Quote from Hamer "It is about time that the Moderator stopped "The Polish King" from pushing his product on this forum.If the Moderator is not prepared to do this then please tell us why not."
OK, the problem is that whilst it is in the forum "# You may not transmit any advertising or promotional material." this is intended to stop blatant advertising all the time.
In this case, as with some others in the past, a question was asked by a user, and the reply given by the Polish King was in fact the fifth reply to the original question.
If the first posting was deemed to be advertising by the Polish King then it would have been removed.
If we adopt a policy of not naming makes for anything, then no user would ever be able to have essential information to hand to make comparisons and decide which product they wish to use.
As you can imagine,trying to find out what is good or bad would be impossible, and make the whole point of this forum pointless!
As with a lot of things, some users will prefer certain makes over others, there are so many products available that by getting different points of view is useful to make final decisions.
In most postings relating to caravan products, users are advertising a particular make or model, imagine trying to endorse a particular motor mover , for example, without naming the maker.
In this topic alone, there are recommendations for Turtlewax, Autoglym, Fenwicks, Blue Diamond and Care-avan, whilst I personally use a special cleaner and wax only available to valeters.
Finally there is no correlation between Bailey advertising and the contents of this forum.