Would you store your caravan near a travellers site?

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Mar 16, 2005
Taking The Plotter's excellent advice to heart, I've removed all subsequent posts, many of which became, shall we say, rather heated.
May 12, 2006
Hi Mod 1

I really think when you have decided to moderate a thread you should delete the whole thread, or it won't make sense to others who are reading it at a different time.

In my opinion what you have now done is allowed someone who was looking for an argument to get away it.

Val & Frank
May 10, 2007
In some ways Frank is right, a posting likening urban estate problems to that of travellers has now been removed.

That posting had no relevance to traveller problems as most people know that traveller areas are complete no go areas for the police and others. The person obviously wants to push the point for there own agenda rather than respect the PC sites law abiding caravanners and house dwellers.

Complete removal of the postings just leaves a serious matter that effects many peoples lives swept under the carpet rather than having facts addressed.

Mar 16, 2005
Val & Frank

But then there would be complaints from all the people above this point who took time and trouble to make genuine and valid points in the debate.
May 12, 2006
Hi Mod,

I except your view, but this thread has real relevance to caravanning. It was only made personal by the comments of the original poster.

Val & Frank. The issue for me has now been closed
Oct 17, 2006
Obviously we can still post a reply this topic, as the original topic has not been removed, must say what an interesting topic.

I have been away for the last 3 weeks to Somerset during our stay we had the company of a Bikers Rally, we were informed of 30 bikers with tents, come Friday night I opened blinds to find at least 100 tents, we were surrounded, I had to step over a tent to open our van door.

I was extremely worried about leaving our van for the day, all sorts of problems were flashing through my mind, but they were the nicest and considerate people I have ever met.

Now going back to the original topic regarding storing my van near a tinker's site. I would not be that worried especially if you got to know them , give people a chance and don't jump to conclusions.

What is an old saying don't judge a book by it's cover. Liz
Jul 12, 2005
Obviously we can still post a reply this topic, as the original topic has not been removed, must say what an interesting topic.

I have been away for the last 3 weeks to Somerset during our stay we had the company of a Bikers Rally, we were informed of 30 bikers with tents, come Friday night I opened blinds to find at least 100 tents, we were surrounded, I had to step over a tent to open our van door.

I was extremely worried about leaving our van for the day, all sorts of problems were flashing through my mind, but they were the nicest and considerate people I have ever met.

Now going back to the original topic regarding storing my van near a tinker's site. I would not be that worried especially if you got to know them , give people a chance and don't jump to conclusions.

What is an old saying don't judge a book by it's cover. Liz
Being a biker myself Liz, I would be very supprised if you where treated any other way

Mar 2, 2006
we have two new age traveller sites within half a mile of our private housing estate,and apart from a few weekends of loud music being played last summer they are no problem.They blend in with the locals and send their children to the local schools.

A lot of them work in the area,they also keep their living area reasonable.I know of no thefts or damage to the property and there are quite a few caravans kept on the estate.

They are a different kettle of fish to the so called traveller

that wrecks and sells the pipework to the local scrapdealer,from the sites provided by the local council which we as ratepayers pay for .not once but three times before they decided enough was enough,but there are still the idiot dogooders who think we should still provide them with another site to wreck.These people contribute nothing to the societies they live in and pollute.As an ex prison officer I have come across most of these lowlifes as they flit backwards and forwards from thier original country.

I got to know a lot of pykies good and bad and as a caravanerI was interested in there attitude to other peoples property.And as far as they are concerned if they want it they will get it cos you are insured guv.If I wanted a new van of any make they could get one for a grand .
Mar 2, 2006
we have two new age traveller sites within half a mile of our private housing estate,and apart from a few weekends of loud music being played last summer they are no problem.They blend in with the locals and send their children to the local schools.

A lot of them work in the area,they also keep their living area reasonable.I know of no thefts or damage to the property and there are quite a few caravans kept on the estate.

They are a different kettle of fish to the so called traveller

that wrecks and sells the pipework to the local scrapdealer,from the sites provided by the local council which we as ratepayers pay for .not once but three times before they decided enough was enough,but there are still the idiot dogooders who think we should still provide them with another site to wreck.These people contribute nothing to the societies they live in and pollute.As an ex prison officer I have come across most of these lowlifes as they flit backwards and forwards from thier original country.

I got to know a lot of pykies good and bad and as a caravanerI was interested in there attitude to other peoples property.And as far as they are concerned if they want it they will get it cos you are insured guv.If I wanted a new van of any make they could get one for a grand .
sorry get me one for a grand
Jan 19, 2008
allen, with New Age travellers most come from good homes and had a good upbringing. They was taught the difference between right and wrong. They just opt out of society so they can live an alternative lifestyle and smoke their wacky baccy lol.

The Irish Travellers I was involved with only knew violence and aggression, even children as young as 3. I was threatened by them three times. Apart from turfing the Romany's off the site they also pitched outside the main doors to the ambulance station. One night, about 2a.m. I answered the front door bell. Four of them stood there and started threatening me because we made too much noise leaving the station on 999 calls. I always remember them calling me Mustashy.. hehheh! The mouthy one then threatened that if it didn't stop they would set fire to the petrol pumps and burn the station down. They said they would admit that their kids did it because the law couldn't touch them. With four of them mouthing off and just me and a female colleague I thought it wiser that I kept my mouth closed but I was fuming inside. If I had had a gun in my hand I don't think I would be typing this post now, I would have been locked up inside, probably being cared for by you ;O) hehheh!

Sorry PC Brigade but His Windyship verifies that the above statement is true. :O)
Mar 14, 2005
A few years ago the Social Security with police help followed a group of Irish travelles from Fishgaurd to Chepstow and return. They stopped in all social security offices and were give money. They took the children in the office and give them a football to play with to make a nuisance until they had received handouts. This went on at all offices to Chepstow and back. Different couples at each office with all the children in tow. The Garda were asked to follow them when they returned to Ireland and the majority lived in large detached houses and worked and had good jobs in southern Ireland. The money from the UK provided the luxuries for them. Apparantley the powers that be did not touch them as it would have been pointless - by the time they had done all the paperwork they had moved on.
Oct 17, 2006
I am afraid it's not just the travellers that claim Social Security that they are not entitled to, the list is endless,

i.e those who work and claim.
Mar 14, 2005
I agree with you Liz there are many who belong to the professional lame, sick and lazy brigade. I was only highlighting one such group of abusers which could be related to the topic under discussion with this particular posting.
Jan 19, 2008
I also agree with Liz about our home grown social scivers. So on that point Liz do we really need to import them from Ireland, a country that became independent in 1922. Is the governments coffers so full we can give handouts to anyone? As is well known we are quite capable of breeding our own :O)

Just a thought.
Apr 13, 2005
Just this saturday we have been unfortunate enogh to have a large group of travellers move on to private land in our village.

they have removed the locks from the gates and turned up in a group of 20 + vans, the land is located right next door to our local social club.

Although i was not in the club saturday night i am told by many that where there that the travellers came in despite it being a membership club and within 10 minuites had caused many problems as they where refused drinks becouse they where not members.

It seems they where incapable of listening to reason and used theire notoriety to try and put fear in to people.

Personally i have seen 3 different transit vans trawling our estate this morning all of which have been placing great interest in my van on the drive, i may just be imagening this attention but it is strange that they have all allmost stopped outside my home.

Fortunately my van is very secure with all the locks including locked gates and a very prominent cctv camera so i have done my best to put them off, not for one minuite do i think this would stop them though if they wanted my van as they don't appear to give a t*** about the law and being caught.

So would i store my van near to travellers ? well due to thiere illegal occupation and dam right disregard for others at the moment my van is stored near to travellers and i'm not very happy about it at all.
May 12, 2006
LB Ireland a country that became independent in 1922,

and is also a fully paid up member of the EU. Sorry LB the Irish goverment are happy to allow them to leave. At the next general election vote UKIP it's the only way to stop the gravy train. Or we could all have a rally in Ireland and claim the social.

Val & Frank
Jan 19, 2008
LB Ireland a country that became independent in 1922,

and is also a fully paid up member of the EU. Sorry LB the Irish goverment are happy to allow them to leave. At the next general election vote UKIP it's the only way to stop the gravy train. Or we could all have a rally in Ireland and claim the social.

Val & Frank
... yep,happy for them to leave like the French were with the illegals at Sangatte. Just to think that this government actually paid the French for better security in France.

Welcome to soft touch Britain :O(
May 10, 2007
When touring in Southern Ireland we've found it difficult to stop at times, many roadside parking areas and lay byes have barriers to prevent caravans stopping.

We naively asked about this when we arrived early at a campsite as we found no where to stop, the Irish owners became very passionate in the way they gave us and others booking in a long list of "typical traveller" bad behaviour that forced the authorities to take action to stop areas being turned into tips or have local residents threatened.
Aug 25, 2006
Quite a topical question, as the headlines in yesterdays `Yorkshire Post` drew attention to the thousands of pounds spent by local councils (sometimes well into six figures) last year on decontaminating and making safe council land which had been illegally occupied by these merry `travellers`. Of course, when they say council money they are really refering to OUR money as council taxpayers.

This last point was made in this mornings leader column. Personally, I feel this money may have been better spent on the local hospice, or keeping libraries or swimming baths open, or care facilities for the elderly, or..,or...etc.

But no, instead its spent on these `travellers` who when appearing on TV are totally innocent of any wrongdoing and only want their social security, healthcare, childcare etc etc. The fact they contribute nothing to a decent predominantly law abiding society seems to pass them by.

I appreciate a distiction can, and should be drawn between these scumbags and the ones that live like human beings and present no threat to society but only seek to continue their traditions and way of life as they are fully entitled to. The general tones of the postings seem to romanticise the `travelling` (their moniker, not mine) fraternity, the residents and businesses affected by those with no regard for anyone or anything may beg to differ.


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