them about the car which was written off. I also told the officer when he arrived where the culprits were. The officers reply to me was "good, I will come and get a statement off you tomorrow night". They never went anywhere near the travellers site and I heard nothing more about it. The stealing of cars and trashing them was a regular pastime for them. One summers evening we were returning to station and as I was going through some traffic lights two cars jumped them and missed us by inches. I remarked to my colleague Steve, "I bet I know where they are going". I was right, by the time we got back to station, half a mile away, they were already starting to strip the cars.

It took two years to get rid of them and within minutes of them leaving I took the following pics, double click the pic to enlarge.

Jan 2, 2006

My response was to Ria and not to you so please moderate you own reponse having siad that if the problem is as you describe and I have no reason to doubt that then why are you excusing the police by saying they would need to go mob handed is that not what they are there to do or should they be allowed to choose what criminal activity they deal with.
Jan 2, 2006
I am afraid that I think this is getting a little heated and personal and will not reach a mutually agreeable result,maybe everyone should let this one go,no winners no losers.
Jul 12, 2005
OK people, lets cool this one off a bit. No more posts tonight as they will be pulled regardless.

The thread can stay pending discussion but its on hold.



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