Paul, go the whole hog, tell them you want to research warm beer at the same time and they'll double it toI'm planning on submitting an application for a grant to study into why 28 year old blokes don't like flat beer.
About 50 grand should do. I plan to spend a year roaming from pub to pub to consume a pint in each one then when I get a flat pint I will write my feelings down in a diary and at the end of the year I will write up a conclusion and submit it to a university for analysis.
Perhaps this vital information will assist pubs chains to stop serving flat beer (and therefore reduce the mount of wastage) and save the pub industry millions of pounds in lost beer every year.
I might even accidentally cure cancer in doing this - you never know.
It's worth a bloody try isn't it?
They'll grant money for any old crap these days!
Paul, go the whole hog, tell them you want to research warm beer at the same time and they'll double it to
If you do get funding for it and need an assistant contact me at Screwemm Hall.sod it - i'm gonna do research into which country breeds women with the firmest breasts
Someone's bound to need to know and give me a few quid.
I'm not sure the wife will be too pleased tho
Nothing to do with their gender, what they do in private is their own business as long as they don't try and touch me up ... hehheh!
The point is/was why should an English university get funding from the likes of me to research why gays/lesbians move from Ireland to London when all they have to do is ask a couple of them.
Surely if you go into a gay bar and hear an Irish accent isn't beyond anyones intelligence to ask if and why they now live in London in preference to Ireland. I think most would know the answer without asking for
Thanks Mel.Hi Lord B. I'm not trying to alter your opinion and I am staying out of your debate with gio. But you might be interested to know that there has been research on the outcomes for children adopted by gay and lesbian couples and this showed that these children did as well as (and sometimes better than)children adopted by straight couples. Equally children adopted by gay couples were no more likely to be gay themselves than children brought up in straight families. Children born to a gay parent are more likely to be gay themselves as homosexuality has a biological basis. Best wishes
Well I'm only His Windyship(no letters after name) Lisa so I wouldn't know either. What I do know is I would risk having my head ripped off for
Actually allowing gay and lesbian people to adopt is not a new occurrence. The last Children and Adoption Act(2005?) was portrayed that way by the media. Prior to this act the problem was not about being gay but being unmarried. When a married couple got an adoption order they both got legal parental responsibility. When an unmarried couple whether gay or straight wanted to adopt, the adoption order was made in the name of only one of the couple and the other partner got parental responsibility by then applying for a residence order. The most recent adoption and children act changed that so an adoption order could be made in the name of both unmarried partners. The issue was about being unmarried but the media portrayed it as a gay issue. We have placed children with gay couples for a long time before the adoption and children act, it is just legally more elegant now.Thanks Mel.
I really don't know how they came to that conclusion considering allowing gays to adopt is only a recent occurrence.
Whether the child will grow up to be gay/lesbian if adopted by them I don't know but I do think it's wrong to adopt small children who can have no say in the matter. :O)
I'm planning on submitting an application for a grant to study into why 28 year old blokes don't like flat beer.
About 50 grand should do. I plan to spend a year roaming from pub to pub to consume a pint in each one then when I get a flat pint I will write my feelings down in a diary and at the end of the year I will write up a conclusion and submit it to a university for analysis.
Perhaps this vital information will assist pubs chains to stop serving flat beer (and therefore reduce the mount of wastage) and save the pub industry millions of pounds in lost beer every year.
I might even accidentally cure cancer in doing this - you never know.
It's worth a bloody try isn't it?
They'll grant money for any old crap these days!