Exterior cleaning

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Aug 23, 2006

Why not try the dry wash systems I've mentioned before. AutoExpress rated both Armor All and Miracle Dry Wash very highly and they tested them on test cars. In fact the Armor All was used on test for over 18 months and given product of the year if not the decade rating, and don't forget there were cars on test which were very expensive. As I've stated before our vehicle is black and shows no scratches at all. Also C.C. mag has offers on the Miracle Dry Wash. If you don't believe it get hold of some and test it on an old van or car, you'll honestly be amazed at the results. Don't forget also you're saving on water use and they're a lot quicker to use anyway.

I believe they're used extensively on GRP products on aircraft and boats. So give it a try, you don't get wet, you don't need to get into the Fenwicks versus Care-avan camps and you can clean car and van on site with really good water and stain repellant surfaces.

All the best

Jun 20, 2005
I've always used Fenwicks cleaner and then Autoglym polish on my last two Baileys. No problem.

The "letter" Polish King refers to is a bit worrying.

How can it be that as at 4th September 2007 "..to date no other cleaning products have passed the relevant test procedures.."

1. Who did these tests?

2. What is involved in these tests?

3. What other products have failed?

4. The Bailey letter is written by their Financial Director, NOT the Technical Director!

5. Why are Care-avan products so expensive?

6. How are they chemically different from all the "failed" products?

I collected my new Wyoming last November. Neither my dealer nor the Bailey handbook says anything about Care-avan stuff. Se Rob T's post for the detail from handbook.

If the Polish King wants to send me a supply of his products foc I will happily try them out on my Wyoming and issue a report on this forum. In fact I am sure there are others of you who would like to do the same.


Nov 5, 2007
alan i have asked for samples to try on my bailey pageant from the ploish king but the response i got was to purchase them from him.so come on polish king send me a free of charge sachet so i can try the brand,then i can recommend that its good.having been in sales for 22 years samples is the only way to get recommendation and cost of goods is pennies!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dave with the dirty bailey.
Jun 20, 2005

I fully agree.

Come on Mr Polish King how about free samples to all us posters. Afterall you have spent time telling us how good your stuff is.


Mar 14, 2005
Spoke to a chap on the Bailey stand at the NEC today. He said there was a possible problem with using Fenwicks and recommended not to use it, this has come from the panel manafacturer. He also said that care-van was recommended but there was no problem using any other cleaner or polish instead, and the warranty would not be affected.
Sep 20, 2006
Well ,I must say that Polish King has managed to convince me that I will never buy or use his product.Why? because my belief is that you either prove your product is better than all the others or you shut up and stop going on and on and on! You are lucky that this site is so lax that it allows you to promote your unproven claims.I will use what I am happy with and do not see this site as a free way of promoting it.
Mar 15, 2006
Hi Polish King

I have the Feb issue of the Caravan Club, but it does not have the polish on page 98.

Is it the March issue you are referring too?


Dec 23, 2006

I totaly agree with you.The Care-a Van thing is just one big con.All my caravaning friends use Fenwicks and have done for many years. Many own Bailey caravans, i have owned three, without any problems whatsoever.Where are all these Bailey caravans with damaged panels? No other manufacturer has complained about Fenwicks. It is pathetic attacking a reputable company like Fenwicks when no proof has benn produced that Fenwicks has caused any problems.

I have no objection to a company making valid claims if they can back up their claims with independent tests.Otherwise they should shut up.

Apr 11, 2007
Hello Allyson,

Sorry should have said which edition, its the March issue that you and all members should have next week.And the feature is on page 98 can't miss it. It will save you
Apr 11, 2007

I totaly agree with you.The Care-a Van thing is just one big con.All my caravaning friends use Fenwicks and have done for many years. Many own Bailey caravans, i have owned three, without any problems whatsoever.Where are all these Bailey caravans with damaged panels? No other manufacturer has complained about Fenwicks. It is pathetic attacking a reputable company like Fenwicks when no proof has benn produced that Fenwicks has caused any problems.

I have no objection to a company making valid claims if they can back up their claims with independent tests.Otherwise they should shut up.

Hammer you are wrong.

Fact we have been tested by the very best in Europe and the UK and we are the ONLY Cleaning Products to have passed.

Fact we are the ONLY Caravan Cleaning Products to be Endorsed by Bailey.

Fact we are featured in both Caravan Club and Camping and Caravanning March Editions

I do take offence at the word "con" we as a Company aim to provide the very best for Caravanners.
Apr 11, 2007
Polish King--- When will you answer the excellent questions raised this morning by Allen?
Hello Bernard ,

I am pleased we are still speaking to each other, and excellent comments from Alan about samples. I have spoken to Dave who raised this question first and we have sent Dave some samples to try.

We will await Daves test with excitement,we as a Company have sent samples to Dealers around the Country but not to many of the General Public.

I will give this some serious thought and I thank forum members for the idea.Will keep you all posted.....

Thanks once again Bernard
Mar 14, 2005
Two points to be considered as a result of this lengthy debate.

Initially it was asked by Polish King whether a posting was quoted from Fenwicks or was it the contributer's interpretation. Reading the many postings on here I cannot see a direct statement from Bailey regarding the use of only Care-avan for cleansing their caravans. The comments have always been made by the Polish King claiming that this is what Bailey state.

Secondly reading through my technical literature received with my new Bailey last June there is no recommendation for any particular brand of cleaner - only states as previously quoted by Rob T. Therefore using this advice I cannot see the need for using one particular brand of cleaner over another as long as the advice in the handbook is adhered to.

Another contributer has mentioned that the endorsement for this product came from the financial director and not the technical director of Bailey. Surely to carry any clout to this recommendation it would be far better to have a technical reference as support than from a mathematical pen pusher.

I am on my third Bailey, second new one, and have never seen this product in any caravan accessory shop in south Wales and have always used Fenwicks or similar without any detrimental effect.
Jun 20, 2005

I too am on another new Bailey and in all honesty I have never noticed the Polish King's goodies.

If it was possible to attach copy e-mails to posts I could let you all see the one I had from Kelly Watts of Bailey dated 20th April 2007.

Amongst other things, and this was to do with the alleged Fenwicks issue, "I can confirm that we do not make any recommendations with regards to cleaning products on the market".

She then restates the extract from the owners handbook as quoted by Rob.

I repeat no one at my dealer nor Bailey have said anything to me about the Care-avan products.

Let's cut the crap here . Polish King , some years ago Autoglymregularly gave away their polish to potential customers. I have now been a regular user of Autoglym ever since and all my cars and caravans look great. Maybe there's a lesson thee for you??

Now please answer in full my questions raised yesterday which are quite reasonable and indeed something we are all likely to ask the retailer at point of potential purchase.


Apr 11, 2007
Thank you Alan and Colin,

Due to lots of testing in Europe and UK the Endorsement was not until September 2007.So the statements from Baileys at the time you stated was correct.

Just to put the record straight please check with Kelly at Baileys if uncertain
Apr 11, 2007
Two points to be considered as a result of this lengthy debate.

Initially it was asked by Polish King whether a posting was quoted from Fenwicks or was it the contributer's interpretation. Reading the many postings on here I cannot see a direct statement from Bailey regarding the use of only Care-avan for cleansing their caravans. The comments have always been made by the Polish King claiming that this is what Bailey state.

Secondly reading through my technical literature received with my new Bailey last June there is no recommendation for any particular brand of cleaner - only states as previously quoted by Rob T. Therefore using this advice I cannot see the need for using one particular brand of cleaner over another as long as the advice in the handbook is adhered to.

Another contributer has mentioned that the endorsement for this product came from the financial director and not the technical director of Bailey. Surely to carry any clout to this recommendation it would be far better to have a technical reference as support than from a mathematical pen pusher.

I am on my third Bailey, second new one, and have never seen this product in any caravan accessory shop in south Wales and have always used Fenwicks or similar without any detrimental effect.
Hello Colin,

My Products are stocked in South Wales Blazers and Sunnyhaven Bailey dealers
Jun 20, 2005
Hi Polish King

I agree the Bailey letter to retailers was dated 4th September 2007 five months after my Kelly Watts letter. I took delivery of my new Bailey Senator Wyoming mid november 2007. No one recommended your product, in fact my 2008 Bailey handbook says nothing about Care-avan products . See Rob's previous post.

When will you be able to answer my previous questions please?

When we last bought a new dishwasher and washing machine they came with a soap powder and a softener, ah the power of advertising!

See page 15 of CC March 2008 mag. Apparently the Explorer Group recommend Autoglym as indded does Sarah Jane with her Airstreams.

Yes I have seen page 98 c mag which is the ususal "bring to the notice of " new goodies on the market for caravanners. It does not say or imply that the Caravan Club endorses your products.


Jan 9, 2008
I've noticed quite a few Polish King posts whilst looking for info on back pages.

So who is the Polish King and Care-avan?

I think the guy makes it seem like he is a one man bountiful business man caring for caravanner's, the business is described as "family owned" but when you read further you find Care-avan is a division of JireH UK Limited. JireH has religious connotations and there is an evangelical JireH church.

Coincidentally JireH is used on another forum where I think you'll find the name is linked with polish.

So can I ask is Care-avan a family business in the way most would interpret family, or is Care-avan a family business as in religious family and funding a Church?

Also are we to believe that the exteriors of Bailey caravans are made from such unusual material compositions that they require 1 brand only of polish to get a good clean shiny look, if this is the case and other products will damage the Bailey finish I find this hard to believe. I can't believe that other manufacturers would be selling product not suited to the major caravan manufacturers product.

As far as I know materials used in the manufacture of caravans still come from a small number of suppliers and UK and some continental manufacturers source supplies from the same suppliers much of the time for van exteriors.

For it to be suggested that Care-avan polish is the only one to be used on a Bailey or any other caravan smacks of restrictive business practice however good the product may be.

May be the Polish King being an open and fair Christian business man will inform us as to where the Care-avan polish is made.

Is it made in the UK ?

Or is it just packaged in the UK?

If only packaged here, in which country is the polish manufactured?

If the Polish is imported, is that in bulk or pre packaged and labelled? Or maybe packaged but labelled here?
Aug 25, 2006
As this magic polish is so good, it can only be a matter of time before it is recommended by ALL the caravan manufacturers, as they are all built in a similar vein, using similar raw materials.

Similarly, such a unique product is almost certainly likely to be adopted by car maufacturers seeking to ensure their products are shown in the best possible light.

Or not.
Jun 20, 2005
Hi Jason

Alleluia! My God! Whatever next? Mobile churches?

Maybe it's a "fairtrade product"?

Come on Polish King, plenty for you answer .


Jan 9, 2008
Hi all and Alan.

This is exact quote from the Polish Kings Care-avan web site.

"About Us

We are a family run Christian business based in the West Midlands and attend a local Church. We endeavour to be honest and honourable to our customers and to God.

Care-avan is the Caravan Accessory division of JirehUK Limited - taken from the Bible, and means, "The Lord will Provide".

Genesis 22:14, "So Abraham called that place The Lord Will Provide. And to this day it is said, "On the mountain of the Lord it will be provided." (NIV)

We are members of the Caravan Club and are passionate caravanners!"

Surely a good hoonest Christian will answer questions without any spin or ducking and diving around.

And does a good honest Christian belittle others products or should he not show acceptance of others work and ideals and experience that they faithfully put into maufacturing and selling the product.
Dec 23, 2006
Polish king,

Please can you tell us When, Where, and by whom were the tests done, and were they independent?

Can you please supply the forum with full detailed results?

Being so proud of your product i would have thought you would have been only too eager to give the details.

Mar 14, 2005
On a forum where advertising is not allowed how can an individual be allowed to openly promote a product like this.

Also for the record no damage to our last Bailey which we owned for nearly three years and polished with Mer.


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