C&CC -v- 4x4's

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Dec 30, 2009
Chrissie, I drive a 4x4 however I decided to buy it to pull my caravan and also because I wanted one.

I do not go around churning up lanes as you describe 4x4 drivers do, I use mine on the road. It returns 38mpg deisel against most petrol cars 40mpg.

If you cannot be more specific on 4x4 drivers prahaps you shouldnt comment on them. As for all the green lanes being churned up read Clivev thread only 5% of lanes are used by 4x4 drivers. If other lanes are being churned up in your area that should not be used by 4x4s im sure you would get the full support of the 4x4 green lane gang to put a stop to it.
Let me quote what you wrote Crissie

02:18 PM It begins to seem that I am the only person on here who does not think 4x4 drivers have a divine right to churn up green lanes and reduce them to dangerous mud-baths

no mention of some 4x4 drivers just 4x4 drivers!!
Mar 14, 2005
Anyone want to buy a twin axle 6 month old van?

According to the comments above, I must go to site and sit in my van because I am unable to walk into the countryside!

Nice selfish comment by you and the C&CC mag. you should be prosecuted for being prejudice. Try having a disability and accessing the countryside you say you love.

I'm Alright Jack!
Not that you can't drive into the countryside, Steve, but can you not find some nice quiet spot along an existing road from which to enjoy it, without needing to drive 'off-road'? It is those last few metres that are the problem - are they really a necessary part of your enjoyment?
Jan 19, 2008
Agree with what Steve says above.

Also just try googling "Anti 4x4" - "Anti Greenlaning" or Anti whatever! etc. Not difficult they are very verbose.

You will be spoilt for choice!
Nothing on "Anti Greenlaning" only 3 hits, all pro greenlaning.
Dec 30, 2009
Well, I never expected that his Lordship would be the nearest I would find to an ally on here! As I have tried to point out, I am not an 'anti' when it comes to the 4x4 debate, merely unconvinced. Whatever may be said about the damage caused by recreational off-roading, I have seen some evidence with my own eyes and cannot understand how anyone who claims to care about the countryside (whatever they drive) can wish to leave such a mess behind them. As for their utility as towcars, my person view would be that caravan manufacturers would be better advised looking at ways of producing a lighterweight product that did not require a massive tug, rather that forcing up the ante by constatly increasing the weight. Incidentally, on page 43 of the same C&CC mag that caused all the outcry, you will find a very enthusistic report, by a staff writer of the Volvo XC70 (an all-wheel drive vehicle).

As for the article in by David Bellamy, it does not in any way suggest that C&CC members should not use 4x4s: in fact its concluding sentence reads 'let's keep 4x4s where they belong - parked on site, while the owners go off-roading on foot'. Neither David Bellamy, nor for that matter, in my own small way, I, have suggested that any of you who have chosen to buy these vehicles, should be prevented from using them as a means of transport or to tow your caravans. But as someone who was born in the country (only a humble peasant-girl, Your Lordship), has lived there all her life and is greatly distressed to see unnecessary damage of any kind caused to the rural environment, I do have to ask why there is this enormous outcry at the merest suggestion that the progress of the 4x4 should be in the slightest controlled.
Then you should direct you comments to green lanners both 4 wheel and 2 wheel not 4x4 drivers there is a huge difference. Over 90% of 4x4s have never been off road, so comments like 4x4 drivers is totaly wrong.

I dont often get my a** in my hand but when painted with a wide sweeping brush it does wind me up.

For the record im not covinced either way about green laneing and caring for the enviroment.
Jul 12, 2005
Not that you can't drive into the countryside, Steve, but can you not find some nice quiet spot along an existing road from which to enjoy it, without needing to drive 'off-road'? It is those last few metres that are the problem - are they really a necessary part of your enjoyment?
So let me get this right?

You want me to give up landscape photography and seeing parts of the countryside because you think I should not go off road.

It does not matter I do not break the law, it does not matter I strictly follow the countryside code and the Glass green laneing code, it does not matter that I have not caused damage to any lane

But it does matter that you have seen ruts, concluded its off roaders and not a farmer in a tractor or a ground working in a 4x4 who is going about their work. No, it must ne his fault because he drives off road in a 4x4

Freankly, because of people like you, this country is in a real state. Why should I not go off roading if I am not breaking the law?

I hoe you get your wish. then the next time someone breaks a leg in the real countryside, no one will be allowed to help them as all 4x4's will be banned and so will all aircraft because look at all the damage they do and the fuel they burn!
Jan 19, 2008
As a 4x4 driver who like so many others I have my vehicle because it makes a great tow vehicle and a safe outfit. I never have and never intend to take it off road. I for one will drive what vehicle I want and will not be dictated to to some misguided dogooders who if they had their way would cause a major slump in the lesuire industry . My vehicle is road legal and probably emits less polution when towing ta caravan than a lot of executive cars which are driven round our streets needlesly. If the anti brigade wants to get on the polution band wagon then direct their energy at the biggest culprits.
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't this thread getting de-railed again. I thought it was about going off road / greenlaning and now its back to the usual crap of whether anyone should be allowed to drive a 4x4 or not.

Lol I would have come at Easter but this was taken out of my hands last year by Her Ladyship and meeting up with relatives. We are going to Slimbridge or at least are supposed to be but if this Bird Flu epidemic spreads that might be knocked on the head.

Del this thread isnt about your right to drive a 4x4 or pollution from them (which makes a change) but some trying to find out whether green laning does any harm to the environment.
Jan 19, 2008
As a 4x4 driver who like so many others I have my vehicle because it makes a great tow vehicle and a safe outfit. I never have and never intend to take it off road. I for one will drive what vehicle I want and will not be dictated to to some misguided dogooders who if they had their way would cause a major slump in the lesuire industry . My vehicle is road legal and probably emits less polution when towing ta caravan than a lot of executive cars which are driven round our streets needlesly. If the anti brigade wants to get on the polution band wagon then direct their energy at the biggest culprits.
oops that should be reply not comment
Jan 19, 2008
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't this thread getting de-railed again. I thought it was about going off road / greenlaning and now its back to the usual crap of whether anyone should be allowed to drive a 4x4 or not.

Lol I would have come at Easter but this was taken out of my hands last year by Her Ladyship and meeting up with relatives. We are going to Slimbridge or at least are supposed to be but if this Bird Flu epidemic spreads that might be knocked on the head.

Del this thread isnt about your right to drive a 4x4 or pollution from them (which makes a change) but some trying to find out whether green laning does any harm to the environment.
Mar 14, 2005
If this is indeed the David Bellamy, then I am saddened that someone whom I had respect for has just lost it. And I am not referring just to my respect.

To come onto a caravanning Forum and make a pathetic snide comment about "bits of rough" and men's "equipment failing" beggars belief.

Mr Bellamy - you have fallen to far lower standards than I thought possible.

Green laning is NOT what you would like it to be in that warped holier that thou mind of yours.

If you take the trouble to read my response to you on the adjacent thread you will see that I ask for your comments as to why you are so against a small sub-group of vehicles that are only different in ways that make them last longer and have greater abilities.

The real pollution issues are aircraft flights (no tax on aviation fuel - how "green" is that???!!!) and cement production two name just two. The later of which produces more CO2 than all the cars in the world - In fact Cement production produces 1/3 of all the CO2 produced by man.

So even if we took ALL cars of the road, but carried on building it would make naff all difference.

So tell me Mr Bellamy - I haven't seen you on TV for a while.

Do you think jumping on the spurious "Anti 4x4" bandwagon will get you the exposure you need to re-inflate your dwindling cash balance? - Or is it an ego thing?

Whatever your reasoning - I suggest if you REALLY wanted to do something - making smutty remarks like the one above is not the most sensible or intelligent way to go about it..
Yes I thought that too.

No doubt the Moddies will oblige
Mar 14, 2005
Let me quote what you wrote Crissie

02:18 PM It begins to seem that I am the only person on here who does not think 4x4 drivers have a divine right to churn up green lanes and reduce them to dangerous mud-baths

no mention of some 4x4 drivers just 4x4 drivers!!
I think to get from that comment, to suggesting that I said all 4x4 drivers do this is pushing credulity a little far. Quite ovbviously, the comment was only aimed at those who do indulge in this activity. Read my posts, I have not descended into personal invective against those who have chosen a different vehicle to mine, yet I have been subjected to more than a little unpleasantness by those who seem unable to deal with anything less than wholehearted support for their own viewpoints.
Jan 19, 2008
Like I said to Chrissie, I don't intend to bounce her around, I bounce, she boxes. At the end of the day I like my ears how they are now. We are both willing to give it a try though, we are looking forward to the views and the picnic when we get there. Now isn't that a nice day out?
Getting visuals of you lay in the sun together after making daisy chains. Your better half plucking out the hairs on your chest singing "he loves me, he loves me not".
Mar 14, 2005

I think I have said on a number of occasions that I am a fairly active user of the countryside. This often involves retrieving injured animals and transporting anything and everything. I also drive Salisbury Plain (when they are not lobbing ordinance about!) and can categorically state that the most extreme "Off-roading" the Army can through at it, has not damaged the flora and fauna of that wonderful place one jot.

I am saddened that you seem to have decided that to look at pro greenlining sites is "no good" to use your words.

In the absence of a fair and balanced site ready made for you to see both sides of the argument - I do not know what to suggest?

I would urge you to reconsider - have a look at both and make your own mind up.

Also - why not contact you local GLASS Representative and ask if you could arrange to go out with one of their members.

What better way to find out about something than to actually do it.

Anyone that is interested can do this!
Mar 14, 2005
Anyone want to buy a twin axle 6 month old van?

According to the comments above, I must go to site and sit in my van because I am unable to walk into the countryside!

Nice selfish comment by you and the C&CC mag. you should be prosecuted for being prejudice. Try having a disability and accessing the countryside you say you love.

I'm Alright Jack!
chrissie - you are not going to win an access argument with a disabled person!

I suggest you do not bother as it makes you come across very much as uncaring and "I am alright Jack".

May I suggest that if you have not been greenlaning then it is hardly surprising that you cannot see the point of it.

People tell me the same about riding a motorcycle (something that I have done in the past but would never do now as the roads are just too dangerous) Others say the same about flying and getting their PPL.

What is the point of that when you can drive or take a train. After all if you break down whilst flying you could be entering Gods earth like a dart!

Try ringing/contacting GLASS and see if someone will take you out on a trip. At least then you will be talking from a position of having done what you say is not necessary.
Mar 14, 2005
chrissie - you are not going to win an access argument with a disabled person!

I suggest you do not bother as it makes you come across very much as uncaring and "I am alright Jack".

May I suggest that if you have not been greenlaning then it is hardly surprising that you cannot see the point of it.

People tell me the same about riding a motorcycle (something that I have done in the past but would never do now as the roads are just too dangerous) Others say the same about flying and getting their PPL.

What is the point of that when you can drive or take a train. After all if you break down whilst flying you could be entering Gods earth like a dart!

Try ringing/contacting GLASS and see if someone will take you out on a trip. At least then you will be talking from a position of having done what you say is not necessary.
Nice idea, Clive, but I'll pass - I've been down many a green lane in my time, often on a trailer behind a tractor or even on top of a load pulled by a horse - those were the days! While I can quite see that for some people, to do this in a 4x4 may be enjoyable, but I still fail to see how it can be construed as 'necessary'. I have already decided to give any further attempt at debate with Steve a miss. I do wonder, however, if he ever paused to consider what my personal level of mobility might be?
Mar 14, 2005
Lol ,

before you take your wife green laning I should have a look at the road surface, I would hate to think you got so far and could not continue or go back without her suffering, these lanes do get cut up and rutted but around my kneck of the woods its more with trail bikes and tractors. good luck mate.

Tony A.
Thank you for your concern Tony. My wife suffer this affliction and has in the past been laid up for weeks on end unable to walk further than the bathroom and sometimes even that distance has been too far. Luckily she has found a wonderful bone doctor, not through the NHS may I add, but this chiropractor has given her a new lease on life and providing she doesn't over do things, can enjoy life to the full. Walking however is one of those activities that can put strain on her back; sitting in the car (we find the Sorento's seats quite comfortable) is a lot less taxing.
Mar 14, 2005
Nice idea, Clive, but I'll pass - I've been down many a green lane in my time, often on a trailer behind a tractor or even on top of a load pulled by a horse - those were the days! While I can quite see that for some people, to do this in a 4x4 may be enjoyable, but I still fail to see how it can be construed as 'necessary'. I have already decided to give any further attempt at debate with Steve a miss. I do wonder, however, if he ever paused to consider what my personal level of mobility might be?
Hi again Chrissie

For me it is the skill. Why do people climb mountains, scuba dive ride in a bike race.

None of these hobby activities are "necessary" - but some like to do them.

What annoys most of that do is the sort of claptrap that David Belamy spouts re 4x4's "ruining" other peoples enjoyment of "The Countryside" when walkers can now wander over 100% of it whilst BOATS represent just 5% and shrinking!

Even the Governments own research concluded that 4x4 do not have a significant impact!
Mar 14, 2005
Anyone want to buy a twin axle 6 month old van?

According to the comments above, I must go to site and sit in my van because I am unable to walk into the countryside!

Nice selfish comment by you and the C&CC mag. you should be prosecuted for being prejudice. Try having a disability and accessing the countryside you say you love.

I'm Alright Jack!
Hi again Chrissie

For me it is the skill. Why do people climb mountains, scuba dive ride in a bike race.

None of these hobby activities are "necessary" - but some like to do them.

What annoys most of that do is the sort of claptrap that David Belamy spouts re 4x4's "ruining" other peoples enjoyment of "The Countryside" when walkers can now wander over 100% of it whilst BOATS represent just 5% and shrinking!

Even the Governments own research concluded that 4x4 do not have a significant impact!
Jul 12, 2005
Nice idea, Clive, but I'll pass - I've been down many a green lane in my time, often on a trailer behind a tractor or even on top of a load pulled by a horse - those were the days! While I can quite see that for some people, to do this in a 4x4 may be enjoyable, but I still fail to see how it can be construed as 'necessary'. I have already decided to give any further attempt at debate with Steve a miss. I do wonder, however, if he ever paused to consider what my personal level of mobility might be?
Why should I, You and the C&CC mag did not consider anyone else when you made your comments
Mar 14, 2005
Like I said to Chrissie, I don't intend to bounce her around, I bounce, she boxes. At the end of the day I like my ears how they are now. We are both willing to give it a try though, we are looking forward to the views and the picnic when we get there. Now isn't that a nice day out?
Ok, so now your worrying me, your getting too many visuals of me, and my homophobic side is becomming active! Please concentrate on Colin, I hear he's a fine looking man and well preserved..... ;o)
Jan 19, 2008

I think I have said on a number of occasions that I am a fairly active user of the countryside. This often involves retrieving injured animals and transporting anything and everything. I also drive Salisbury Plain (when they are not lobbing ordinance about!) and can categorically state that the most extreme "Off-roading" the Army can through at it, has not damaged the flora and fauna of that wonderful place one jot.

I am saddened that you seem to have decided that to look at pro greenlining sites is "no good" to use your words.

In the absence of a fair and balanced site ready made for you to see both sides of the argument - I do not know what to suggest?

I would urge you to reconsider - have a look at both and make your own mind up.

Also - why not contact you local GLASS Representative and ask if you could arrange to go out with one of their members.

What better way to find out about something than to actually do it.

Anyone that is interested can do this!
Clive I'm not asking to do greenlaning so why seek out a local GLASS person - I was asking whats involved and for someone who does it to explain so other forum members know whats involved. I had my own idea what it entailed probably like others but just wanted it clarifying, no need to beat about the bush or go around The Wrekin to get there, just plain simple facts.
Mar 14, 2005
OK LB - I will try to explain but all it really is is driving on an unmadeup road!

Greenlaning involves driving at no more that 5 mph on designated but untarmaced roads. Some of these roads can be a "challenging" drive and whilst 90% can be driven by normal cars, such vehicles are not recommended as they usually get stuck and have to be dug out. Not good for the environment.

Therefore a 4x4 with a modern traction control system or Low Range and Diff Lock is the norm.

Driving on these lanes is legal and you are insured as long as the lane is designated a BOAT. However where a lane is damaged thro lack of repair a TRO (Tempory Restriction Order) is placed on it (usually by Green Laners themselves via GLASS Rep) and it is allowed to recover or possible repaired if the lane really is an old man-made road.

If you look on an OS map the BOATS are designated +++++++ but we always check with the local Highways Officer who often asks for a report.

Interestingly, the local councils do have an obligation to keep these roads in good condition!

That really is about it?

Apart from it being great fun and you see more wild life than you thought possible because to the animals and birds the vehicle is just another tractor which never seems to bother them.

When you are on foot they can smell us a mile off and disappear such is their fear of man.

Horseriders experience the same thing as the horse is nonthreatening and its smell tends to mask ours.

It may never appeal to you, as fishing seems so totally pointless and unappealing to me. If you fish then you may understand what I am getting at. I cannot use your love of Steam Trains because given half a chance I could easily get interested!

So what say I act Devils Advocate and say that I want you to justify why Steam Trains are kept in working order at enormous cost? Surely they are "unnecessary"?

Now if you said well come and have a day on one I would jump at the chance.

But you say you want to understand Greenlaning but do not want to do it?

Sorry - do not understand!
Dec 16, 2003
Well I don't own a 4x4 yet, but I'm more inclined to get one now.

And I was about to join the C & CC, now on hold with that news!

Bellamy I understand is against wind farms and does not believe in all the global warming hype so that screws some people ideas.

Maybe somebody drove over his favourite plant, he has gone downis my estimation!
Jan 19, 2008
Well done Clive, you explained it at last but its a pity 3/4s of the way through you had to spoil it and go off on a different tangent or may I say leave the main line and shoot off down the branch line being railways were mentioned. I can't ask you to come and have a day on a preserved line Clive because I'm not into the preservation scene, all my posts have been based on a real railway in the late steam days and were posted for nostalgic reasons. With regards to trying to justify why steam locos are being kept working at such expense I would find difficult because simply they are costing the likes of us S.F.A. The money raised is from the preservation movement who own their own track and rolling stock. It's all done by unpaid volunteers for the benefit of this countries heritage. I'm given to understand that some preserved railways get money from other sources, like the Welsh Highland, they got money from the Millenium Commision and grants from the E.U. and the Welsh Assembly. Now the reason I would not want to do greenlaning is probably the same as Lols wife, arthritic spine, the reason I had to finish work. Walking around the NEC today was murder and I couldnt wait to sit down in the car so being bumped about off road in a 4x4 appeals to me not.
Jan 19, 2008
Ok, so now your worrying me, your getting too many visuals of me, and my homophobic side is becomming active! Please concentrate on Colin, I hear he's a fine looking man and well preserved..... ;o)
Theres no need to panic .. I cant eat a hotdog without my homophobia kicking in :O(


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