- Jul 18, 2017
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Our Energy Secretary justifies the mad dogmatic dash to decarbonise our national electricity grid by claiming it will free us from dependence on the fossil fuels of foreign dictators. The only dictatorship from which we import a reasonable amount of gas is the Gulf state of Qatar, nominally a friend? We import a lot of gas from the US?Probably - there's a significant minority of drivers determined not to buy an EV by that date so there's likely to be a flood of IC purchases in 2029 and car makers are likely to start 2030 with minimal inventory of IC cars - and the demand for used IC cars will go up as the target EV % ramps up and car makers either restrict IC sales or increase prices of IC cars to cover the fines.
It's already clear that many buyers are holding on to their used IC car much longer than normal, presumably with the intention of buying one more IC car before the ban comes in.
In the mean time, China will continue flooding the UK and EU markets with cheap, subsidised EVs - which will undercut UK and EU manufacturers driving some of them out of business - then the price of Chinese EVs will shoot up!
In fact, far from freeing us from the need to cosy up to nasty autocrats to keep our homes warm and our appliances running, the dash to decarbonise the grid by 2030 will put us in hock to the biggest dictatorship of all which is China.
Certainly is a very big worry.