I have enjoyed reading the majority of threads here,although i believe that a visit to spec savers is in order for a few,[they do some good offers so i am told]
Strange how some try to use statistics [distorted facts] to back thenselves up!
So immigration [somehow i knew the thread would go this way "always does]
costs us more than they contribute, really.
So stupidyly we all voted in governments over and over again full of MPs with economical advises who were blantantly thick,and we the general public were blantantly thick to keep voting them in,again,again,again and yet again!
"Same old bigoted rubbish" Which is repeated every decade or so when there is a large influx of immigrants.Happened when the Irish came over in their drolls,they were tinkers and holigans and low lifes as far as the uneducated natives were concerned,those who know sweet FA about economics of life further then there own selfish shortsighted needs! although,they had an excuss,no spec savers springs to mind.
Same rubbish happened in the 50s with the caribean natives coming here,then the same again in the 60s with european migrants,then the asian migrants of the late 60s early 70s.
Everytime they were blamed for societies woes! LB moans that its ok as long as they intigrate!
Well funny that,as the low lifes do just that,they intigrate along the same lines as the native low lifes! so what are you moaning about,you are getting intrigration are you not!
A lot seem to think there is a diference between those times and these.You seem to live in a dream world where if these newer immigrants were not let in, life would be so much rosier!
Crime would disapear overnight! the yobs would disapear from off the streets,waiting times on the NHS would be dramatically reduced! Drugs abuse would become a thing of the past.
OH and this is the funny bit, you would somehow be better off!!
I keep hearing "its my taxes that pay for this that and the other" Jesus you must pay some taxes! me i pay 40% as does my wife,we have to it makes no diference to what the social or economical climate is we ALL have to pay taxes,so why on earth some seem to make a graduer speech concerning "it their tax money" Like they are the only ones who pay the dam thing.
And if money is such an issue,and you seem to resent immigrants using "our nhs" or the few percentage wise of immigrants who "rip us off" using "our dhss" Then why do you not resent ALL persons that do this to the same thing.
Maybe i should resent the fact that we ALL get the same treatment from the NHS or DHSS,no matter how much tax we individualy pay!
Or that i get the same basic services,as someone whos taxes are a fifth of mine! thats not fare, i pay my taxes,surely i should not be subsidising others to such a grand amount! and maybe there are others who pay some much more in taxes than any of us.
Should they not get far far better services for the input?
Afterall if its OK for some to get on their soapboxes and moan what happens concerning the use of their taxes, then maybe i should moan too that my tax contribution is far greater,so i should have a greater say than them.
Afterall thats what you are really saying and that is, its a dog eat dog society.
Dont like it? then change it,but look closer to home for someone to blame...