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Jan 19, 2008
Even the breeds of dog they go for Lisa says a lot, usually the smaller breeds, mostly lap dogs.

If you showed me a dog I could tell within minutes if it was a gays dog.
Mar 26, 2008
To help Giovani we should all take in the research that is due out in a report next week!

"Each migrant is only worth 28p A WEEK" That's about
Jan 19, 2008
Exactly Sadie but gio believes immigration in general is good for us. He does agree(yes true) that illegal immigration is bad.

If you want my personal feelings on it, I don't mind the Poles coming, mostly they are law abiding and will integrate. I don't want people here who cost us money, have no intention of work, only criminality and those peoples are coming from the Balkans and North Africa. I also don't want people here who, through religion or whatever, are not willing to integrate, expect us to change to their customs/practices/culture/laws.

This is Britain, no longer Great but still my country, and if they are not willing to change they should all sod off to whence they came ;O)


Mar 14, 2005
LB - I'm not sure if I can agree with you on that. I do have a friend who is gay and shows and breeds affenpinschers but he also breeds and shows spaniels. Someone I met last year (who was featured on the BBC Crufts programmes) shows and breeds St Bernards and he's gay.

I once bought a cross shire horse from a guy in Derbyshire and he was gay. If he was to fit your profile, he would be breeding section A ponies.

If you look at the results for toy's for this years Crufts, with he exception of Japanese Chin, the big winners are maily owned by women:



Dog challence

***** Challence

Reserve dog

Reserve *****


this is my friends dog (sadly his brother died)




Mar 26, 2008
Well this research just show that even Giovani is wrong.

Immigrants are bleeding this country dry and the extra head count is responsible for overcrowding, congestion and environmental concerns.

Countries such as Iceland who have virtually no immigration issues do just fine.

There is also the follwing from a Labour minister.

"A SENIOR minister has launched a devastating attack on the government for ignoring hard-working Brits-and says Labour is set to LOSE the next election"

"With the PM 13 points behind David Cameron in the opinion polls, Mr Lewis warns: "We are too often silent on the daily realities facing hard-working families.

"The government is losing touch with what fairness means to the mainstream majority."

Mr Lewis says the public wants:

POLICIES on crime and poverty ahead of global warming.

TEN years in prison for people carrying guns and knives.

FOREIGN criminals to be deported immediately.

A GOVERNMENT that fights for people's rights if they are ripped off."

And no doubt "ripped off" applies to immigrant asyllum seekers and so called economic migrants who cost us
Jan 19, 2008
Well I can prove you wrong Lisa ,sorry. Just leave the dog with me for a few minutes.

All I have to do is offer it a biscuit and if it raises a limp paw and goes "bowsy wowsy" I will know straight away.
Mar 16, 2005
I have enjoyed reading the majority of threads here,although i believe that a visit to spec savers is in order for a few,[they do some good offers so i am told]

Strange how some try to use statistics [distorted facts] to back thenselves up!

So immigration [somehow i knew the thread would go this way "always does]

costs us more than they contribute, really.

So stupidyly we all voted in governments over and over again full of MPs with economical advises who were blantantly thick,and we the general public were blantantly thick to keep voting them in,again,again,again and yet again!

"Same old bigoted rubbish" Which is repeated every decade or so when there is a large influx of immigrants.Happened when the Irish came over in their drolls,they were tinkers and holigans and low lifes as far as the uneducated natives were concerned,those who know sweet FA about economics of life further then there own selfish shortsighted needs! although,they had an excuss,no spec savers springs to mind.

Same rubbish happened in the 50s with the caribean natives coming here,then the same again in the 60s with european migrants,then the asian migrants of the late 60s early 70s.

Everytime they were blamed for societies woes! LB moans that its ok as long as they intigrate!

Well funny that,as the low lifes do just that,they intigrate along the same lines as the native low lifes! so what are you moaning about,you are getting intrigration are you not!

A lot seem to think there is a diference between those times and these.You seem to live in a dream world where if these newer immigrants were not let in, life would be so much rosier!

Crime would disapear overnight! the yobs would disapear from off the streets,waiting times on the NHS would be dramatically reduced! Drugs abuse would become a thing of the past.

OH and this is the funny bit, you would somehow be better off!!

I keep hearing "its my taxes that pay for this that and the other" Jesus you must pay some taxes! me i pay 40% as does my wife,we have to it makes no diference to what the social or economical climate is we ALL have to pay taxes,so why on earth some seem to make a graduer speech concerning "it their tax money" Like they are the only ones who pay the dam thing.

And if money is such an issue,and you seem to resent immigrants using "our nhs" or the few percentage wise of immigrants who "rip us off" using "our dhss" Then why do you not resent ALL persons that do this to the same thing.

Maybe i should resent the fact that we ALL get the same treatment from the NHS or DHSS,no matter how much tax we individualy pay!

Or that i get the same basic services,as someone whos taxes are a fifth of mine! thats not fare, i pay my taxes,surely i should not be subsidising others to such a grand amount! and maybe there are others who pay some much more in taxes than any of us.

Should they not get far far better services for the input?

Afterall if its OK for some to get on their soapboxes and moan what happens concerning the use of their taxes, then maybe i should moan too that my tax contribution is far greater,so i should have a greater say than them.

Afterall thats what you are really saying and that is, its a dog eat dog society.

Dont like it? then change it,but look closer to home for someone to blame...
Mar 16, 2005
Paul wrote.

"I'm planning on submitting an application for a grant to study into why 28 year old blokes don't like flat beer.

About 50 grand should do. I plan to spend a year roaming from pub to pub to consume a pint in each one then when I get a flat pint I will write my feelings down in a diary and at the end of the year I will write up a conclusion and submit it to a university for analysis.

Perhaps this vital information will assist pubs chains to stop serving flat beer (and therefore reduce the mount of wastage) and save the pub industry millions of pounds in lost beer every year.

I might even accidentally cure cancer in doing this - you never know.

It's worth a bloody try isn't it?

They'll grant money for any old crap these days!"

Assuming you have a doctrate,and its in that general sphere,then why not.

Yet i doubt that to be the case,and really that shows the level of somes understanding.I mean whats the point in people going on to further education and doing university degrees and then doctrates,if any old fool can actually do the same thing to the same level of understanding with out the proper expertize!!

Who knows one day you may be lucky enough to find you are on a operating table,with a blind man about to open you up..Don't worry though,he was a butcher once so he knows what he is doing!!
Jan 19, 2008
Well, I'm not going to attempt to answer that diatribe gio because inspite of your blurb regarding " i believe that a visit to spec savers is in order for a few,they do some good offers so i am told" I scrolled the thread and see that you are the only one with your point of view. What does that say gio?

As usual everyone else is wrong and only gio is right as in all other threads in this forum.

I must admit I admire your compassion for the under-priviledged of the world and your belief that no matter what happens with this country we should be grateful for what we have, no matter how bad it gets through misguided policies by stupid law makers along with their minority pressure groups who all seem to be headed by immigrants or those with Marxist philosophies.
Mar 16, 2005
LB, I am the only one that posts with that view point,but that does not mean i am the only one that has that view point.

More importantly,being as this is a discussion by amateurs,then majority opinion bares no likeness to what is right and what is wrong!

But while we are on the subject of right and wrong,and culture and intigrating ect,ect.

Why is it that you like to use the word "our culture" and "intigrating" together to discribe what immigrants should be doing to be accepted, when infact you seem to miss out that "our culture" is now dominated by booze! binge drinking and all that that brings?

Nothing to be proud of yet it seems to be a insignificant thing,if one is to follow your regular thoughts to moan about?

Maybe you could come up with some stats and money values,as to how much and how often this "GREAT BRITISH CULTURAL ICONIC VALUE" [BINGE DRINKING,BOOZY TEENAGERS ECT ECT] actually costs us ?

I know the NHS sees it as more of a problem than immigrants!,based on the numbers being treated in casuilty.

Companies are more concerned about it too,based on days lost at work.

Most of society is more concerned with the drunken yobs on the street corners,than immigrants getting free NHS!

Do you want me to go on?

I said look closer to home, i should have said once you have been to spec savers.......
Mar 16, 2005
LB quoted

"Well, I'm not going to attempt to answer that"

I wonder why that is,its not like you to be caught short.

LB quoted

"As usual everyone else is wrong and only gio is right as in all other threads in this forum"

Be original for once,thats the third time i recall you using that defeated statement, used to deflect from the fact one cannot argue the point being put infront of instead tries to be witty to deflect they cannot found anything in the sun newpaper to use as support......
Jan 19, 2008
LB quoted

"Well, I'm not going to attempt to answer that"

I wonder why that is,its not like you to be caught short.

LB quoted

"As usual everyone else is wrong and only gio is right as in all other threads in this forum"

Be original for once,thats the third time i recall you using that defeated statement, used to deflect from the fact one cannot argue the point being put infront of instead tries to be witty to deflect they cannot found anything in the sun newpaper to use as support......
"defeated statement"..... Heh heh! gio. You are funny ;O)
Jan 3, 2007
Giovanni wrote:

"Are you saying the treatment for gays with hiv is diferent to the treatment of hetro's with hiv?"

A strange comment? particularly as the use of the word "Gay" continues to confuse! The original definition of the word is not associated with homosexuals at all!

And, surely if it is okay to call hetrosexuals "hetro's" then homosexuals should be regarded as "homo's"

Or is it that the word "Gay" is used in this context as an attempt to soften the attitude and to make homosexuality more acceptable?
Mar 16, 2005

Thats interesting,the fact you quote me!

why do you quote me? why not quote the original post where the term was used first?

ok i will.

LB quoted

"Dr. Roisin Ryan-Flood, a researcher at Essex University, has been awarded
Jan 3, 2007
Geovanni wrote: Thats interesting,the fact you quote me!

Oh so you did'nt make the direct comparison between "gays" and "Hetro's" then, silly me!

I must have read your post incorrectly. I thought you said it! Show me where LB made the comparison?

On a second reading, yes, it was definately you who chose to use the word "hetro's" to describe hetrosexuals but conversly you used the softer, less confrontational "gay" word to describe "homosexuals". Not consistent with your approach to the subect me thinks.

Perhaps the "gay" word should be removed from our vocabulary altogether and revert to using the word homosexual. I'm sure homo's won't mind at all. I'm also sure hetrosexuals don't mind being called hetro's.
Mar 16, 2005
"defeated statement"..... Heh heh! gio. You are funny ;O)

I can be LB,but the fact remains the term "always right" is only used by people who have nothing else to offer on a subject,so use this useless term to somehow try to justify it as a proper response. in reality its only used be those that actually think, they cannot be wrong.

Note. i don't use the term ever.......
Mar 16, 2005
Actually, i used the shortest terms for both,the easiest ones to spell. But you know that already don't you,and most people who try to read my posts would accept that as being a far better approach than using even more mis spelt words!

Thats also why i found your remark interesting,as you have nothing to say on any of the subject matter,only on the aspect of the use of softer words.

Which incidentally is no bad think,afterall this is me using the softer approach.

I am sure you can appreciate that?

"Perhaps the "gay" word should be removed from our vocabulary altogether and revert to using the word homosexual. I'm sure homo's won't mind at all. I'm also sure hetrosexuals don't mind being called hetro's."

Does not bother me one way or another, but either you are badly misinformed,or have been hiding in the closet,as i believe homosexuals actually like the term "GAY" ie gay pride march!!!!

Never the less you views are indeed interesting,again i use the softning approach,see i well it works!!!!!!!!!!
Mar 14, 2005
I would have thought it is b****y obvious why there is an influx of bi-sexuals, homosexuals, lesbians, foreigners, etc. to this country and London in particular. It is because this country is a soft touch in all aspects of life for all members of society except for the original British hetrosexual family orientated person. If you are fortunate to be able to hold your head up high and claim to be a member of the true British hetrosexual society you are castigated and ignored. Why waste this money on a looney report when there are many deserving causes that are cash strapped such as health, education, police, etc. It is the mind of the minority idiots once again dictating to the rank and file honest citizen.

As far as her books/publications are concerned who will read them?
Jan 3, 2007
giovanni wrote:

Does not bother me one way or another, but either you are badly misinformed,or have been hiding in the closet,as i believe homosexuals actually like the term "GAY" ie gay pride march!!!!

I'm either badly informed or i'm mis-informed, surely I can't be badly misinformed? And, No i've never been in the closet.

Call a spade a spade is my motto. Homo's do get upset if they are called that but they like the "Gay" word which, by the way, is traditionally a girls name and has nothing at all to do with homosexuality.

So in the words of our dear departed Larry Grayson - you have a Gay Day gio.
Mar 16, 2005
I hear you colin, Its about time we got rid of all those what did you say oh yes "of bi-sexuals, homosexuals, lesbians, foreigners, etc. to this country and London in particular"

But you should have carried on with this quote" "It is the mind of the minority idiots once again" That would have made it much better.

Lets all be thankfull,that it will not happen,yes thats right thankfull,because once again bigotry comes to the forefront and intellect is left behind.

Off hand do you know how many of those types you blame for everything are billionaires,high flyers in more ways than one,in charge of your banking, employment,investment.? No.

So lets hope it never comes to fruit,otherwise you lot could actually be moaning because you have no life, no money no jobs and no future. Live and let live is clearly something that past you by.
Jan 19, 2008
I would have thought it is b****y obvious why there is an influx of bi-sexuals, homosexuals, lesbians, foreigners, etc. to this country and London in particular. It is because this country is a soft touch in all aspects of life for all members of society except for the original British hetrosexual family orientated person. If you are fortunate to be able to hold your head up high and claim to be a member of the true British hetrosexual society you are castigated and ignored. Why waste this money on a looney report when there are many deserving causes that are cash strapped such as health, education, police, etc. It is the mind of the minority idiots once again dictating to the rank and file honest citizen.

As far as her books/publications are concerned who will read them?
gio probably will :O)
Jun 14, 2007
Here is the reason in short its a much larger playing field and also less likely to be seen or possibly disapproved of by somebody you might know.Now everybody for Gods sake get back to the issue at hand "caravaning" and stop having a go at each other. luke
Mar 16, 2005
"Perhaps the "gay" word should be removed from our vocabulary altogether and revert to using the word homosexual. I'm sure homo's won't mind at all..

"Homo's do get upset if they are called that"

Make your mind up, both statements cannot be true,does that mean you were lying.sorry thats the wrong approach calling a spade a spade.

no what i meant was are you trying to use misinformation.....there thats the soft approach again...


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