Vote for me, vote for me, MEP MEP. LOL!!Crikey Lisa
With that pedigree you deserve to be an MEP on a nice fat salary, LOL.
Woof woof
Vote for me, vote for me, MEP MEP. LOL!!Crikey Lisa
With that pedigree you deserve to be an MEP on a nice fat salary, LOL.
Woof woof
Well well, aint you a saint. Perhaps the recovered fox lived to tell the tale....maybe not. Foxhunting should be banned, without question or discussion, it is barbaric, or perhaps we should revert to earlier times when only the gentry / monied survived, the plebs, well, let them work til they drop. When I see a hunt, apart from making me want to vomit, I'd love to stick a couple og bangers up their backsides, and check out their horsemanship, still it must be very brave of you to risk your health etc in pursuit of that dangerous animal (that cannot hit back at you...more's the pity)..................Here's a final question.
What would you do if you were driving along a road at 4.30am one freezing cold winter's morning and in front of you, in the middle of the road, lay an unconcious fox?
This is what I did.
Stopped the car
Investigated the fox to see if there were any obvious injuries, particularly broken limbs/severe bleeding/check whether it was still breathing
Took off my long socks, made a makeshift muzzle
Took off my jacket
Carefully lifted the fox, wrapped it in my jacket, placed the muzzle over its nose (to prevent injury to me)
Put it in the back of my car
Turned down the heating slightly until it became accoustomed to the temperature
Drove to a phone box (no mobiles in those days)
Phoned the animal and accident rescue unit
Waited an hour for them to meet me
They thanked me and took away the fox (which was starting to come round).
Phoned me 24 hours later to clarify the exact location to where I found it
It was released 48 hours later, having sustained concussion due to being hit by a vehicle.
So we're not all bad. (Smiley icon thingy).