Do higher fines deter speeding?

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Mar 10, 2006
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steve w77 said:
So in answer to the original question, yes it deters me and it also deters me from using the Port of Hull and helping to pay their wages

For which the people of Hull will be eternally grateful, as they will no longer be at risk from your admitted anti social driving..

Steve W

Why is it antisocial, nobody was being held up, slow drivers should have there cars crushed as a deterrent!


Nov 12, 2009
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RAY said:
steve w77 said:
So in answer to the original question, yes it deters me and it also deters me from using the Port of Hull and helping to pay their wages

For which the people of Hull will be eternally grateful, as they will no longer be at risk from your admitted anti social driving..

Steve W

Why is it antisocial, nobody was being held up, slow drivers should have there cars crushed as a deterrent!

Please stop trying to wind people up Ray
Oct 28, 2006
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Whats the craic here? If people exceed the speed limit and get caught they get fined.Do people expect to get let off because they have a caravan in tow?Be more careful is my advise.Or have a word with Steve,he gets away with "road testing" the Laguna at 130mph down the M5 with no problems!
Mar 14, 2005
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another David said:
cynical revenue raisers .........Its a TAX!

Hello David,
The speed detection cameras (Safety Cameras????) are not cynical. They are performing a duty, and upholding the law. The location or placement of such cameras is not a casual matter, they have to conform to a number of guidelines so the evidence they provide should stand up in court if the prossecution is challeneged.

They are only revenue earners if us drivers are silly enough to speed past them!

Perhaps the diversions had been in place for some time, and ther had been a number of incidents where speed may have been a factor, and the placement of the camera van was in response. Perhaps it was placed to encourage drivers to slow down.

Any revenue they do raise is in no way a Tax -- it is a fine, and there is a legitimate way of avoiding it by sticking to the limits.

Here's a radical thought, - If every one stuck to the speedlimits, not only would the government loose a significant amount of fines income, just think of how much fuel we would all save by driving just a bit slower - sounds like a win win situation to me.
Mar 21, 2007
Prof John L said:
another David said:
cynical revenue raisers .........Its a TAX!

Hello David,
The speed detection cameras (Safety Cameras????) are not cynical. They are performing a duty, and upholding the law. The location or placement of such cameras is not a casual matter, they have to conform to a number of guidelines so the evidence they provide should stand up in court if the prossecution is challeneged.

They are only revenue earners if us drivers are silly enough to speed past them!

Perhaps the diversions had been in place for some time, and ther had been a number of incidents where speed may have been a factor, and the placement of the camera van was in response. Perhaps it was placed to encourage drivers to slow down.

Any revenue they do raise is in no way a Tax -- it is a fine, and there is a legitimate way of avoiding it by sticking to the limits.

Here's a radical thought, - If every one stuck to the speedlimits, not only would the government loose a significant amount of fines income, just think of how much fuel we would all save by driving just a bit slower - sounds like a win win situation to me.
I was particularly offended in these circumstances after the fiasco in the town centre to then find that Humberside Police saw this as an opportunity to penalise ferry traffic diverted onto an unfamiliar route by placing a van behind an hedge at a point where the limit dropped from national to 30. Insult was added to injury by their not allowing the speed awareness course to be taken near my home.
I am not greatly worried about £60 and 3 points wont make any diference, however my sister a minimum wage worker in the health service could have found better things to do with the money than pay someone sitting on thier backside with a camera.

I wont be responding to any further posts on this subject as it is plain I am engaging in discussion with people who actually believe this has anything to do with safety and who have never exceeded a limit in thier lives.
If I wanted to be preached at I would go to church.
Aug 4, 2004
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The problem with all these safety cameras is that you are so busy watching your speedo they you failed to spot the stupid driver and then get involved in an accident. I was done for doing 36mph in a 30mph zone while towing the caravan as I had just accelerated away from a round about. Made no difference to my insurance company who told me they ignore them.
Apr 22, 2006
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Having read through these posts and watched the little arguments take place I feel I should make a confession and give the op a true answer.
No, nope, nada
For those who have never flexed the right ankle to feel a 6.3ltr V8 hurl them down the road lets just say it is quite intoxicating

Now before you all jump up and down spilling coffee over the keyboard I dont fly around towns and am to be found ambling around at 29 with my speed limiter on in town. This is not the result of cameras as I have other methods at my disposal to deal with them but is mainly because I think it foolish to pilot 2.5 tonnes of car fast around pedestrians. I would even go further and say that speed cameras are actually a high speed drivers best friend. In Scotland I can drive for hundreds of miles through tthe countryside blasting from 1 corner to the next in virtually no fear of a police car coming up behind me. So the more cameras and the less police patrols on the road I say the better.

I know my answer is not very "pc" but at least it is honhest and judging by the way people were flying past me down the M6 last weekend as I sat at 80 would be to my mind how a whole heap of others veiw it.


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