Emotional Maturity Help Line for the Forum Trolls

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Mar 14, 2005
How can "using a public forum" be "sticking my nose into others"?

Bit of advise. Whatever you type here can be seem by many people. Maybe you're confusing forums with a telephone or email?
So people can "stick there nose in" so long as it doesn't disagree with you?
Mar 14, 2005
Pete - have you ever been to Dublin? Or anywhere in Eire?

As long as the jokes are in good faith we should all be able to get along with it.

The Dutch poke fun at the Germans, the French poke fun at the Belgiums and we all know a joke about the Italians!

When I was over in Dublin for one of the 6 nations matches ( we never go to the match - sit in a bar with a Guinness! - and have the best time of your life) an Irish guy we knew told joke after joke where the idiot always spoke it an English accent!

It was hilarious! And enjoyed in GOOD FAITH by all

Methinks you are desperate for a conflict on this Forum when no conflict is justified. A distinct lack of GOOD FAITH on your part.
Mar 14, 2005
At risk of getting banned form the forum, I'm getting a little fed up with Pete's ravings!
And you all know me - I just follow the trend - no mind of my own at all!

So I will have to agree with emmerson!!!!

Dec 16, 2003
I am sure that Mod1 is open to my carefully worded comment and advice.

A "friend" here levels an acccusation at me, unfounded I feel.

But who am I to judge?

I feel no malice and having post removed worries me, "not a lot"!

I feel it is just a sad reflection of our over sensitive society!

We have an opportunity here to prove that caravanners have a wide range of interests and are open minded free thinking spirited people from across the full spectrum of society. Yet it seems others would ban any open dialogue and then "call wolf" when things don't go as expected in discussion.

Apart fom a light hearted variation on Lord B's name there has been no name calling from me, yet I seem to be attracting flack even now.

I have offered the hand of reason and friendship and caring advice and made note of my concerns re unintentional (I assume) possible abuse of human rights.

What more can I do?

I turn the other cheek !

I am above this and seek peace and love and self enlightenment only :)
Mar 14, 2005
yes thanks at least he has something relevent to say
No Pete - its is valid because despite what you try to infer niether I not others you have a go at actually do what you accuse us of doing.
May 4, 2005
And talking of showing both cheeks................

An American, Japanese and an Irishman were sitting naked in a sauna.

Suddenly, there was a beeping sound.

The American pressed his forearm and the beep stopped.

The other men looked at him questioningly.

"That was my pager" the American said. "I have a microchip under the skin of my arm".

A few minutes later, a phone rang.

The Japanese fellow lifted his palm to his ear.

When he finished his conversation he explained. "That was my mobile phone,

I have a microchip in my hand"

The Irishman felt decidedly low tech, but was determined not to be outdone.

He stepped out of the sauna and went to the bathroom.

He returned with a long piece of toilet paper trailing from his backside.

The others raised their eyebrows at him.

The Irishman glanced around and said " Bejesus! Would ya look at dat!! I'm getting a fax!"

Brian (",)
Mar 14, 2005

and on that happy note I shall retire - busy day tomorrow - thanks Brian for putting a smile on my face!

SWMBO looks worried!!
Mar 14, 2005
And talking of showing both cheeks................

An American, Japanese and an Irishman were sitting naked in a sauna.

Suddenly, there was a beeping sound.

The American pressed his forearm and the beep stopped.

The other men looked at him questioningly.

"That was my pager" the American said. "I have a microchip under the skin of my arm".

A few minutes later, a phone rang.

The Japanese fellow lifted his palm to his ear.

When he finished his conversation he explained. "That was my mobile phone,

I have a microchip in my hand"

The Irishman felt decidedly low tech, but was determined not to be outdone.

He stepped out of the sauna and went to the bathroom.

He returned with a long piece of toilet paper trailing from his backside.

The others raised their eyebrows at him.

The Irishman glanced around and said " Bejesus! Would ya look at dat!! I'm getting a fax!"

Brian (",)
Dec 30, 2009
Brian, I cant believe that the same night that I get accused of being a racist you tell an Irish joke as well.

Very funny but be careful Pete may take execption! lol
Mar 14, 2005
No point in being careful kevin!

Whatever anyone says - a certain someone will take "exception"

I see him as a Capt. Mainwaring crossed with a Victor Meldrew!

Dec 30, 2009
Clive, I can take stick along with the next man however I do take execpion at being called a racist. I was pritty jumping last night. Good job he went when he did or I would have no doubt been banned
Dec 16, 2003
My mates Seamus and Siobahn in Cork think the Irish jokes are amusing but not as funny as their English jokes.

A comparison to two fine well loved characters of British Comedy such as Victor and Mainwering and the use of the term Trolls again shows a kind of healthy respect for anyone who's approach differs a little to the majority here.

Meldrew and Mainwaring comparison shows your underlying softer nature CliveV, it betrays your front of perceived aggression and rudeness by certain peoples. If only we all had the same depths of compassion and well meaning as you Clive :)

My wife's collection of trolls was passed to my daughter and they are held in great affection by people of certain ages as collectables that have come in and out of fashion.

A round of applause for Clive everybody !!!!
Dec 16, 2003
John, you are so right.

Many different people post here from all walks of life. And then we tow our vans to sites where we can find ourselves in close proximity to people who act and behave differently to us as individuals.

The "Practical" forum gives us "Caravan" people a chance to understand others and learn acceptance that we can not alweays have our own way or force our will on others. We can learn to compromise, some more than others if we are to achieve harmony.

At many camp sites over thirty years I have seen variations in the way people interpret the rules.

Practical Caravan thread here is again offering a service to promote understanding of all and lead to your time away in your chosen field to be more care free with an enhanced level of acceptance through ALL the fine members here! :)
Mar 14, 2005
Clive, I can take stick along with the next man however I do take execpion at being called a racist. I was pritty jumping last night. Good job he went when he did or I would have no doubt been banned
I understand 100% - the same guy who called you a racist has called me far worse in the past.

But just like with you - most of us realise that he is desperate to control the uncontrolable!

Quite sad really.
Dec 16, 2003
I think it is that time for ALL here to partake in a group hug.

For Clive to admit such emotion shows his humanity, I to am overcome.

I hope all our lady members here are impressed with this male openess showing emotion and feeling.


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