Interesting Truthful Letter

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Jan 19, 2008
We take in people like Habu Hamza and lots more of his ilk just for them to openly spew their hatred for all we hold dear. They preach their evil out in the streets and in the mosques without fear. They march through the streets with their faces covered declaring *death to the west*, *behead non believers*, *islamise Britain* etc. and what do we do, just watch them and say they have the right to demonstrate.

George, this country isn't only an over-priced, over-crowded, miserable country, it is a sick country in terminal decline.

This is due to not only being governed from afar but also because the majority of the indigenous population stick their heads in the sand, their ar$e$ in the air and pretend it's not happening and if it is it will go away. Another reason is fear, the fear of speaking ones mind because of being labelled a racist, just because one cares for their country. Fear had a lot to do with the population not speaking out in 1930s Nazi Germany.

Frank, civil war will come, not in my time but sooner than you think. Enoch will be proved right.
Jan 19, 2008
Looks like your to late Steve,

You really need to relax, or join the BNP

Braykewynd could be your agent when you stand in the next General Election, that's not an aggressive reply it's just an observation on your remarks.

Australia/NZ are about the only countries left, maybe the USA and Canada but only just.

See what I meant in the post below. It doesn't matter because that's what is to be expected of Frank, he's used the racist/xenophobic terms many times before.
Jan 19, 2008
*Braykewynd could be your agent when you stand in the next General Election, that's not an aggressive reply it's just an observation on your remarks*.

I see when you've lost the plot you are back to your ruse of using cheap insults to gain cheap brownie points Frank ;O)


Nov 12, 2009
Frank, I'm perfectly relaxed thanks. I greatly enjoy debating these topics with you as you obviously do not share my views.

Most of the people that I know do so a good exchange of viewpoints makes a refreshing change. I have no intention of migrating to Canada, New Zealand or anywhere else for that matter, and people who do not subscribe to my views invariably play the BNP far right loony card. I do not take your comments personally as you are absolutely at liberty to hold whatever viewpoint that you wish even though it does not coincide with mine.

The main thrust of my argument however is that in my experience anyone who dissagrees with mass immigration/ multi culturalism is shouted down as a racist, bigot , BNP supporter or whatever.

I rest my case.

Must now retreat in the face of Caroles demands that I come down and have my tea.
Aug 29, 2006
Lord B

I am in toal agreement with your post about the coutry being in terminal decline. However, I still cling on to the hope that sooner rather than later, a political party will wake up , smell the coffee and take a stand to save this country from itself. I dont mean loonies such as the BNP, just someone who will stand up for sanity.

I made a post on an earlier subject about comments made by the Australian PM and members of his cabinet. They have still got the right idea. If you want to live in this country, you must fit in with our culture and way of life. If you dont like it....leave!
Mar 14, 2005
Messrs. Mods 1, 2 & 3 I am afraid that if I was a moderator on this forum I would have pulled the plug on both this topic and the one referring to Gordon Brown. The personality clashes on this forum are becoming very personal and are now, in my opinion, becomeing close to libel/slander. I would suggest that in future any posting which is tending to become either political or religious be pulled and also if a non religious/political topic becomes personal than the whole topic be pulled.

I thought that the intention of this foruum was to be related to one common interest being that of caravanning with a light hearted side under the heading chit chat. A new member reading these postings would wander what the hell they are letting themselves in far. I have had my knuckles rapped a few times and also entered into light hearted chit chat with the likes of Lord B., Dianna, Liz(Cornwall), Plotter and many others but it has always been given and accepted in a friendly manner without the back stabbing we are now having.
May 12, 2006

because we caravan does not mean to say we don't have differing views on varying subjects. So a forum is a forum.

it's health to debate nothing more.

Nov 2, 2005
Did you know your not supposed to say your english in mixed company as this can offend and segregate someone who is not english in group. In fact this applied to saying your british aswell.

Also your not supposed to say ethnic minorities, they should be refered to as their nationality, chinese, japanese, hindu, islam,(i think) I can't tell the difference.

Sod it I'm English with a welsh grandmother.
Mar 14, 2005
Frank I will agree it is good to be able to discuss/debate topics of interest - however the personal bitterness which is evident on this forum is now rediculous and should be stopped. If one cannot say good why speak at all - there is enough troubles in the world without opening a so called "friendly" forum and finding more bad feeling. It is possible to debate without becoming bitter to each other. One man's view may be different to another - SO WHAT? If we were all of the same opinion as dictated to us by a big head who thinks he is ALWAYS right then God help us.
May 12, 2006
All I did was to put my view that a lot of the remarks belong within the BNP which I think is an organisation that has been deemed to be "not a political party" in the normal sense of the meaning.

Sorry I dropped the Lord out of Braykewynde but I looked in Debretts and couldn't find you.

Mods I am being very restrained.I have not put one comment that can be described as aggressive. It would appear to me that if someone does not like someones else's point of view they get put down as a Liberalist. I once got accused of being a racist when I once posted the statement Black on Black crime, a term used by both the Home Secretary and the Head of the London Police Force, Sir Ian Blair.

Frank being good as promised.
Mar 14, 2005
Frank I was not aiming my comments at you - I apologise if you are under that impression. My comments were made as a general observation. As far as the BNP are concerned there is good and bad in us all so whatever your political views are that is up to you (impersonal tense) to believe and discuss in a civilised manner.


Can I suggest we close this one down and start something new? I ddi try to go through the Posts to see what it was all about but got lost totally. I am sure everyone means well, but....
May 12, 2006
Happy with that S L.


Brian don't give up the will to live, it's not as bad as people would have you believe. Every day you wake up is a good day, the day you don't wake Well !!!

Nov 2, 2005
See Frank I have no idea which is religion and nationality.

Except for rasterfairien (so I can't spell either) is a religion.

Is there a plot here, ssssssssssssssssssh.
Jan 19, 2008
Messrs. Mods 1, 2 & 3 I am afraid that if I was a moderator on this forum I would have pulled the plug on both this topic and the one referring to Gordon Brown. The personality clashes on this forum are becoming very personal and are now, in my opinion, becomeing close to libel/slander. I would suggest that in future any posting which is tending to become either political or religious be pulled and also if a non religious/political topic becomes personal than the whole topic be pulled.

I thought that the intention of this foruum was to be related to one common interest being that of caravanning with a light hearted side under the heading chit chat. A new member reading these postings would wander what the hell they are letting themselves in far. I have had my knuckles rapped a few times and also entered into light hearted chit chat with the likes of Lord B., Dianna, Liz(Cornwall), Plotter and many others but it has always been given and accepted in a friendly manner without the back stabbing we are now having.
Sorry colin but you are wrong

Chit Chat.

For non-caravan issues: jokes, trivia, gossip.
Jan 19, 2008
All I did was to put my view that a lot of the remarks belong within the BNP which I think is an organisation that has been deemed to be "not a political party" in the normal sense of the meaning.

Sorry I dropped the Lord out of Braykewynde but I looked in Debretts and couldn't find you.

Mods I am being very restrained.I have not put one comment that can be described as aggressive. It would appear to me that if someone does not like someones else's point of view they get put down as a Liberalist. I once got accused of being a racist when I once posted the statement Black on Black crime, a term used by both the Home Secretary and the Head of the London Police Force, Sir Ian Blair.

Frank being good as promised.
Frank, I don't give a monkeys &*^%$" what you call me, Braykewynde, Windy or LouwesPhart but I do take exception to your remarks when mentioning myself with the BNP. That becomes you I know but when on the riopes please find new material ;O) it's getting old. Now get this in your skull, as from the thread topic, I am not interested in the British National Party but only England and our culture.
Jan 19, 2008
Lord B

I am in toal agreement with your post about the coutry being in terminal decline. However, I still cling on to the hope that sooner rather than later, a political party will wake up , smell the coffee and take a stand to save this country from itself. I dont mean loonies such as the BNP, just someone who will stand up for sanity.

I made a post on an earlier subject about comments made by the Australian PM and members of his cabinet. They have still got the right idea. If you want to live in this country, you must fit in with our culture and way of life. If you dont like it....leave!
Yes I saw that post Ewan and I only wish we had someone with the backbone in this country to speak out the same.
Jan 19, 2008
Blimey Lord B, you took the words right out of my mouth with this posting
One or two of the righteous disagree though robin but that is their prerogative. Unfortunately if one cares about our country, culture, history and how we are in terminal decline one is labelled as racist ... but that's the only ammunition the liberalists have to aim at us.
Jan 19, 2008
See Frank I have no idea which is religion and nationality.

Except for rasterfairien (so I can't spell either) is a religion.

Is there a plot here, ssssssssssssssssssh.
Where have you been smiley, not seen you for ages?


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