Can I respectfully ask that when a correspondent mentions his/her caravan that they give the full type please.
For instance Bailey make and have made many different models in ranges, so putting a Bailey Pegasus or Bailey Unicorn really means nothing. It would be more useful if it was a Bailey Pegasus Rimini or a Bailey Unicorn Series 3 Cadiz. Do you notice - Pegasus all Italian place names, Unicorns were and still are all Spanish place names, and the huge Alicanto Grande are all Portuguese? Similarly in older models there was such thing as a Bailey Pageant Majestic Series 5 (we had one of those!), not just a Bailey Pageant.
For instance Bailey make and have made many different models in ranges, so putting a Bailey Pegasus or Bailey Unicorn really means nothing. It would be more useful if it was a Bailey Pegasus Rimini or a Bailey Unicorn Series 3 Cadiz. Do you notice - Pegasus all Italian place names, Unicorns were and still are all Spanish place names, and the huge Alicanto Grande are all Portuguese? Similarly in older models there was such thing as a Bailey Pageant Majestic Series 5 (we had one of those!), not just a Bailey Pageant.