Forum Upgrade - PLEASE READ

Mar 10, 2006
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Morning all

As some of you may know we're going through a site redevelopment at the moment. One of the consequences of this is that you will all need a unique username - at the moment many of you only have your first name displayed when you post.

In order to ensure that you have a username that you actually want (as opposed to John931, which is what will happen if we have to migrate you over to the new forum without your having changed it), could you take some time to go into 'Profile' and select a nickname please?

You'll note that you won't be able to choose one that already exists, so you may have to be inventive :)

If you could do so in the next week or so, it would help me enormously.


John Duncan

Head of Technology Delivery -
Aug 12, 2007
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Well I never!!! ;o)

Is this the long-promised upgrade coming about at last? :D

Mr Duncan, you say "the new forum".....what does that mean, exactly? An upgrade of our present, much beloved, forum (beloved despite all its eccentricities ;o) lol) - or a 'new' forum entirely?

I await developments with interest!

Oh, and thank you!
Jan 8, 2008
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@Soozeeg - it's an upgrade to this forum (and the entire website, coincidentally)), so the existing forums and posts will remain, though functionality will be improved (at least in my opinon!).


May 21, 2008
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Oh joy of joy's an upgrade.

Let's hope it is a good one with toys like easy pic insertion, spell checker integrated.

Or is that too much?

Being a dislexic typist is one of my big probs as my fingers aren't as nimble these days due to arthritis and nerve damage from the operations, so I often spell some words arse about face.

So i'll wait anxiously to see results. Is ther an actual go live date for the upgrade so we can spot the difference?

It'll be interesting to see if John D is as excited after the launch.

Sorry to sound so sceptical but I've had to endure MSN upgrades over the years and they drive one nuts!!!!

Atb Steve L.
May 21, 2008
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Oh joy of joy's an upgrade.

Let's hope it is a good one with toys like easy pic insertion, spell checker integrated.

Or is that too much?

Being a dislexic typist is one of my big probs as my fingers aren't as nimble these days due to arthritis and nerve damage from the operations, so I often spell some words arse about face.

So i'll wait anxiously to see results. Is ther an actual go live date for the upgrade so we can spot the difference?

It'll be interesting to see if John D is as excited after the launch.

Sorry to sound so sceptical but I've had to endure MSN upgrades over the years and they drive one nuts!!!!

Atb Steve L.
Doh !! Another typo and it took 15 mins to type & check the message. See what I mean.


Nov 12, 2009
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Firefox has a spell checker which works ok with this forum Steve.

If you install Firefox there are add ons available from the Tools menu and one of these is a British English (as opposed to American English) dictionary which acts as a spell checker.
Sep 25, 2009
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Hello All,

I now log on via Google and this gives you a spell checker, however as I write this mail it has underlined it's own name, strange. It also remembers your name and password. It's also quicker than Yahoo.

Best regards,

Apr 11, 2005
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just to let you now a spell check doise not work that well when you have dislexic.

As you need to now most of the letters in the word in the fist place.

When I was at college i got to use one that you say what would like to write but that had bad things. like you had to lern it your vice.



Nov 12, 2009
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That's a good point Mark.

The main thing is to get your point across so don't worry too much about spelling or grammar, we usually know what you mean. If we don't understand we would ask you to explain it differently so we'd get there in the end between us.
Aug 12, 2007
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Well, Mr John Duncan, is there anything else (or at all!!) to report re the hotly-anticipated-but-seemingly-as-far-off-as-ever forum upgrade? The suspense is killing me! LOL ;o)
Aug 12, 2007
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Well, that's put us right in the picture and completely satisfied our (my) curiosity!

*rolling eyes but with a resigned patient face icon thingy...umm except I find it hard to do patience*

Oh yes, that reminds me....will we be getting icons with the new forum upgrade which will be coming....erm, some time in the unspecified future? :-D
Aug 1, 2007
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John Duncan

19 Jul 2010 02:12 PM

Well we're not far away, but I've learned long ago not to give actual *dates*...

Ah so sometime in the

Future .. lol :)
May 21, 2008
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Hi JD.

To coin a famous fraze, "are we there yet, are we there yet?"

It's been over a month now since your posting. I know first hand that any (IT) project can take a long time to perfect. But when can we see a changeover?

I can empathise with Mark on dislexia. I can be a dislexic typist due to lack of hand control brought about by arthritis and nerve damage from operations. Until one actually suffers this, they don't realise how debilitating and often embaracing it can be. I can't sort a hand full of change for instance and inevitably the coins get dropped. Then because of a displaced disc in my back I take a while to pick up the coins. If I'm in the supermarket, I often get "Huffed at" by people waiting in the que. Now because of the amount of pain killers I take and frustration at my condition, my temper fuse is a short one.

So his and my point about having an automated and intelegent spell checker installed is a valid point. Why not on hitting the "submit" button could this feature be instigated?

Few! Took ten mins to type this memo.

Atb Steve L.
Aug 12, 2007
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I'm sorry to hear about your troubles, Steve, but - with respect - to compare your difficulties with typing to that of Mark's with his dyslexia is just ludicrous.

And if you read his post properly re the spellchecker, you would have seen that it wouldn't work. Mark was making the point that using a normal spellchecker is impossible for someone who suffers with dyslexia, as you need to have a fair idea of how the word looks, or at least some of the correct letters in it, before you start. This is out of the question for dyslexia sufferers (and yes, I do know what I'm talking about, as my husband is severely dyslexic).

Mark was saying that the only type of spellchecker he's been able to use was one they had at the college he attended, which was a voice activated one, and even that was not without it's problems. Such technology is clearly not going to be installed on every PCv member's computers!

But yes, Mr John Duncan, we're still waiting!! ;o)


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