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Mar 16, 2005
Here is the reason in short its a much larger playing field and also less likely to be seen or possibly disapproved of by somebody you might know.Now everybody for Gods sake get back to the issue at hand "caravaning" and stop having a go at each other. luke

you are of course right.....
Jan 19, 2008
The word originally meant "carefree", "happy", or "bright and showy" and was very commonly used with this meaning in speech and literature.

The first name Gay is still occasionally encountered, usually as a female name although the spelling is often altered to Gaye. (Thanks for proving Mal right gio) ;O)

In earlier usage, the word meant "carefree", "happy", or "bright and showy", though this usage is infrequent today.

Why? because of it's connotations with homosexuality.

In other words it was a nice happy word stolen to mean something entirely different around 1970.
Jan 19, 2008
luke my old mate, I realise you are new to the forum so have some points to learn.

I ask you, what is this forum called? Is it not ...


For non-caravan issues: jokes, trivia, gossip?

Exactly, so why would we be talking caravans under this forum?

It's simple luke, if it offends your senses don't read it. One newbie person even asked His Moddyship to close Chit Chat down because it offended him but who was holding a gun to his head and making him click the mouse to have a look :O)

See my point luke?
Jun 14, 2007
Lord Braykewynde all valid points your perfectly right,however im not offended i just hate to see people having a pop off each other and get upset over something that is beyond their control ,was just trying to restore a little harmony and yes i do realise it is a chatting forum.Im now quietly skulking back to the other forums. luke
Mar 16, 2005
"The word originally meant "carefree", "happy", or "bright and showy" and was very commonly used with this meaning in speech and literature.

The first name Gay is still occasionally encountered, usually as a female name although the spelling is often altered to Gaye. (Thanks for proving Mal right gio) ;O)

In earlier usage, the word meant "carefree", "happy", or "bright and showy", though this usage is infrequent today.

Why? because of it's connotations with homosexuality.

In other words it was a nice happy word stolen to mean something entirely different around 1970."

Nice to know my link was of use to you.. he,he,he,he....
Jan 19, 2008
No not arguing, just debating points because gio's opinions and observations on the state of this land seem to differ to others mostly. He sees this "wonderful" country and how it is going in a different way to most. I'm sure most of us debate with gio in the hope that he can convert us and see that the "Great" is still in front of Britain :O) then we won't worry what we leave behind for our grandchildren.
Mar 16, 2005

just noticed something, "Les Bian"

I think i've got it,male homosexuals,like the referance gays,

Female homosexuals like the term lesbians,which is still along word so maybe LB could be used to replace it.

So we end up with gays and LBs..........
Mar 16, 2005
"No not arguing, just debating points because gio's opinions and observations on the state of this land seem to differ to others mostly. He sees this "wonderful" country and how it is going in a different way to most. I'm sure most of us debate with gio in the hope that he can convert us and see that the "Great" is still in front of Britain :O) then we won't worry what we leave behind for our grandchildren"

Thats all well and good, but why worry about what you are leaving your grandchildren, if by the very fact you simple ignore the greater threat of our society and thats the boozy youth culture,the culture of kids having everything given to them on a plate!

Afterall whatever you leave if this issue is not tackled,they are only going to piss it up the wall and say is that it!!!!!!!!
Dec 9, 2007
Been following this thread from minute one.Brilliant!

One point Gio; why close your last post " he, he, he, he....

why genderise it this way. Why not use the female equivalent?

Your slip's showing Gio!

Mar 16, 2005
dave&dee.. only slip showing must be yours, HE,HE,HE, a term LB is famous for using,so wonder why your remark is aimed at me,when its clearly me just having a retort at LB !
Dec 9, 2007
Nice attempt at a parry,Gio. But I think you'll find LB's term is "heh,heh,heh". Read his posts.

Mar 14, 2005
Luke in my posting I was not having a "go" at any individual member of the forum, I was merely having a go at the fringe looney left of society who think they are right, right and right again and that us "natural" level headed members of society are wrong and have been wrong for donkey's years.

Perhaps Hitler was right in some of his thoughts for an ideal world. I am not saying I agree with all his policies but he may have had one or two good points in trying to establish a "perfect" race for the better of mankind. Unfortunately it will never end up as UTOPIA as it is impossible to please everybody all of the time. However if some top level brass running industry/country, etc fall into the catergory of being bi-sexual/homosexual, what they do in their private life is up to them as long as they can differentiate between their working committments and their private life and do not allow thier private affairs affect the well being of either the country or industry. Surely they are answerable to either the electorate or shareholders and should follow the needs as set out by the majority.
Jan 19, 2008
Luke in my posting I was not having a "go" at any individual member of the forum, I was merely having a go at the fringe looney left of society who think they are right, right and right again and that us "natural" level headed members of society are wrong and have been wrong for donkey's years.

Perhaps Hitler was right in some of his thoughts for an ideal world. I am not saying I agree with all his policies but he may have had one or two good points in trying to establish a "perfect" race for the better of mankind. Unfortunately it will never end up as UTOPIA as it is impossible to please everybody all of the time. However if some top level brass running industry/country, etc fall into the catergory of being bi-sexual/homosexual, what they do in their private life is up to them as long as they can differentiate between their working committments and their private life and do not allow thier private affairs affect the well being of either the country or industry. Surely they are answerable to either the electorate or shareholders and should follow the needs as set out by the majority.
"I was merely having a go at the fringe looney left of society who think they are right, right and right again" Be nice to gio Colyn ap Brydgynd ... heh heh!
Mar 16, 2005
Colin, you are almost verging on selected breeding!and all the woes that it brings with it! In hitlers world the was no place for the likes of noel coward, oscar wilde, just to name two.nor was there any place for disabled people! i am outrage,what out and out bigotery..........

I am having trouble believing you said that or mentioned hitler as have done something right where humanty is concerned!!

Mar 16, 2005
"Don't flatter yourself Gio, your not that clever!


How original is that!Yet another clique!

How clever i am is not of issue,certainly as yet you have brought nothing to this thread that suggest any intellegent thought.

Yet i am Clever enough to see your backhanded attempt to involve yourself in this debate without actually having anything to add to the debate itself.

I can see when someone is deceptively looking to have a go, so to speak...

so go on then say something original! or make a comment on the actual debate.please flatter yourself....
Mar 14, 2005
I have not said that Hitler was right - I said that perhaps Hitler was right. Anyway who is to say that his ways were wrong - it is just an opinion of, presumably you, and many others of a similar mind, others may be of a different mind. I have very little thought on the topic as I am a firm believer that histoy cannot be changed and we should look forward towards a peaceful world. As far as Noel Coward, Oscar Wilde, Dylan Thomas, etc. would the world have been worse off without them? I doubt it very much for apart from their writing/acting ability I cannot see how the world has benefitted by their lives. Apart from being homosexuals they were all alcoholics - how does that help society I cannot see?

Disabled people, whether born in that state or become disabled through life, have a far greater right to society and respect, in my opinion, than alcoholic homosexuals - but there again as I say it is purely my opinion and you might say different and you have the right to differ - free world so far. Up until this posting I have kept a free mind but I must object when another person living in a democratic society attempts to tell me that my opinion, for what it is worth, is wrong and theirs is correct - could be leading to dictatorship and not freedom of speech. Brainwashing springs to mind in this instance and if we did not agree then it would be long term prison or the firing squad as in Zimbabwe at present.


Mar 14, 2005
Ok folks, this topic is getting to be bordering on the point of no return.

Calm it down or just ignore the provocative posts.
Jan 19, 2008
Quote from gio ... "dear mod,clarity is needed, please help me out. Is it ok to use the term "nob" or not"

I don't see anyone calling anyone that gio but I suppose it depends on what is growing out of ones head ... heh heh!
Jan 19, 2008
Quote from Moddy Damian ... "Calm it down or just ignore the provocative posts".

If that was the case we would all have to put gio on iggy. If we did that the rest would all agree with each other and we wouldn't have a debate :O)


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