Interesting Truthful Letter

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May 31, 2007
I understood it perfectly well, but it doesn't remove my right to reply and I don't believe it was binding on me.
Jan 19, 2008
I also draw a private pension. Thanks to Gordon Brown its only worth a quarter of what was predicted.
Ahhhhhhh I thought so Eddie, I had a feeling Gordy had a hand in it. I'm just trying to point out to George what is wrong with Gordy and contrary to what he believes it has nothing to do with him being Scottish. Nigel Lawson and Kenneth Clarke are two wasters that spring to mind.
Jan 19, 2008
As an aside, just think of the money that is being spent in Iraq.

It would be interesting to know how far that money would go in building more hospitals, schools and upgrading the transport system, mostly rail. Ohhh I forgot, and repaying those people he robbed of their lifes pensions.


Nov 12, 2009
Oh well, here goes - head above parapet time

Refering back to the letter that Lord B mentioned, I think that many English people are beginning to feel like second class citizens here. The Scots, Welsh and Irish are rightly proud of their heritage, but mainly thanks to a left liberal media to in any way celebrate 'Englishness' is to invite condemnation as racist, BNP supporting , xenophobic, being a little englander etc. We have a Prime Minister who represents a Scottish constituency, as do other M.Ps and cabinet ministers so that they are allowed to shape policies, draft laws and vote on issues that do not affect the people who vote for them. Is this democratic? The fact that Gordon Brown amongst others is a Scot by birth has absolutely no bearing on the matter, but I believe that any politician should be answerable to the people who elect him.

(puts tin hat firmly on head)
Jan 19, 2008
Good post Steve but can I add to your comment. It's o.k. (which it is) for Scots, Welsh etc. to have their flags, stickers on cars etc. and show their patriotism. When I posted that thanks to the Scots, Welsh etc. the English are now finding their own of identity and now fly the flag of St. George. Because of that a poster said that the English only fly the flag of St. George because they are arrogant, now how dumb is that?

I take my hat off to the Scots for that and have even supported their economy twice in the last three years by visiting the country. I bought my fuel from BP/Esso garages, my groceries from Morrisons, Asda or Tesco. I even bought my newspapers from W.H.Smiths :O)

p.s. just joking in the last paragraph incase anyones lost their chuckle muscle ;O)

Anyway, enough of this bull, time I did a few jobs like getting the dog dumps off the lawn.
Jan 19, 2008

I've got to go and do some jobs instead of sitting here winding the Scots, ⇦ notice I said Scots, up.

I've caught two today so I'm off to fillet them :O)

Mar 14, 2005
At least Lord B. you are giving the Welsh a rest. Could it be that you are hedging your bets regarding having a SAFE Welsh holiday in North Wales. Dianne just wait when he returns - he will be slanging us off right, left and centre. English man speaks with forked tongue. hehehe
Mar 14, 2005
Colin If it makes you feel any better, I am sure that LB will find time to make ewe folks from the other side of the **** uptight again soon.

Feb 4, 2007
LB as you posted the letter with the title ineresting and truthful I assume you agree with it. perhaps you can explain the reference to apartheid.

Jan 19, 2008
Apartheid - apart - segregated.

Steve and Cal covered it admirabley but to add to that there are places in our own land that have now become off limits because it is not safe to go there. If anyone complains the liberalists numpties, as has already been pointed out, crawl out of the woodwork screaming racist xenophobia etc.

It's even happened in this forum.

In the press on Saturday the figures were given from a study by Manchester University. Whites will be a minority in Birmingham by 2024. In Leicester they will be in the minority in 4 years time followed closely by Bradford and Oldham. We are losing our cultural identity because of segregation on racial lines. Theres no need for me to go on here why certain sections of the community don't wish to integrate and wish to treat the country as where they come from. Trevor Phillips even made comments about it. Multiculurism is not working and it is us, the indigenous population, who are going to suffer.

As one newspaper put it, due to high birth rates, high levels of immigration and "white flight" out of cities and the indigenous population leaving the problem is accelerating fast. We are are now second class citizens who are afraid to voice our concerns because of being labelled.


Nov 12, 2009
I am sorry to say that a form of apartheid already exists in parts of this country.I have seen with my own eyes a handmade sign on a park close to where I live that has been engulfed by the Muslim enclave that read 'White pigs keep out this is our park.'

As a nation we seem to have sleepwalked into a situation where immigrant ghettos have appeared. The idea of 'Multi Culturalism' is a fatally flawed social experiment that whilst promoting diverse and in some cases diametrically opposed cultures (e.g. Sikh- Muslim) took absolutely no account whatsoever of the culture of the indgienous population of Britain, and most especially inner city England.

The English historically have never been a nation of 'flag wavers' until recent times where we find ourselves pushed into a corner by being last in line all the time. We are labelled as racist when our contributions to developing countries, especially in times of hardship, far outstrip those of much larger nations than ours.

As a people we have assimilated vast numbers of foreigners, and any protest is smothered instantly.How many more of the worlds population are we expected to accomodate?

Whilst Scots, Irish and Welsh people have thriving nationalist political parties this right is to all intents and purposes denied to the English.

The apartheid that exists in England has not always been of our choosing but has developed as a direct result of the policies of succesive Governments of both ends of the political spectrum.

May 29, 2007
HELLO! Sorry to shout, but this is starting to annoy me now.

We are all bloody British. And if we don't stick together we will end up being swollowed by the influx of multi culturism.

Now i am going to shut up or some one from my company will see this and i will lose my job, because they will say i am a racist. Which i state i am not.

1/ I am a Patriot

2/ I am British

3/ I am Welsh

4/ I am proud of my heritage.


Nov 12, 2009
I'm at a loss to see why you are getting so annoyed Diane.

When I mention the Scots, Welsh and Irish Nationalists I an not condemning them, in fact I entirely agree with a lot of what they say.

I too am a Patriot, and I'm proud of my heritage. I'm British and I happen to have been born in England.

I have as much right to state my opinion as anybody else on this forum, whatever their nationality.

For your information Diane my three sons have spent many of their formative years in and around Ceredigion, west Wales.

My youngest who is now 21 years old can speak some Welsh not fluently perhaps, but he can understand spoken Welsh. He was taught this at school. You seem to imagine that any point that I make about immigration in England, which is where I live, is some sort of attack on either Wales, or Great Britain or maybe just on you.

I can't say how other parts of Britain feel because I dont live there.

Its way past my bedtime so I'll say Goodnight.
Jan 19, 2008
I am sorry to say that a form of apartheid already exists in parts of this country.I have seen with my own eyes a handmade sign on a park close to where I live that has been engulfed by the Muslim enclave that read 'White pigs keep out this is our park.'

As a nation we seem to have sleepwalked into a situation where immigrant ghettos have appeared. The idea of 'Multi Culturalism' is a fatally flawed social experiment that whilst promoting diverse and in some cases diametrically opposed cultures (e.g. Sikh- Muslim) took absolutely no account whatsoever of the culture of the indgienous population of Britain, and most especially inner city England.

The English historically have never been a nation of 'flag wavers' until recent times where we find ourselves pushed into a corner by being last in line all the time. We are labelled as racist when our contributions to developing countries, especially in times of hardship, far outstrip those of much larger nations than ours.

As a people we have assimilated vast numbers of foreigners, and any protest is smothered instantly.How many more of the worlds population are we expected to accomodate?

Whilst Scots, Irish and Welsh people have thriving nationalist political parties this right is to all intents and purposes denied to the English.

The apartheid that exists in England has not always been of our choosing but has developed as a direct result of the policies of succesive Governments of both ends of the political spectrum.

You forgot to say "arrogant" flag wavers Steve. It's only other nations that are allowed to show their patriotism freely without being arrogant, not the English.
May 12, 2006
Having been away for a couple of days and not being to observant I posted this under Gordon Brown !!!!.

I have followed the posts, and a couple of observations. The Goverment at Westminister is made up of MPs, not Assembly Members or MSPs.

So at the last count, the MPs from England had a very large majority. The Scots and Welsh, and N Irish are in a minority. Even when you add them all together they can not out vote the English.

Don't mix up the nationality of the MPs with the politics of the Party. What gets voted through at Westminster is the will of the goverment of the day, be it a Labour or Conservative Goverment. It is not what the Scots or the Welsh want for England, it's what the English want for England. That what gets voted through, it called Majority Rule.

May 29, 2007
Steve, the point i am making (not clearly it seems) is why fight amongst our selves, as we all seem to have a common goal.

That is to get rid of the idiot in power and to close our doors on any more imigrants.

Sorry, we are a great nation for moaning and not doing anything about it, As i stated in another post - "its all a case of devide and conquer".

While the scottish, english, Irish and welsh fight and bicker about little things like the nationality of the idiot priminister, then real issues like immagration and what to do with these people goes unaddressed.

Now before you say this topic is a real issue, don't look to blame to fix it, look for the cause.

We are Great Britain, once called the United Kingdom , over the years we have lost bits, lest not lose anymore.
May 31, 2007
Steve, the point i am making (not clearly it seems) is why fight amongst our selves, as we all seem to have a common goal.

That is to get rid of the idiot in power and to close our doors on any more imigrants.

Sorry, we are a great nation for moaning and not doing anything about it, As i stated in another post - "its all a case of devide and conquer".

While the scottish, english, Irish and welsh fight and bicker about little things like the nationality of the idiot priminister, then real issues like immagration and what to do with these people goes unaddressed.

Now before you say this topic is a real issue, don't look to blame to fix it, look for the cause.

We are Great Britain, once called the United Kingdom , over the years we have lost bits, lest not lose anymore.
Diane, please speak for yourself, I absolutely DO NOT share you (edited) views.

And the country is called Great Britain, because that's the name of the islands we live on, nothing to do with Greatness (edited).
May 10, 2007
Going back to the first post.

As we a described as a great nation, why the h--- do have we got a statue of Nelson Mandella.

A Friend took some teenage pupils and some of their French exchange students on a trip to London some years ago. The British children fell about with laughter as the French kids thought Nelson was Napoleon and pointed with glee.

"as if we'd have a foreigner" the Brits told the Franch as they put them straight.

Nelson Mandella seems to be a nice old chap, but statues of him belong in South Africa not Trafalgar Square.

Surely a "Great Nation" could have found a suitable choice of English,Scot or Welsh Icon to fill the empty plynth.
May 29, 2007
P.S. Anti Labour? Last time i looked i was a member of the Labour party Paying fees every month?? must check my wage slip??
May 12, 2006
OK lets split, England, Scotland and Wales.

How, if your English and living in Scotland can you opt to pay tax in either country ??

Your pension will need to come from your own country, what you have paid in the past has been spent.No treasure chest in London with your money in it, waiting for you to retire !!!

NHS you opt for the country you live in ??? no matter your nationality.

National Debt split three ways ?? after all we incurred it when we were United, and we spent the Oil Wealth whilst we were United to !!!

Defence the Free Welsh, and Scottish Army oh and Airforce, along with the English Army.

No matter how you look at it we will all need to be Europeans, because we will need a European Defence Force, otherwise we will start to fight against each other, it's happened before.

Would you be willing to risk YOUR future for the sake of the SNP or Plaid Cymru so they can strut the European Stage as Prime Ministers. You can forget the World Stage that will belong to England, it's size that matters and with 50million + England has it.


A fact by the way, I saw something about the South East getting more than it's fair share of the nations wealth

" Financial services made a net contribution to the UK's export earnings of


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