Yet more trouble with a C250

Feb 9, 2009
When away last week the toilet packed up. Did all the usual such as checking the fuse and reed in the toilet compartment and the connections to the circuit board. Had to admit defeat and call out a mobile engineer.
After checking he found that the fault as with a small plug/socket that connects the wiring loom to the fuse and reed in the toilet compartment. He phoned his supplier only to be told that Thetford do not sell the plug on it's own and a new kit comprising of the plug, loom and pump would have to be purchased.
The engineer tried to fix the problem without buying the complete unit but to no avail.
He took the plug of the new loom and I now have a spare loom and pump.
Everything now days seems to be replace rather than repair
Nov 11, 2009
The C250 is an extremely bad design. Id much prefer the old manual pump type. If mine gives problems like yours I think I would reconfigure it to install a manual switch for the pump. Whilst my red light does work I don't need it and tend to empty it before the red light comes on. So that circuit would be disconnected.
Nov 6, 2006
Its really the location on the C250 of the fuse, its contacts and the pcb with the reed switch that is the issue as they are close to the bowl outlet... I suggest that you place an inverted small plastic bag over the tower where these components are located. By the way they are all available individually on line