Exterior cleaning

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Apr 11, 2007
Hello Darryl,

Of course use what ever cleaner you want,however if you own a Bailey Caravan and its still under warranty then if you do not follow the Manufacturers help.Then Bailey cannot give any guarantee on the effect that they may have on the caravan components.
Aug 4, 2005

"Then Bailey cannot give any guarantee on the effect that they may have on the caravan components"

Are you now speaking on behalf of Bailey? or merely voicing an opinion of what Bailey may or may not say?
Aug 23, 2006
Hi I actually contacted Bailey about using a waterless cleaner on my Burgundy, had a very nice e mail back off Bailey advising the use of Care-avan only. I have since read on another forum that it's not actually Bailey but their GRP panel supplier who insist on Care-avan.

So gave mine a wash in Care-avan haven't waxed it yet, but it still looks nice.

I did use the waterless cleaner on my old Bailey and my car with brilliant (pardon the pun) results. In fact for getting rid of the water streaks on side panels it was great. A site warden actually commented on the rigs finish at one site.

The car never has never showed signs of scratches with the waterless cleaner and that's on a blck car, even had paint guy check it and he was amazed.

Even so because it's a new Bailey I'll stick with their advice and clean it with Care-avan.


Dec 23, 2006
It is about time that the Moderator stopped "The Polish King" from pushing his product on this forum.If the Moderator is not prepared to do this then please tell us why not.

Could it have something to do with advertising money paid by Bailey to the magazine? If he is not to be stopped then other people should be allowed to advertise on the forum, creating a level playing field.

I prefer no advertising.

I cannot believe how quiet Bailey have been on this subject. It is about time they learnt a lesson from Swift and stated on this forum what the true position is regarding the use of Fenwicks. As i stated earlier myself and many of my friends have used Fenwicks for many years with no problems.

Fenwicks is an excellent product and i have no connection with the company.

Apr 11, 2007
Hello Hamer,

Please note that I am giving factual information that can and has been proved correct.I am sure as a caravanner myself I would want to be given vital information, thats what forums are for or am I missing some thing ? The big brother approach is for Russia not England
Oct 19, 2005
Quote from Hamer "It is about time that the Moderator stopped "The Polish King" from pushing his product on this forum.If the Moderator is not prepared to do this then please tell us why not."

OK, the problem is that whilst it is in the forum "# You may not transmit any advertising or promotional material." this is intended to stop blatant advertising all the time.

In this case, as with some others in the past, a question was asked by a user, and the reply given by the Polish King was in fact the fifth reply to the original question.

If the first posting was deemed to be advertising by the Polish King then it would have been removed.

If we adopt a policy of not naming makes for anything, then no user would ever be able to have essential information to hand to make comparisons and decide which product they wish to use.

As you can imagine,trying to find out what is good or bad would be impossible, and make the whole point of this forum pointless!

As with a lot of things, some users will prefer certain makes over others, there are so many products available that by getting different points of view is useful to make final decisions.

In most postings relating to caravan products, users are advertising a particular make or model, imagine trying to endorse a particular motor mover , for example, without naming the maker.

In this topic alone, there are recommendations for Turtlewax, Autoglym, Fenwicks, Blue Diamond and Care-avan, whilst I personally use a special cleaner and wax only available to valeters.

Finally there is no correlation between Bailey advertising and the contents of this forum.
Mar 14, 2005
Well put Mod

As we emerge from Overwintering I like to clean my van with Fenwicks and get a Bobby Dazzler of a shine

Everyone has their own favourite product and its good to hear points of view from different makers

As for the Bailey fiasco it no longer bothers me as I now have a Swift(Ace) with a "superior?" finish !!!!
Oct 26, 2007
I do so wish i had not said anything about Fenwicks & Bailey but if the sign in a Bailey Dealers shop warned about this product i will leave the rest to you ALL
Apr 23, 2005
Don't know about the rest of you but my other half is adamant that if she finds me wasting my time waxing the b****y caravan she will leave me. So I just pop out twice a year and throw clean water over it and it looks just as good as all the rest!

Talk about a fool and his money being soon parted....
Dec 30, 2009
Steady paul, im no fool I just like to look after my caravan and car as a matter of fact. Do you polish your car.

Each to there own, you do it your way Ill do it mine so dont call me a fool for doing it.

May 5, 2005
re the mods post its one thing a user saying they are happy with their mover(or not) it would be completely different if Powertouch for example answered every query with "our mover is best,anything else would invalidate your warranty" Ive had two Bailey Indianas from Golden Castle and no-one has told me that using autoglym would invalidate any claim for cracking.If they insisted on a product that would be fair enough but to wait for a claim and then fefuse it would result in a trip to the small claims court.Also Practical Caravan were offering an Autoglym kit to subscribers they didnt say' but dont use it on Bailey vans'Polish kings stuff may well be excellent havent tried it but have never had any probs with Autoglym products and I dont make,sell or have anything else to do with them.
Mar 14, 2005
Up until recently we owned a Bailey van, it was still under warranty and the handbook contained no information warning against using any particular polish.

Why did Bailey not notify customers directly, surely instructing dealers to display a warning is not sufficient information for their customers.

With this kind of customer care I am glad we bought a Swift van.
Jun 4, 2007
I'm with Trucker, nothing like a sparkling polished car and caravan. Very satisfying even if the neighbors think I'm obsessed. I prefer turtle wax.

Tip - use Rainwater from a watering can to rinse the car, no streaks from the chemicals in tap water. Ecvo freindly too.

Has anyone actually used Bailey friendly polish from the Polish King? I've yet to see independant comments. I like to hear from someone who's used it.

I'm tempted to try some on the car and Caravan (Bailey) and report back, but
Jun 17, 2007
hi i bought the polish and wash from careavan mainly because i have an eight month old bailey, before buying i contacted bailey customer service via email to be told by them the only one they recomend is the above polish and wash detergent i havent had chance to polish the van yet but did get chance to give it a wash last sunday mainly because the van is in storage the detergent seemed good value as you only use one or two capfulls per ten litres of water at that rate it should last all season if not longer the results were quite pleasing it only left one or two black marks which i removed with some silky as soon as i use the polish i'll post my opinion by the way i have no conections with the above companies other owning a bailey and being frustrated as what to use. h
May 5, 2005
if you dont use a product that is recomended does it invalidate your guarantee if it does then it compulsory,come on bailey give us a yes or no
Apr 11, 2007
if you dont use a product that is recomended does it invalidate your guarantee if it does then it compulsory,come on bailey give us a yes or no

Deli Dave,

Good point you have raised, however Golden Castle are at fault as they have had clear guide lines on which product is to be used.I will take this up with this dealer as they are NOT currently stocking Care-avan as thewy have a large supply of other cleaners !!
Aug 28, 2006

Personally I would not mind paying for a Care-avan product when this is recommended, what I do get upset about is the fact that I have been to 2 Bailey dealers recently and both did not stock care-avan. The only option is therefore to purchase on line which incurs a delivery cchare rougly equal to 50% of the shampoo or polish.

Aug 4, 2005
For the information of Deli Dave and others concerned about their Bailey warranty. Below is a copy downloaded from Bailey website a few minutes ago from their current handbook. You will see it makes no reference to specific make of external cleaner and the only mention of void warranty is in relation to the use of pressure washers.

I have no doubt that a specific external cleaner may have been approved by Bailey but that does not necessarily mean that no other type can be used. I get the impression someone is getting a little carried away with themselves in trying to imply the use of certain cleaners will invalidate a warranty and also going to speak with caravan dealers regarding which products they are or are not stocking.

The matter of cleaning products and Bailey caravans has beeen discussed at great length on other forums and at no time was there ever any mention of anyone having their warranty made null and void or even questioned.

Copy from Baily website 17/02/08


5.1.1 Exterior

The exterior of your caravan is very durable and easy to clean owing to its high gloss properties. To

maintain a showroom finish one needs only to wash the caravan regularly with a car shampoo, rinse

with cold water and chamois leather off. Do not forget to clean the roof. A good quality non metallic and

non-coloured car wax that does not contain white spirit may be applied, which will make washing


Apr 11, 2007
Thank you Christopher,your comments make a lot of sense and we as a company are working with Bailey's so all Dealers have Care-avan on there shelves.

Because of this issue we have an Endorsed Special were you buy both products and the carrage works out to only
Apr 11, 2007
Just to let all members know that Fantastic News that both "The Caravan Club" and "Camping and Caravanning Clubs" are recommending Care-avan Cleaning Products to All Members and also Club members Discount Magazines coming out in the next two/three days.
May 5, 2005
many thanks to Rob-T for that have been away in van for a few days and also your note about approval.I have looked at Careaven products and they do seem very expensive,they may well be worth it but at the moment i,m still with Autoglym.
Aug 4, 2005
So the Caravan Club is allegedly "recommending care-avan to its members". Look forward to receiving my magazine with this "recommendation" considering the C.C. has always made a strong point of not recommending or endorsing any particular product in the past.

Couldn't be mis-information from producer of the product perhaps?
Feb 26, 2007
We have always bought Bailey vans and for the last few years have used Fenwicks products.They are easy to use and always give good results.

We shall continue to use them until we get official notification that we should not!!


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