90 Day in 180 days limit on travel in EU

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Nov 11, 2009
There is an article in today’s FT that addresses a topic that I had not been aware of. Under Covid restrictions the EU have a list of countries for which non essential travel into and around the EU is permitted. It is a very short list and only comprises countries that have very low levels of infection. After 1 January 2021 the FT article says that UK will be amongst the countries that will not be able to visit the EU for non essential travel.

I hope it gets lifted before end June 2021 as the three generations of ladies in my life booked for Rhodes immediately their Highland lochside holiday last summer was cancelled 😷

A link to the EC documents is below

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Jun 16, 2020
There is an article in today’s FT that addresses a topic that I had not been aware of. Under Covid restrictions the EU have a list of countries for which non essential travel into and around the EU is permitted. It is a very short list and only comprises countries that have very low levels of infection. After 1 January 2021 the FT article says that UK will be amongst the countries that will not be able to visit the EU for non essential travel.

I hope it gets lifted before end June 2021 as the three generations of ladies in my life booked for Rhodes immediately their Highland lochside holiday last summer was cancelled 😷

A link to the EC documents is below


Thanks, but have you provided the correct link? That mentions the lifting of restrictions. And that it is not legally binding. Also, it was written at a time when we are members. And there is no specific mention of the UK.

I can’t see how your summary fits the text.

What am I missing?

Nov 11, 2009
im not going to do any web searches in EC documents. It was one that I found after reading today’s FT. Since I’ve no plans to visit Europe anytime soon I leave it to others to investgate the validity of the FTs article.
Mar 14, 2005
The link only makes a recommendation. It is up to each member country to accept the recommendation or not.
Jun 16, 2020
I know that you can’t believe everything you read in the press but as well as FT the Guardian is publishing the same information.


Now that link does fit your summary. I think that the recommendation to restrict the UK after January is to be expected while our cases are still high. Not sure why it should be different before and after B****t. After all, we had restrictions on other EU countries over the last year.

However. That a very real concern to take into account for any booking.



Nov 12, 2009
Now that link does fit your summary. I think that the recommendation to restrict the UK after January is to be expected while our cases are still high. Not sure why it should be different before and after B****t. After all, we had restrictions on other EU countries over the last year.

However. That a very real concern to take into account for any booking.

😁😁😁 You're allowed to write the word you know.
Brexit Brexit Brexit
There, I've done it and nothing nasty happened.
I know I put the mockers on it last week, but all that I want to do is to prevent a forum re-run of the for or against debate that's polarised opinion in Britain and caused deep societal divisions that haven't really healed yet.
Noseweight is bad enough, a debate about the pros and cons of Brexit on this forum would make the ever present noseweight debate seem like a full agreement between friends in comparison.
Jan 3, 2012
i hope it does otherclive get lifted we might fancy somewhere later on next year . as a treat for the wife after her work committments .
Nov 16, 2015
Ok ! Here we go,
I used to go to France for 4 years, every 12 weeks for 4 weeks, before I retired, for tax reasons, It was nice, but expensive, , We meet some very nice people, French and Dutch, and touring Brits.
We went all year round, and in the winters tending to stay at Montreuiel, sur Mer, les Fontaines Les Clerc.
But I really do not know why with the Covid troubles, people have this big push to go away from the UK, and the saftey of the NHS. And the very vauge chance of transmitting this terrible virus.
Ok my rant over, Stay safe everyone.


Mar 5, 2020
I'm not aware that there is a "big push" to get away from the UK whilst we have the pandemic.
We/they are merely looking to the future with some optimism and hope.

Having said that, we spent 6 weeks on the Algarve in August and September. It was one of the safest areas in Europe and infinitely safer than the UK at that time. We were vetted for covid and Portuguese safety rules were strong, enforced and respected by the locals...and visitors. We also had full insurance.
Mar 14, 2005
I looked into this a while ago so may not be the same now. For stays of more than 90 days it seemed you needed to get a visa initially by personal visit/s to the embassy or agency of the country/countries but there after renewable on line. This would have involved visits to London with timed slots etc and frankly a lot of hassle if old and less mobile as we both are now.
The open borders in Europe confound the issue. Going long stay to Spain via France (poor sailors, don't use long ferries) means that dates of entry and exit to and from France would be the only official records whereas in practice the sat would have been 2 x6 days in France and say 85 in Spain. Very difficult to prove as campsite receipts not considered official.
More recently I read that - in due course- there may be a document available on line for a modest fee granting extension within the TU area in general, perhaps similar to the rumoured possible EHIC successor giving reciprocal cover.
In the event and unfortunately the matter will not become of personal concern until at least mid 2021, but I do sympathise with those needing to know now or soon.
Jun 24, 2005
The open borders in Europe confound the issue. Going long stay to Spain via France (poor sailors, don't use long ferries) means that dates of entry and exit to and from France would be the only official records whereas in practice the sat would have been 2 x6 days in France and say 85 in Spain. Very difficult to prove as campsite receipts not considered official.

Don't quite understand the 2 x 6 days in France and 85 in Spain. This will not be allowed. The 90 days starts from the date you land in the first country - in your case France. Therefore, in theory, the authorities only have to look at the date you arrived and work out how long you've been in the EU.

Also, don't know if it applies, but UK issued pet passports will not be valid for travel to the EU from 1 January. I think this is ridiculous. The pet passport scheme has worked well for years so one would have thought it would be one of the more simple things to carry on. Even more strange when those of us who live in France can travel freely to and from the UK using our French issued pet passports.
Nov 11, 2009
Don't quite understand the 2 x 6 days in France and 85 in Spain. This will not be allowed. The 90 days starts from the date you land in the first country - in your case France. Therefore, in theory, the authorities only have to look at the date you arrived and work out how long you've been in the EU.

Also, don't know if it applies, but UK issued pet passports will not be valid for travel to the EU from 1 January. I think this is ridiculous. The pet passport scheme has worked well for years so one would have thought it would be one of the more simple things to carry on. Even more strange when those of us who live in France can travel freely to and from the UK using our French issued pet passports.
At present the UK Gov website gives guidance assuming the the UK is treated as an Unlisted Country. This is quite an onerous process compared to what we have become used to. However UK has applied for Listed Country status of which there are two categories. Both are much less onerous than Unlisted status and the better one isn’t so dissimilar to what we have used, but a bit more bureaucratic. The pet health certificate is an additional feature, and I recall reading somewhere that for Listed status defined laboratories in the U.K. may not require EU approval. It niggles that it was U.K. that was the driving force behind the Pet Passport Scheme and we are rabies free too. Such is life but I’m sure it will work itself out over 2021.
Mar 14, 2005
A date has not yet been set for the implementation of the ETIAS scheme for applying for visa free entry into the Schengen area, which will probably apply to British nationals once there is an agreement, but it will be some time in 2022. For applicants between the ages of 18 and 70 it will cost €7. It will be valid for 3 years.
Once one has entered the Schengen area one will be free to travel between each member country. Presumably checks will be in place when leaving.
Jul 18, 2017
A date has not yet been set for the implementation of the ETIAS scheme for applying for visa free entry into the Schengen area, which will probably apply to British nationals once there is an agreement, but it will be some time in 2022. For applicants between the ages of 18 and 70 it will cost €7. It will be valid for 3 years.
Once one has entered the Schengen area one will be free to travel between each member country. Presumably checks will be in place when leaving.
I can see the checks being no different to what is in place current, but they may start be looking for people exceeding limitations on goods like alcohol, cigarettes etc. when leaving. When returning from a trip abroad the maximum quantity of alcohol i.e spirits or wine was 2L. There was also a limitation on cigarettes.
Mar 14, 2005
I can see the checks being no different to what is in place current, but they may start be looking for people exceeding limitations on goods like alcohol, cigarettes etc. when leaving. When returning from a trip abroad the maximum quantity of alcohol i.e spirits or wine was 2L. There was also a limitation on cigarettes.
You are referring to customs checks when re-entering the UK. My comment was more about the possibility of immigration controls on the Continent when leaving the Shengen area.
Jul 18, 2017
You are referring to customs checks when re-entering the UK. My comment was more about the possibility of immigration controls on the Continent when leaving the Shengen area.
What do you think may change?
Mar 14, 2005
Up to now I have never had my passport checked when leaving the Continent, only by UK Immigration when entering the UK. That may change.
Mar 14, 2005
When leaving the Continent I have never had my passport checked by the French, only by UK Immigration stationed at the French port.
Nov 11, 2009
When leaving the Continent I have never had my passport checked by the French, only by UK Immigration stationed at the French port.
Same here whether using Eurotunnel or ferry. But at airports returning to U.K. my passport has been checked on departure. Presumably more on security grounds and movement control and as a part of the advanced passenger information that is used by airlines. The passport is always checked by UK agency on arrival at U.K. airport.

The biggest change will probably affect flyers as arriving in the EU U.K. passengers will be routed into the queue for non EU international arrivals. Great.
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