Driving in Spain

Oct 19, 2008
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We have just booked to go to Spain and are not abit concerned as we are reading reports of vehicles being stopped on the motorways by theives - does anybody know how safe we are travelling on the Spanish motorways?
Dec 14, 2006
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There have been stories, and I don't know how true they are, of people being stopped by a puncture, for instance, and then being robbed. It has been suggested that the vehicle is deliberately damaged, to that potential thieves can signal the driver to pull over - and then distract the occupants and rob any valuables. In any circumstances like this, make sure you don't open the windows, keep the doors locked, and make it look as if you are phoning the services on a mobile. Keep all valuables hidden - even having a decoy wallet to hand over, if forced.

Fill up with fuel at recognised service stations, and keep an eye open for anything else going on around the car - to make sure no damage is being done to tyres, wheels, or anything else.

We've driven in Spain several times, and had absolutely no problems, do I don't think it's quite as widespread as made out in some quarters.
Oct 24, 2007
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I travel to spain with my caravan every year, I stick to toll roads and when I pull in for the night and use the main service station with other caravaners which have cctv etc never had any problems

Until last year

we had a bad experiance,

we pulled out from the service station near Roses Espania when a car came beside my car and a man with a high viz jacket

flashed a card to my wife and instructed us to pull over then he speeded of to a side road where he instructed us to follow.

I notice the car did not have spanish number plates and from that i ignored them and carried on with my journey. Police did not follow me. if they did i would of stayed on the main road as i been told to do so...

Apart from that I still travel and always will to go to the sun
Oct 19, 2008
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I travel to spain with my caravan every year, I stick to toll roads and when I pull in for the night and use the main service station with other caravaners which have cctv etc never had any problems

Until last year

we had a bad experiance,

we pulled out from the service station near Roses Espania when a car came beside my car and a man with a high viz jacket

flashed a card to my wife and instructed us to pull over then he speeded of to a side road where he instructed us to follow.

I notice the car did not have spanish number plates and from that i ignored them and carried on with my journey. Police did not follow me. if they did i would of stayed on the main road as i been told to do so...

Apart from that I still travel and always will to go to the sun
Thanks for your comments - feel a little better now!
Mar 14, 2005
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See my posting Warning from Spain.

It's a good idea to have, say,150 euro in a safe place in the car to be able to pay spot fines as otherwise you may be escorted to an ATM which could be awkward if towing. I take Lutz's point about legal fee insurance - not sure if Red Pennant includes this or not - but it would have to be a very bad case before I would consider the inevitable hassle worthwhile. The most disturbing thing to me is the use of unmarked cars, since any crook could make up a windscreen sign.
May 21, 2007
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Hi Alison,

we make the journey to Spain every winter and we have had no problems. However, you should be alert, as you have to be in the UK to people who want to take your money from you! The Caravan Club gives very good advice on the website about reported incidents and how to respond. I would follow their advice and ensure that I was fully convinced that anyone atempting to stop us was who they say they were. (Don't unlock the car door or get out, ask to see ID and for a number to contact their base to confirm they are who they say they are). First thing I would do is photograph them and their car on the mobile phone. If they are guenuine they won't mind. There is a number for tourists to phone, set up by the Spanish Tourist Board if you are concerned. Details also on the CC website.
Apr 1, 2010
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We, though we did not have the van on the back, some years back stopped on the approach road from Malaga Airport onto the main coast road behind another car. The driver of the car in front went to his boot and opened it then came to my husbands door, which he did not open nor the window, and said something in Spanish we did not understand. My husband quickly drove out and overtook the car and went down the main road very fast. About 15 miles later we realised we had a puncture and stopped and changed the wheel. Next day we took the punctured wheel to the garage to be repaired. The guy said he could not repair it as it had been stabbed with a knife or sharp instrument. We then realised that while the guy was talking at our drivers door someone else, perhaps from the car parked behind on the approach road , had nipped out and stabbed the back tyre which we could not see as the other guy was in front of the drivers mirror. So they have all sorts of ways to rob you we were Lucky.
Mar 14, 2005
The same happened to me in France once while I was filling up with petrol. Someone put a knife through one of the caravan's tyres while I went into the office to pay.


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