I am sure that Mod1 is open to my carefully worded comment and advice.
A "friend" here levels an acccusation at me, unfounded I feel.
But who am I to judge?
I feel no malice and having post removed worries me, "not a lot"!
I feel it is just a sad reflection of our over sensitive society!
We have an opportunity here to prove that caravanners have a wide range of interests and are open minded free thinking spirited people from across the full spectrum of society. Yet it seems others would ban any open dialogue and then "call wolf" when things don't go as expected in discussion.
Apart fom a light hearted variation on Lord B's name there has been no name calling from me, yet I seem to be attracting flack even now.
I have offered the hand of reason and friendship and caring advice and made note of my concerns re unintentional (I assume) possible abuse of human rights.
What more can I do?
I turn the other cheek !
I am above this and seek peace and love and self enlightenment only