Jul 25, 2007
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I bought a bird feeder.

I hung it on my back garden and filled it with seed.

What a beauty of a bird feeder it is as I filled it lovingly with seed.

Within a week we had hundreds of birds taking advantage of the continuous flow of free and easily accessible food.

But then the birds started building nests in the boards of the patio, above the table, and next to the barbecue.

Then came the poop. It was everywhere: on the patio, the chairs, the table...everywhere!

Then some of the birds turned mean.

They would dive bomb me and try to peck me even though I had fed them out of my own pocket. And other birds were boisterous and loud.

They sat on the feeder and squawked and screamed at all hours of the day and night and demanded that I fill it when it got low on food. After a while, I couldn't even sit in my own back garden any more.

So I took down the bird feeder and in three days the birds were gone. I cleaned up their mess and took down the many nests they had built all over the patio.

Soon, the back garden was like it used to be ..... Quiet, serene and no one demanding their rights to a free meal.

Now let's see..... Our government gives out free food, subsidised housing, free medical care, and free education and allows anyone born here to be an automatic citizen.

Then illegals came by the thousands. Suddenly our taxes went up to pay for free services; small flats are housing 5 families; you have to wait 6 hours to be seen by an A+E doctor; your child's class is behind other schools because over half the class doesn't speak English.

Corn Flakes now come in a bilingual box; I have to 'press one' to hear my bank talk to me in English, and people waving flags other than the Union Flag are squawking and screaming in the streets, demanding more rights and free liberties.

Just my opinion, but maybe it's time for the government to take down the bird feeder.

Dec 14, 2007
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But now you have no birds to look at. The chances are that if you go back far enough you will find that at some point your forefathers (and mothers) came to this country from another and the resultant offspring became British.
Jan 19, 2008
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No doubt about it, nobody can say they are a 100% pedigree because of integration over the centuries but wasn't there a difference in the standard of living and population back then? Didn't we become a Christian country? Haven't we established in these islands a common culture?

From your analogy Phil there should be no restrictions because we all started off as foreigners and all will eventually become British and integrate and adapt to our way of life. Just fill the country up like lemmings :O) A great big happy melting pot. Somehow I think not and anyone who believes it needs counselling :O).
Mar 16, 2005
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Not again! as far as i am concerned,what i find strange is that the mods simple don't just delete this type of thread.

Its not chit chat it boarders on racial intolerance,and worst still is properganda based on the most limited of proper statistics on how our great economy works.

Could someone tell me how any of this effects your life? and don't use rubbish about taxes, immagration brings in a 100s more tax into the economy than these minority cases take out. People keep trying to make mountains out of...nothing!

I believe i may have some scotish blood, i therefore want to the

british national anthem scrapped as it has a verse that tells of crushing the scots....!
Jan 19, 2008
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It's got nothing to do with racism, it's to do with peace and harmony.

OK, tell me a reason, a sensible one I mean, that it's ok to fill up the country with unlimited migration.

I don't want no PC crap, just a sound reasoning where it's ok to double or treble the population of these small islands. Forget what race/creed or religion.

Over to you :O)
Mar 16, 2005
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We have a shortage of manual workers[abit low paid] no nationals want to do it,[because of low pay] now one answer is to

make the pay higher, but then the consumer[us] would resent the higher prices we would have to pay.

We have a shortage of hgv drivers, a shortage of fully trained builders chippies electricians,ect,ect [thank maggie for that one]

Training takes time, we need them now [apparently]these people offere their services and pay their taxes.

Thats how it has always been here,and its worked to our advantage.

In poland they are screaming they have a shortage of skilled labour.thats because we have borrowed them.


Mar 14, 2005
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Corn Flakes now come in a bilingual box;


I didn't know that! I'm going downstairs to have a look.

I don't have to press 1 for my bank to speak to me in English, which bank are you with?

Mar 14, 2005
At the risk of incurring the wrath of the Mod, I feel I must respond to a reference about a Christian country. Religion, whether Christianity or any other, is a personal belief and to extend a personal faith to describe a whole country, let alone be proud of the fact, is, to my mind , presumptuous. Over the centuries, too much has been and still is being committed in the name of religion of whichever kind, to be proud of.
Jan 19, 2008
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Again someone reading into something thats not there because they are too PC.

Lutz, where did I say I'm proud? I didn't mention the word.

Are you telling me now this country was never a Christian country and it's culture is partly due to that fact.

So no Lutz, not presumptious.

I agree with you, most wars are religion based but if all the PC liberalists read what I typed maybe there would be a better understanding, just don't read what you hope it says so you can get on your high horse.

Lets put it this way then.

The British have emigrated all over the globe, they aren't happy where they are now and want to come back. Theres 60 million of them. What do you do?

Build 60 large cities to accommodate them?

Cover what greenery we have left with concrete and bricks?

Breathe even more polluted air?

Say goodbye to the lifestyle you have now because as I said in another thread, you can shove your caravans up your jacksies because there will be nowhere left to go.

Just tell me in your liberallist minds what is the acceptable number of immigrants, no matter what race/religion/creed or where they are from, to take in.

OK I await your sensible replies (some hope) lmaooo.

Jeeezzzzz , *shakes head, looks to the skies, scowling icon thingy*
Mar 14, 2005
If so many people are wanting to get into the country, it must have something going for it. Conversely, therefore, those are in it, are not happy with it and feel unable to change what they're not happy about, it's time to get out although I challenge anyone to name a country that has only advantages and no bad points. The only option is to select that country which suits my lifestyle best, with the minimum disadvantages.
Jan 19, 2008
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Lutz quote ..."If so many people are wanting to get into the country, it must have something going for it".

Correct Lutz, and we all know what that is, the reason why they don't want to stay in France, Spain, Italy, Belgium or Holland, it's handouts. We are unable to change because we are now a member of the E.U. and have signed up to the human rights bill. The silent majority who do wish to do something are sadly accused of racism if they try to argue for our rights and then people like you say tough, if you don't like it ****** off somewhere else .... sigh!

My grandfather and my father fought for my rights to live here in peace and not to be pushed out of the country by liberal cranks and those we have no room for.
Mar 16, 2005
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"the reason why they don't want to stay in France, Spain, Italy, Belgium or Holland, it's handouts".

Who are "they"?

Because it now sounds like you are talking about a group that makes up a mere insignificant less than 1% of britains population.

Pretty heady numbers there, and gosh that must be draining our resources at such a mega high level that our society must be on its knees.

But again i ask who are "they"

By what stretch of the imagination do you assume "every immagrant in the world is passing through spain,Italy and France ect, to get to these shores.

cus that aint what is happening, you believe far to much of what the media say,and forget that its there job to make things news worthy,if that means stretching the truth and missing out the whole picture then thats what they do.

I say again we are talking about 1% here of our total population.

You make it sound like every immigrant only comes here to scroung and live off the dole. i know what i call that.
Mar 14, 2005
I can't quite follow the reasoning behind, quote:".... the reason why they don't want to stay in France, Spain, Italy, Belgium or Holland, it's handouts. We are unable to change because we are now a member of the E.U. .....".

Aren't France, Spain, Italy, Belgium and Holland also in the EU? If so, they would be giving handouts the same as the UK. Therefore, the EU cannot be to blame.
Jan 19, 2008
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The reasoning is simple, the E.U. doesn't have borders and neither do they give handouts like money, housing etc. like our socialist government.

Why do they allow the immigrants to pass through their countries when they are seeking asylum? Surely they should seek asylum in the country they land in. Why are thousands waiting the other side of the Channel, (notice I'm being PC and said Channel and NOT English Channel :O) Why are lorry drivers being fined when illegals sneak aboard and haulage firms can no longer afford to haul over to the continent? Why are the French now secretly building another Sangatte? Surely it is up to them to grant them asylum or send them back but no, the French don't give them a sou apart from charitable kitchens and are glad to see the back of them over to soft touch Britain.
Mar 16, 2005
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Again i ask who are "they"? Who are you talking about, immigrants or illegal immirants or immigrants as a whole?

Why are lorry drivers being fined when illegals sneak aboard and haulage firms can no longer afford to haul over to the continent?

What has illegals sneaking on board got to do with haulage firms no longer hauling on the continent....No i wont wait for an answer,as i am i transport manager and you do not know enough about either of the facts to know what you are talking about!.

Stop reading the mirror.....
Jan 19, 2008
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It was on a programme two weeks ago, Panorama or similar, where they interviewed haulage contractors who had been fined when illegals were found aboard their lorries. They had now stopped going to the continent because the fines weren't
Jan 19, 2008
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Here is a laughable but true story ... all because the xrays infringe the immigrants human rights. There are also reasons that the French don't want them to be caught because they then become their problem ....

British border guards in Calais have been banned from using X-rays to search for illegal immigrants in lorries - unless they ask for the stowaways' written permission.

French authorities have blocked the use of the scanners, claiming they could breach European health and safety laws.

They have told British immigration officials that if they want to use the machines they will first have to clear it with those they are looking for.

Given that the illegal immigrants do not want to be found, the chances of reaching such an agreement are zero, leaving the British no choice but to stop using the machines.

Immigration officials are said to be baffled by the decision.

The scanners - which have helped cut the number of illegal immigrants arriving in Dover by 88 per cent - emit less radiation than an ordinary hospital X-ray and are used elsewhere in Europe with great success.

The ban was also criticised by hauliers and politicians last night. Adam Holloway, Tory MP for Gravesham in Kent, said: "This appears extremely convenient for the French authorities who, once again, have come up with an excuse to move the problem of immigration control over to British soil.

"It is also yet another clear example of European Union overregulation."

Thousands of illegal immigrants come to Britain from France every year.

At Calais up to 1,000 gather every night, attracted by the short crossing and by the free food and shelter.

Although the notorious Sangatte camp was shut down five years ago, plans are being drawn up by the local council to open a second similar facility.

The immigrants' favoured way of crossing the Channel is to break into lorries which are waiting to make the crossing.

In a bid to combat this problem, in 2002 the French allowed the British to set up their own immigration controls in Calais.

Along with thermal-imaging devices and carbon dioxide detectors, British officers have been using gamma-ray scanners.

Mar 16, 2005
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Yes i have already read them, was it the mirror or mail and the independant!

The RHA has advised its members how to avoid this problem, some are just to lazy to implement and do the checks!.

I recall one hauler saying it would effect his company by 400,000! by not going on the continent. it gave the impression that he had been fined huge amounts, but from what i recall it was one driver being fined
Mar 16, 2005
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"Another source in the immigration service added: "One can only assume that the French have got cold feet about this because they are worried about being sued for compensation by the illegal immigrants."

I will answer that one for you shall i.

I am sure you think what a load of tosh,but the fact is if these persons are caught using this method,lets just remember they are still on french soil and therefore it is quite possible that this could happen.French law is as silly as our own.
Mar 14, 2005
While on the subject of illegal immigrants and fined haulage contractors, I needed a trailer to pick up some household goods from my parents' place a couple of weeks ago and went to a local trailer rental firm to ask whether they had anything suitable for me. As soon as they realised that I wanted to go to the UK with a trailer, they said "sorry, no way". I asked why. It turned out that someone had rented a trailer from them earlier and drove with it empty to the UK. When he arrived in Dover, to his surprise, the trailer was full of illegal immigrants and he was fined 13000 Euros. To avoid anything similar happening again they refuse to let anyone take any of their trailers to the UK. I solved the problem by buying a soft-top trailer and left the top off until I arrived in England. Now I'm back in Germany I can sell it again.


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