another David said:
cynical revenue raisers .........Its a TAX!
Hello David,
The speed detection cameras (Safety Cameras????) are not cynical. They are performing a duty, and upholding the law. The location or placement of such cameras is not a casual matter, they have to conform to a number of guidelines so the evidence they provide should stand up in court if the prossecution is challeneged.
They are only revenue earners if us drivers are silly enough to speed past them!
Perhaps the diversions had been in place for some time, and ther had been a number of incidents where speed may have been a factor, and the placement of the camera van was in response. Perhaps it was placed to encourage drivers to slow down.
Any revenue they do raise is in no way a Tax -- it is a fine, and there is a legitimate way of avoiding it by sticking to the limits.
Here's a radical thought, - If every one stuck to the speedlimits, not only would the government loose a significant amount of fines income, just think of how much fuel we would all save by driving just a bit slower - sounds like a win win situation to me.