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Mar 16, 2005
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dave, in a way you are right, but what am i to think? LB and colin and a few others post their opinions,of which there are pionts of view i agree with and some i disagree with.

At the same time one or two others,come in off the side lines and it seems there intention are clearly aimed directly at me without any relevence to the topics being debated..humourous or not i will debate a point on any issue i am posting on,be it in disagreement or for further clarity,and i can and do keep it to a lightened level of sorts.

now you have just posted this....

"You're too touchy,Gio. I've apologised to Damian and I'll apologise to you for calling you a knob. But you take things too personally.

Lighten up old chap"

and with all due respect, i did not go off on one,i merely responded in kind,and then you lost it, in other words you took it too personel.
Dec 9, 2007
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Gio. Just look back at my first post. Read it in context to the previous posts on 'gays,lesbians,hetros,etc... and you must see that it was relevant at the time.

Your reply did not go over my head, though I fear that my follow up may have struck a nerve as you resorted to insults.

Anyway lifes too short for all this,Gio.I'm off for a pint.

Sep 10, 2007
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I'm now planning on conducting research into whether or not it is possible to run a power station on sticks successfully removed from certain peoples bottoms - i'm sure a blind former butcher could do that.

....or on some of the hot air spoken in this thread hehe.
Nov 7, 2005
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...good thought paul. come on guys, only eight to go for the ton up. never in the field of Forum warfare has so much been written - largely by just two people agreed, and largely off-subject - about such a miniscule and insignificant (in the great scheme of things) subject...keep going guys, your audience awaits with baited breath (not)...
Mar 14, 2005
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Paul under the Freedom of Information law can I be so bold as to ask you how much you are being paid for carrying out your research. My only interest is if it is mega-bucks then I could start another posting on this forum similar to this so as to have another open debate on the supposedly value of the research.
Mar 14, 2005
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Ray must be long sticks to span the Irish sea and also Wales (God's chosen country). Also think of the carbon footprint here. Paul I suggest you do not go down Ray's line of thought unless they have already landed and settled in London. You will have to wait for the doctor's research to be published prior to going down that route. You could end up being the only person to read her reports - if you are could you come back and give us all a precised account of her findings.
Jan 19, 2008
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The scores so far .....


His Windyship....30 but after this post 31 :O)

now shush Colyn ap Brydgynd and ray else you'll be catching us up ;O)

What I do find strange is that Colinn as bothered to read all the posts to find that they are "largely off-subject - about such a miniscule and insignificant (in the great scheme of things) subject.."

...who had the gun to your head Colinn ;O)

BTW ray, good joke about the Irish bottoms .. lmaooo. I nearly spit my coffee out. For those who fail to grasp the joke refer to the original topic :O)
Nov 7, 2005
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careful colin, you're in serious danger of bringing this back on subject - it cd start 'em off again on another 50 posts, gawd help us...
Mar 14, 2005
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Getting back to the serious discussion on the study as to why "Irish gays and lesbians move to London". Is there a larger percentage within that catergory than of hetrosexual Irish people who do the same?
Nov 7, 2005
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The scores so far .....


His Windyship....30 but after this post 31 :O)

now shush Colyn ap Brydgynd and ray else you'll be catching us up ;O)

What I do find strange is that Colinn as bothered to read all the posts to find that they are "largely off-subject - about such a miniscule and insignificant (in the great scheme of things) subject.."

...who had the gun to your head Colinn ;O)

BTW ray, good joke about the Irish bottoms .. lmaooo. I nearly spit my coffee out. For those who fail to grasp the joke refer to the original topic :O)
true, your lordship, no-one had a gun to my head thank god - if they had, I might have been tempted to have told them to pull the trigger...heh, heh, as you say...!!!
Jan 19, 2008
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That's a hard question ray, I wouldn't even think Dr. Roisin Ryan-Flood could answer that.

If you like I can have words with colleagues in the upper house, Lord Tarzan for example, and maybe get you funding to research that question.

How does


Mar 14, 2005
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I can't answer your question but can only comment that looking things up on the web regarding gay and lesbian Irish people, there appears to be a thriving gay and lesbian community in Ireland. Contrary (sp) to English public perception.

Why have a number of gay and lesbian people moved to London, who knows, maybe Dr. Roisin Ryan-Flood will now be able to tell us. I for one, would like to know and don't mind a little bit of my tax payment going to pay for the research.

Mar 26, 2008
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Mr Gioavani seems to boast about how much tax he and his wife pay but wants to deny other tax payers the right to question where and how their taxes are spent and distributed. Pensioners and families whose finances are stretched due to the UK tax burden created by our leave the doors open Government.

Giovani like many in government and positions of wealth and a good standard of living seems to be far far out of touch with the reality of every day life.

We are gastigated for questioning the validity of the good lady docs research whilst the government own most up to date research in to inward migration poor Gio disregards or suggests as being twisted!

Sorry Mr Giovani, above is factual up to date research.

When questioning Gay and Immigration issues we should not forget how many migrate here to rob the health service for HIV and other treatments due to their promiscuous ways in their homelands. What benefit these people bring to the UK is beyond people living in the real UK world. Exactly how many do come here with expensive health issues whilst claiming to benefit our treasury funds.

Traditional Brits are expected to accept others ways, whilst inbred immigrants cost Health and Education services millions with their bygone ways and sell their young daughters in to arranged marriages that result in rape and what borders on peadophilia.

Where as many Brits marry partners from other beliefs and backgrounds whilst immigrants do all they can do create barriers with the people in the country they settle in and prevent mixed marriages. Zenophobia and pedjudice is alive and well and found mainly in immigrants and it is about time people in this country took that on board.

At days end dreamers are fairly harmless after all, leave them to their imaginary world!
Dec 9, 2007
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Well put Sadie.

Don't you think that part of the problem with a government manned, and womanned, by a band of naive, worldly unwise socialists, is just that. They ARE worldly naive, have come straight from education into politics, bypassing the working world.

They simply don't see things the same as the working man or woman.



Mar 14, 2005
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Well put Sadie.

Don't you think that part of the problem with a government manned, and womanned, by a band of naive, worldly unwise socialists, is just that. They ARE worldly naive, have come straight from education into politics, bypassing the working world.

They simply don't see things the same as the working man or woman.

Get back to the coal mines then, oh, silly me, Mrs Thatcher finished them off
Mar 26, 2008
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You are correct Lisa in that not evryone with HIV is promiscuous, but sadly many from Africa and third world countries have HIV due to others promiscuous ways and the denial that HIV is a problem and ways to prevent the spread of it should be used.

That is fact and is not nasty.
Mar 26, 2008
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Well put Sadie.

Don't you think that part of the problem with a government manned, and womanned, by a band of naive, worldly unwise socialists, is just that. They ARE worldly naive, have come straight from education into politics, bypassing the working world.

They simply don't see things the same as the working man or woman.

Even one of their own ministers is saying that Dave. Maybe he's a Trol ;


Nov 12, 2009
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Maybe this thread should be subtitled Much Ado About Nothing.

Contributers to this thread should read Forum etiquette by opening the link in the blue header box with particular attention to rules 1 and 3

Thank You
Mar 26, 2008
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It seems Ironic that this section has run through a day with news that even her Maj the Queen has cancelled her Diamond Wedding celebrations because of the state of the UK economy and GMTV this morning is hi-lighting how families are struggling with low pay and minimal salary increases that are outstripped by price increases.

Some may live silver lined lives in silver lined homes and caravans, many others pay to high a cost for Governments inconsiderate spending and the ever growing head count.

Birth control and cut family size was the way a few years ago and is now replaced by let anyone invade our shores, take our jobs and benefits of UK living.

If we needed more people why were we not encouraged to breed our own.

Young unmarried mums our still looked down on, they are adding to the head count so what's the problem if we are expected to embrace the immigration trends.


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