My drill gave up today, so looking for recommendations for a replacement, do I buy a well known brand of brushless or go for anonymous make from well know site beginning with A
I use Argos own brand of Guild and swear by them. Have drills,one for caravan legs another for use in garage, circular saw, planer and sander all excellent.
I've had quite a few "bargain" drills over the years and none have lasted all that long.
Current drill is a Black and Decker 18v which has lasted about 6 years and still going strong.
My Black and Decker, batteries are NiCads 18v, if we go away for a week then I have to take the charger with me, no real problem except another kilo of weight. I bought a Parkside 24 volt drill from Lidl li-ion battery, for about £30 light and just right for the steadys.