More madness

Jan 19, 2008
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Dr. Roisin Ryan-Flood, a researcher at Essex University, has been awarded £82,000 to investigate why Irish gays and lesbians move to London.They also need to know how Irish bi-sexuals are treated once they reach London.

This money is dished out by the Economic and Social Research Council which in turn receives it's funding of £181 million from the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills.

But where do they get their money from? Yes us, the bloody taxpayers.

Dr. Roisin Ryan-Floods research so far consists of investigating lesbian parenthood in Sweden and Ireland. She is also writing a book entitled Lesbian Motherhood:Gender Families and Sexual Citizenship. I can't wait to get my hands on a copy, I bet it's great bedtime reading.

Just think, we are paying millions for this crap to be taught or researched in universities by people like this.
Mar 16, 2005
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Where do you find all this trash?more importantly clearly you have a interest in these subjects.

Do you know what these qualifications mean?


MPhil (TCD)


The lady in question has them,so by reasoning she is far more an expert on many a field than you or i, so what are you going on about? You have no way of knowing how her work will benefit others [and that includes you]and how that meger 80 odd K could lead to greater savings [if money is your only gripe]or better understanding if you look at the greater picture.

Again why do you go looking for this type of thing?It not good for you....
Mar 14, 2005
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perhaps because his taxes and council tax and lottery money is paying for it whilst we are told there is nothing for the countries needy old folk.
Mar 26, 2008
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You don't have to search out stories they are there in front of you in papers and on news sites.

It is a citizens right to question where and how our money is spent and if it the spend is justified and value for money!

Lord B does not put letters behind his name but who has the right to assume that he is not better qualified than Dr. Roisin Ryan-Flood or more intelligent.

Many of theses types of research grants only show results that the average persons common sense would point to.
Mar 16, 2005
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"perhaps because his taxes and council tax and lottery money is paying for it whilst we are told there is nothing for the countries needy old folk".

What a wonderfull story line,that will get the heart strings going! Well perhaps not in my case.

Interestingly i am interested why people do not save more afterall you mention lotery money in your argument,maybe its better that people saved that money rather than expect hand outs!!!!!
Jan 19, 2008
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You beat me to it Ray but gio's post is what everyone has come to expect of him :O)

Just to answer his one point, quote ...

" so what are you going on about? You have no way of knowing how her work will benefit others [and that includes you]"

Pray tell me dear gio how her research, to which I'm paying towards, about Irish gays, lesbians and transexuals who move from Ireland to London, will help me living 150 miles from there.

If the government could be bothered to ask me I would tell them it is because they are more accepted in permissive London than in catholic Dublin. I would charge them
Mar 16, 2005
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LB, unlike you, when i do not know the ins and outs of a subject,i tend to leave well alone.As i have already said,i as do you, have no real idea what this type of study will leed to!

Who knows maybe gays and lesbians have better imune to cancer than do you and i,and if so then cancer research would be happy to knw what it could be thats causes this,and by the sounds of it so would you.

So inconclusion .is it not better to wait and learn rather than jump the gun,and moan.
Jan 19, 2008
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Lmaaaooooooo gio, brilliant, best laugh I've had today. Her Only trouble is I had to explain to Her Ladyship why I burst out laughing and that is too long a chore :O(
Jan 19, 2008
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Ummmm in hindsight I do assume you were joking gio and not being serious. If you are serious I apologise profusely. Just keep taking the medication, all will be well mate ;O)
Aug 25, 2006
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So if the research fails to reach any conclusion that will benefit us all we can expect the money to be repaid then?

What utter,utter tosh.

So the researcher has some letters after her name. Big deal.

My bosses daughter has a B.A in American History (that subject must have taken up all of 20 minutes then) and is truly as thick as a clump of trees and has the literary ability of a lettuce.Yet another product of the "I must go to Uni `cos I don`t want to work" culture.

If their research was worthwhile, industry would be queueing up to pay them for their findings. As they aren`t, it is reasonable to assume the only mugs daft enough to cough up for these complete wasters are the taxpayers.

A pox on them all!
Jan 19, 2008
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Perhaps the treatment for H.I.V. is better in London than in Ireland for gays. Why shouldn't they come here and take advantage of our health service, after all, the world and it's dog does so why not Irish gays?
Mar 16, 2005
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You should have a good laugh LB.

Everytime i see one of these type of post by you,i have a giggle myself and wonder where you found the time to search out such material..Afterall does one not usually do searches of things that interest them,so assume something on that subject was of interest to you?Which bit was of interest to you?

Yes angus,i hear you, and i am sure your daughters boss is thick,but wait a minute somehow he took that thickness and is indeed still "The boss"

But then as far as you are concerned people who go to uni are affraid of work!That could be true,so whos the stupid one?
Mar 16, 2005
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"Perhaps the treatment for H.I.V. is better in London than in Ireland for gays. Why shouldn't they come here and take advantage of our health service, after all, the world and it's dog does so why not Irish gays?"

Are you saying the treatment for gays with hiv is diferent to the treatment of hetro's with hiv?

Does that mean you are ok with hetro irish hivs coming over or is it just your normal bigotted approach that the world owes you and your type something more than what you get!!!!!!!

If so why not found some infected blood,that way you too can enjoy these wonderfull benefits you would deny others........
Mar 14, 2005
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Angus said regarding his Boss's daughter "Yet another product of the "I must go to Uni `cos I don`t want to work" culture".

Gio saw this as "But then as far as you are concerned people who go to uni are affraid of work!"

I don't see that is what Angus said but never mind! Perhaps as Gio says some amazing startling life saving phenomena will be discovered as to why Irish gays and lesbiqns prefer London to Dublin and we shall, except for Gio of course, eat humble pie.
Aug 25, 2006
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Would you care to re-write your paragraph about the bosses daughter so it makes sense please gio, I can`t comment or respond on something which is unintelligible?

No, not everyone who goes to Uni are afraid of work.

I went to school with quite a few who went (many now doctors, solicitors, the odd Law Lord) but I chose not to. A lot ofothers did go so they didn`t have to work, and even more went to teacher training colleage as they weren`t clever enough to go Uni, but were determined to do anything not to work.
Mar 16, 2005
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Well ray,if you read LBs first post,you would see they are paying a doctor to find out that exact reason"why irish gays come to london"

But wait a minute you lot are complaining that someone is being paid to find out the reason!! So can i assume you are more than happy with them coming over? in which case ok it is a waste of money.

But if you are not happy with them coming over,why on earth are you complaining about someone being paid to find out the reason!

And ray here is what angus wrote.

"Yet another product of the "I must go to Uni `cos I don`t want to work" culture."

So do you have some humble pie at hand!!!!!!!!!!
Jan 19, 2008
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Angus said regarding his Boss's daughter "Yet another product of the "I must go to Uni `cos I don`t want to work" culture".

Gio saw this as "But then as far as you are concerned people who go to uni are affraid of work!"

I don't see that is what Angus said but never mind! Perhaps as Gio says some amazing startling life saving phenomena will be discovered as to why Irish gays and lesbiqns prefer London to Dublin and we shall, except for Gio of course, eat humble pie.
Hehheh! somehow I think we are safe ray ;O)
Mar 16, 2005
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Yes angus. So am i to assume the 1.5 million unemployed is made up mostly of the types you mention?

No i doubt it,most of the unemployed are made up of working/ badly educated types who believe society owes them something more than what they can achieve themselves.

Which is the opposite to that uni culture one wants to attack!!
Mar 14, 2005
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gio, of course I do for when "some amazing startling life saving phenomena will be discovered as to why Irish gays and lesbians prefer London to Dublin" as per my post.

You did say in one of yours " Who knows maybe gays and lesbians have better imune to cancer than do you and i,and if so then cancer research would be happy to knw what it could be"

I look forward to the announcement from Cancer Research and will keep the humble pie handy.
Jan 19, 2008
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gio, yet again you miss the point. The point being that not only in this country do we have to take in the scum of the world, murderers, rapists, child traffickers etc. but we also take in whoever wishes to illegally enter the country to get free treatment.

The Freedom of Information Act is open to all and shows that 22% of all births in the UK are of foreigners. In 2006 there were 146,956 of them. How come we are letting all these people come here to give birth when they are closing maternity units and those that are open are shutting the doors and turning people away? Do these people really step onto our shores, sniff the magical air and suddenly become pregnant? If already pregnant why come here seeking work, pretty obvious isn't it gio?
Mar 16, 2005
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LB. i don't care who does or does not want to come here for whatever reason.

For all the negatives you offer there will be double the benefits.

Now if you want to talk about our "whole economy" how it is run or how it is dependant on the city,fine lets do it.

Or if you want to debate "our culture" and its basis on wealth,which seems to take centre stage, then fine,we may even agree.

But usually the things discussed are of little importance,be it a few gays or immigrants ect ect.

Now if you want to talk family values, or respect fine i am happy to listen or take part.

But too many topics border on the "i am not a happy person and need to blame anyone anything" Which is sad,cause there is plenty to be happy about why waste time on the negatives...
Jan 19, 2008
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Quote ... "But too many topics border on the "i am not a happy person and need to blame anyone anything" Which is sad,cause there is plenty to be happy about why waste time on the negatives"

I'm afraid I don't understand the "i am not a happy person and need to blame anyone anything" gio, sorry.

I am happy with myself and what I stand for, the love of my family and country.

What I'm not happy about is the way my country is going and that is why we will never agree.

You see no wrong in illegal immigrants flooding into the country, none of them asylum seekers, just economic refugees hiding under the asylum seeker title because they have more protection under the "human rights act".

You see no wrong in covering the country in concrete and bricks.

You see no wrong in our prison or judical system.

You see no wrong in our corrupt M.P.s who have a licence to print their own money.

You see no wrong in town hall officialdom and waste. Where council taxes are going through the roof to pay the town hall moguls their
Jan 19, 2008
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Nothing to do with their gender, what they do in private is their own business as long as they don't try and touch me up ... hehheh!

The point is/was why should an English university get funding from the likes of me to research why gays/lesbians move from Ireland to London when all they have to do is ask a couple of them.

Surely if you go into a gay bar and hear an Irish accent isn't beyond anyones intelligence to ask if and why they now live in London in preference to Ireland. I think most would know the answer without asking for
Mar 9, 2008
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I say Lord b for parliament , he's got my vote , even got my sense of humour . If only Gio could understand that .

ENGLISH and proud of it STEVE.


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